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Chapter 6

Antonio shouldn’t have pulled her into his arms. He wasn’t usually the affectionate type, but her panic had cut to his core. And now that he held her, he was reluctant to let go. Her fist squeezed his shirt, and he felt her body tremble. His arms tightened.

“Mommy, you can have the rest of my chocolate milkshake.”

“You’re giving up your chocolate milkshake?” Antonio asked. “Wow. You must really love your mom.”

“I do. Chocolate is everything!”

They all laughed, and he reluctantly pulled away. Under his gaze, Pearl’s face reddened, and she concentrated on wiping her face and returning to her seat. Antonio did the same, but not before stealing a French fry from Aysha’s meal. He hadn’t eaten much on the plane.

“You can have them all. I’m full.”

“You’re a very generous kid.” Antonio grabbed another.

“Do you want ketchup?” Aysha asked.

“Nah, Bichito. I hate ketchup.” Antonio popped the fry in his mouth.

“Me too! I like mayo and fry sauce. What is Bichi… Bi…”

“Bichito? It means ‘Little Bug’ in Spanish. That’s the language I speak with my family.”

“You mean like Sina… Sinhalese? Like I speak with my daddy and my friends?”

“You got it.”

“So, you’re also calling me a bug!”

“I am. Do you not like it?”

Aysha appeared to mull over his words. “I like it. My mommy calls me a bug.”

“I know; I’ve heard.” Antonio folded his arms on the table and leaned forward, his focus back on Pearl.

Acting on instinct was perhaps foolish, and he hadn’t gone over the logistics, but he couldn’t just walk away. The long hours of travel they’d spent together had created a fragile bond, and he could assist.

“I have a proposal and a solution.”

“You’ve helped plenty, and we’re not your problem.”

Frowning at her words, Antonio shook his head. “Hear me out. I can help with accommodation, providing you’re okay with staying in Fairfax.”

“Fairfax, Virginia?” Pearl sat back. “I’ve never lived in or even visited the South East.”

“I have a rental in the city—I’ve been looking for a reliable tenant. My last tenant was an elderly gentleman who sadly got cancer and passed last year.”

“I’m sorry. That’s so sad.”

“It was. And he was a good friend. But now the condo is sitting empty and has the basic furnishings.”

That was an exaggeration. A washer, dryer, fridge, and bed base weren’t exactly adequate. Perhaps Antonio could invest in a sofa set and dining table. A long-term investment. And he’d have to get a mattress and a kid’s bed. He mentally listed items needed to make the space livable.

“Even if I took you up on the offer—I might not be able to pay rent until I get a job. No, that’s not fair. Thanks for the offer but—”

“So, what would be your solution? Because we can come up with a payment plan if that’s what you want?” Antonio didn’t care about losing a month or two’s worth of rent. Keeping Pearl and Aysha off the streets was a higher priority. Driving home his point, Antonio reached out and touched her wrist. “The only scenario where you don’t pay for a roof is at a shelter, and that can be dangerous—especially with a kid involved.”

He watched her swallow and pull in a shaky breath.

“You barely know us.”

“I want to help, and I don’t care about rent. I want you safe.”

“But I do. I care about the rent.” Her eyes filled, and she looked away. “We’re… we’re not a charity case.”

“Damn right, you’re not. It doesn’t take a genius to see that you’re strong and resourceful. You’ll get situated quickly. Please don’t let pride get in your way.”

Antonio waited. Her chest rose and fell as she gnawed on her lip.

“Look, no pressure. And you’re right—you barely know me. I won’t even be in the vicinity. I live twenty minutes away, near Rosslyn. If you’re worried about safety—having a strange man swing by—you never have to see me. You can change the locks and—”

“No, don’t say that. I trust you. That’s not the issue.”

“Safety should be an issue. You’re a single mom, and we’ve only just met. I might be a DS agent and look like a good guy, but you should never take anyone at face value. The world is full of predators.”

“Are you warning me off?”

“I’m making an offer, and you need to weigh up your options.” Antonio stood. “Hey, little tyke, are you done with your nuggets? Can I clean the table?”

Aysha nodded as she gnawed at her straw and played with her toys. Antonio dumped the dirty napkins and messy mayo packet into the nugget box, forcibly ignoring Pearl as she stared off into the distance. He’d made the offer, and the rest was up to her. If she chose the rental, he’d need to make some phone calls to friends and get the place looking decent before they arrived. And call a furniture store or he could order online. Antonio glanced at his watch. He might miss the flight, but that was okay. He could always wait for the next one.

He dumped the litter in the trash, and not looking back, he headed for the bathroom. Judging from Pearl’s desperate state, she might decide to disappear with the kid while he was out of sight. If she did, it would be her choice. But he’d give her space to think. Antonio took his time, and when he headed back to the table, he saw that it was abandoned. His heart dropped, and he swore. He’d done his best.

Turning, he headed out of the busy food court, and when he looked up, he smiled. Pearl and Aysha waited beside a bench.

“Are you waiting for me?” Antonio asked as his heart skipped a beat.

Pearl stroked Aysha’s hair. “I’m paying for our tickets to Virginia. And we need to get my luggage.”

“Yes, ma’am. But I’m thinking about driving to D.C. as I’m going to miss my flight, and if we drive, it saves you on airfare.”

“That’s a long drive.”

“Seven hours. I slept on the flight. Unless you’re more comfortable—”

“Can I pay for gas?” Pearl asked.

“I have a company card. You can get us refreshments at a gas station along the way.”

“Deal. About the rental... if I miss the first month’s rent, I’ll be paying it back as soon as possible.”

“You don’t have to—”

“That’s a condition. And I’ll be using a different last name.”


“The name is legal—the name I was born with. It’s a long story. I need to find a way to drop ‘Bandara.’ I don’t trust Rajin’s connections.”

“Okay then.” Antonio smiled. “That’s something I can help you with. C’mon. Let’s get you to your new home.”

He took her trolley bag, and they headed down the passage. Overnight, his life had suddenly become a lot more complicated. How had it happened so fast? One small favor was turning into a complex undertaking. And Antonio wasn’t good with “complicated.” He’d tried “complicated” once before. His perfect one-dimensional life was all about his career. But he was also good at protection and defensible tactics. Contributing to Pearl’s safety and her peace of mind wouldn’t take much effort. He hoped. Besides, he barely went to the Fairfax rental. Once she was safe, and on her feet, he’d step way back. He’d never have to see them—he lived in a different city.

Clenching a fist, Antonio ignored the warning whispers in his head.

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