Pearl rubbed the back of her neck, still getting used to her new haircut. She felt lighter than she’d felt in months. Her heavy mane had taken a lot of work, especially in political circles. The years of fake smiles and careful conversations had forced her into a tame trophy wife, which went against her core personality. Her only escape had been charitable work where she’d worked with impoverished communities and alongside good people. Pearl thought of her dear friend, Chantal Durant, the U.S. Ambassador’s daughter, and how Chantal had embraced her panicked friend after Pearl had rushed to her clinic.
Now, Pearl was leaving Chantal behind to deal with the fallout. Pearl glanced around the busy airport as they shuffled closer to the check-in counter. Aysha looked exhausted, her little hand felt limp, and Pearl squeezed it gently.
“You can sleep on the plane, honey.”
“I want my Shreddy,” Aysha whined.
“Since you decided to dunk him in the bath earlier, he’s now broken and soaking wet.”
“I didn’t mean to. Mommy, he fell in the water.”
“Yeah? And now his voice box doesn’t work.” Pearl glanced at the plastic grocery bag tied to the carry-on that contained the damp stuffed toy. The poor guy had been through many trials and tribulations in his short life. He’d lost an ear… an eye… and now his mechanical innards were fried.
“I want him!”
“Once he’s dry.”
“I want him now.” Aysha stuck out her tiny chin, and Pearl gritted her teeth.
“Aysha, look at how many bags I have. Give me five minutes.”
Pearl glanced at Antonio. He’d stuck close to her side, and his attention was on the terminal. His sharp eyes constantly scanned for danger, and Pearl was grateful for his assistance. She felt safe around the tall, muscled agent. He’d taken the threat seriously, and though he wasn’t helping her in an official capacity, his capable presence allowed her to concentrate on her daughter and their belongings.
He leaned in and helped her to load her suitcases onto the luggage belt. Their shoulders brushed, and her skin tingled at the contact.
“Sorry. Thanks.” Feeling a blush, she tried to shift out of his way. Turning, her chest brushed his arm, and she heard him suck in a breath. “Uh. Sorry.”
“No problem.” His deep voice sounded raspy, and he offered her a polite smile.
Pearl reached for their passports on the counter with a trembling hand and concentrated on packing away her documents. She’d only have to deal with the daunting man until their landing in New York. Still, it would be twenty-six hours of traveling with two stopovers in Doha and London. This was the earliest connecting flight available for her escape which meant a longer commute, and she was grateful for this means to escape. They made their way through passport control and the quiet terminal. Everything would be all right. Tomorrow when she woke, she’d be far, far away from Rajin. A new day and a fresh start.
When Pearl turned towards their gate, Antonio cupped her arm. “Thanks to Martin, we have business tickets. We have access to the lounge and that’s a safer place to wait. “
Pearl nodded tiredly, and they headed up the escalator. When they finally arrived, she settled Aysha in a deep sofa chair, and the kid immediately fell asleep.
“Do you want a snack?” Antonio nodded at the refreshment buffet, and Pearl shook her head.
“We ate dinner earlier.”
Thanks to her anxiety and exhaustion, she’d lost her appetite. Agent Torres walked over and helped himself to a generous plate before returning to their corner. At two in the morning, the room sat quiet, and Pearl tried to relax, which proved to be an impossibility. Instead, she rubbed her palm and stared at the wall. Now that Aysha was asleep, Pearl could pause with the pretense and consider their future. Had Rajin woken from his drugged slumber? Did he know what she had done? She’d torn their child away from his world. Oh, God. He’d make her pay. No—he wouldn’t find her. A fresh start… a new city… new faces.
“Easy.” Warm fingers covered hers, and Antonio leaned forward. He held a grape in his other hand. She focused on the fruit.
“Look at me.”
It hurt to breathe, and her eyes burned with unshed tears.
“Pearl, look at me.”
Complying, she met his concerned gaze.
“Go ahead and rest for a minute or two. Let go of the panic. You’re safe with me.”
“I’ll never be safe.”
“The only thing you need to bring with you on this flight is faith. You’re leaving the horror behind, and I won’t let it follow you home.”
His words were like balm to the soul, except that she had no home. She couldn’t go to her parents, and she hadn’t lived in the States for a decade. She’d lived in Europe before meeting Rajin—had left Colorado for Paris as a teenage model. She became a wife at twenty-two and a mother at twenty-four. Pearl may be an American—and hold citizenship—but America was an imposing and foreign continent. The thought of starting over while on the run… Memories from her youth reminded her that this wasn’t the first time.
“I can’t… I can’t get air. Need to…”
Antonio crouched before her and gripped her shaking shoulders. “Slow your breathing. Look at my chest. Breathe with me.”
A tear fell, and she grabbed at his wrist. His arm felt steady and unyielding. Pearl closed her eyes and absorbed that strength.
“I… I can’t fail her.”
“Aysha. He’ll take her, and… I’ll die before he touches her.”
“We have thirty minutes before boarding, and then we’re in the air. I’ll keep you both safe. I swear on my life.”
Opening her eyes, Pearl studied his grim expression. Antonio stared back. A thumb rubbed her shoulder as he communicated his concern. His turbulent eyes held layers of ferocity—untold stories that should scare her into pulling away. Except, Pearl wanted to shift closer. She wanted his arms wrapped around her. Antonio frowned and released his grip. He still held the grape and placed it on the plate as he sat back in his chair.
“When last did you eat?” Her voice sounded raspy, and Pearl cleared her throat. “I’m keeping you from your food.”
“At breakfast. About eighteen hours ago. I missed lunch and then….” He shifted and picked up a ham sandwich.
“And then you were told to pack your bags early and protect my sorry ass.”
Antonio chuckled. “Martin gave me a choice.”
“Sure, he did.” Pearl sat back and returned his smile. Her meltdown seemed to have passed, and she concentrated on slow breaths.