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Chapter 7

The windows. The doors. Hell, even the floorboards. Pike strained his muscles, wore his fingers and nails raw searching for any weakness in the room. He wasn’t sure how much time passed. Only that Rhodey’s plan was working. Pike was going to be left in here until he went crazy and told the man whatever he wanted to know.


Lifting his head from where he’d pillowed it on his bag, Pike leapt to his feet when the door cracked open to reveal Ez. When Pike’s lips parted, Ez cut across the room, covering his mouth with his hand. After tugging him to his feet, Ez guided him through the loft silently.

In the hall, Ez looked toward the emergency exit. Groaned, then shoved Pike in the other direction. Opened a door.

Pike almost stumbled down a flight of stairs, looking back at Ez. “What—?”

“Move!” Ez kept close to his side, dragging him through another door, into a crowded bar. He elbowed past big men, his grip on Pike’s arm bruising, but Pike didn’t care.

There was a door to outside.

We’re gonna make it. Holy shit.

“Ez!” A man with sandy blond hair and green eyes called out from where he was serving drinks. “Where’re we going? Let me grab my keys.”

Still muscling Pike through the crowd, Ez shook his head. “Not now, Garet. I’ve got to get out of here. You see Rhodey, stall him.”

“Why are we stalling Rhodey?” A deeper voice, coming from a higher altitude—at least twelve inches higher—resonated behind all three of them. Cold, pale blue eyes assessed Pike before the older man’s gaze shifted to Ez.

“None of your fucking business.” Ez pushed Pike toward the door, blocking the other man. “Pike, go.”

The man who’d gotten in their way didn’t quite move out of their path, but his gaze took on a quiet aspect. Like he wanted to help Ez and stop him all at once. There was space to get past him, though, so Pike took advantage of the brief distraction, slipping by.

A shadow dropped from the bar’s rough-hewn rafters, another man—this one a lot younger—who stood in front of the door. “Heyo. Not time to go.”

Pike stopped short, looking over the dude who was a bit shorter than him. Sucked his teeth, continuing forward because no way was he letting anyone get in his way when he was so fucking close. “Seriously, man. Just get out of the way. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Light glinted off the piercings at either side of the guys’ lower lip, his head canting as if Pike had said something curious. “Well, I mean, if you can, it’d be only fair to help you.”

Brow furrowed, Pike tried to figure out if the man was joking, then latched onto his arm with a sharp tug. “You’re cute and all, but I don’t have time for this. Trying not to die here.”

The guy Ez had called ‘Garet’ wolf whistled, bringing several heads around in the packed bar. “Curtis? How come Rhodey’s fucking with Ezran’s buddy? Can you do something? Avery won’t let him leave.”

Ez’s other buddy was a swell guy. Glancing over, Pike grinned at him, which got him an irritated look from Ez. Right, keep moving. A bit harder now that the crowd seemed to want to pick sides, even though none of the dudes surrounding him had a clue what was going on. Jostled toward the bar, Pike heard Ez curse.

Hands braced on the edge of the bar to keep from face-planting into it, Pike stared up into very familiar golden-brown eyes. Eyes like most of the men in his family, not the blue-green his dad had loved in his mother, but not so much in him.

Pike’s mouth went dry as he tried to retreat. The crowd was pressing too close.

He managed one word. A name. “Shane?”

Those brown eyes flew wide, then—glass in one hand, bar towel in the other—Shane went still. “The name’s Curtis. Who the fuck are you?”

“Like fuck it is.” Pike’s eyes narrowed. His cousin was a lot older than when he’d seen him last, but there was no mistaking that face. A carbon copy of Pike’s fucking uncles. His own father. “Are you the one who got Rhodey to drag me here? What the fuck do you want from me?”

“Jesus… Jesus Christ. You fucking fuckers upstairs. I swear to fucking dog, you’re a sadistic motherfucking deity.” Shane vaulted over the el of the bar. Grabbing a motorcycle helmet and keys from a shelf and the pegs above, he shoved through a set of double doors into a giant space that appeared to have men in a boxing ring duking it out while a crowd shouted all around.

The taller man with the wicked eyes who’d blocked them at the door somehow parted the crowd, heading after Shane. “Curtis! Goddamn it… Wait!”

Well, that’s my cue.

Ducking under a few arms, Pike scrambled for the door. Only to be lifted by the back of his shirt. Plunked down on a bar stool. Then held there by Rhodey, who let out a soft laugh. “Looks like the family reunion went well?”

“Look, man, if he hired you, I can pay you more. A lot more.” Pike ignored Ez’s motion for him to shut up. His best friend didn’t know how things worked. Not that Pike really did either, but he had to do something. “Name your price.”

Dude with the lip rings vaulted back into the rafters like some kind of acrobat, using them to avoid the bar crowd, doing a few walkovers on his way to stand above Rhodey’s head. “Sir, should I work the bar until Lawson gets back?”

“Yes.” Rhodey set a heavy hand on Pike’s shoulder. “And get our boy here a beer. Ez, sit the fuck down and relax. I’m not killing him in front of witnesses.”

My lucky day.

Trailing along after Ezran, Garet joined the rafter guy behind the bar, where they each began serving up the now curious crowd. The drink the circus escapee mixed him—equal parts lager and hard cider—was served with a knowing grin. “On the house.”

Shaking his head, Pike took a few gulps to steady his nerves. At least he was out of that room.

Progress, right?

He took a deep breath, doing his best not to notice how close Rhodey was standing as he took in the people around him. Decided to use the manners his mom had taught him, holding out his hand to rafter guy. “Pike. I’d say it’s a pleasure, but...fuck that noise. Thanks for the drink. Wanna call me a cab?”

The edges of the dude's lips went up as he held out his hand for a firm, but friendly, shake. “Avery. And subs shouldn’t swear in the club.”

“Who what now?” Pike blinked at the guy. “Is this some weird cult or something? Hate to break it to you, but I don’t wanna join.” He froze, glass to his lips. “Oh, shit, man, were you kidnapped too? Give me a signal, I’ll get you the fuck out of here.”

With a lithe leap, Avery latched onto the rafter overhead, then swung over the bar to land lightly next to Rhodey. “Sir, if I were to call your guest a cab…” Avery’s expression was just shy of a smirk. “Would that please you?”

Giving the necklace—no, that was a fucking collar—around Avery’s neck a light tug, Rhodey chuckled. “No, my love. He’s going to be staying for a little while.” He glanced toward the double doors with a sigh. “And here comes our dear friends who trust me so much to keep everyone safe they’re about to lose their damn minds. This should be fun.”

The crowd parted, quieting down as the three men—Shane, the dude with the light blue eyes Ez had gotten in front of, and another guy who looked a bit like Rhodey—approached. When Rhodey folded his arms over his chest, the other men stopped in front of him.

Standing a half-step back like the trouble Pike was in might be contagious, Shane jutted his chin toward him, gaze fixed on Rhodey. “Why is he here?”

Tapping Avery’s shoulder, Rhodey motioned to the backbar. “Get us a round of whiskey, my little viper. Noah, bring it down a notch. I can already tell where your head’s at. Curtis, your cousin and I have a few things we need to talk about.” He glanced at the last man. “Jared, you got a cigar on you? It’s been a long fucking day.”

Jared reached into his inner pocket, producing a silver and leather cylinder, along with a flat silver tool. He handed both to Rhodey, casting Shane an arch look. “He’s got it under control, Curtis.”

“Oh, for sure. And that’s why he nearly made it out the front door.” Shane jabbed a finger in the direction of said door—almost Pike’s ticket to freedom. “The same front door that my fucking brother came in with a gun and nearly ended both mine and Reed’s lives. How the fuck is he even in this building?”

They’d drawn a few more onlookers. All typing into an app on their phones.

What the fuck is this place?

Standing quietly to Pike’s other side, Ez looked between them all like they’d lost their collective minds. “He’s my fucking roommate. Cut the shit and let him go. I don’t know who the fuck you think he is, or what you’re playing at, but that’s enough.”

Noah’s jaw hardened. “He’s Ezran’s roommate?”

“How is that even possible?” Curtis raked both hands through blond waves that fell way past the regulation length the O’Rourke’s at his level were allowed to sport.

And ‘Curtis’ had always been such a good little soldier.

What changed?

The man who’d handed Rhodey the cigar—Jared—shook his head. “Obviously, someone planted him there. Or he planted himself. Your cousin wouldn’t just end up bunking with Ezran by coincidence.” His brow creased slightly. “Would he?”

“Hello? Yeah, actually I did. Not my fault he had the best fucking apartment in the listings.” Pike focused on his cousin, who wasn’t wearing a collar at least. Not that he was sure what they meant, but a few dudes around the bar were and he wondered if that meant Rhodey was in charge of them all or something. Didn’t matter. He kept his tone level. “Shane, Curtis, whatever the fuck you want to be called, I don’t know why you went to all this trouble. For real, you coulda just picked up the phone. I coulda told you to go fuck yourself just fine when someone forwarded me the call. We done here?”

Curtis leaned in, squinting through his glare. “I would never fucking call you. I didn’t know you were alive. You were all supposed to be dead. And good fucking riddance.”

Blinking fast, Pike pushed off his stool, shoving Curtis back as much as he could. The man was still bigger than him, but Pike wasn’t a fucking kid anymore. “If that’s what you wanted, mission accomplished. Except for me. What is it, you found out you couldn’t have everything? Too fucking bad. My dad worked just as hard as yours did. Even if you kill me, you get shit, Curtis. Nothing.”

“He’s not killing you.” Ez stepped up to Pike’s side. “We’re leaving.”

Skin as white under his tan as the sheets that used to hang on the lines at Gran’s house in Ireland, Curtis looked to Noah. “I have to get out of here before he brings more of them down on us.”

Shaking his head, Rhodey picked up one of the glasses Avery had set out for them. “Drink. And fucking relax.” He made a cutting motion when Noah started to speak. “I’m dealing with this. I need information. He’s going to give it to me. Then…” Rhodey lifted his shoulders. “We’ll see what happens. The boy couldn’t pull a fucking knife on me. Stop acting like he’s the fucking bogeyman. He’s what…” He gave Pike a dismissive once over. “Eighteen?”

Pike ground his teeth. Not that it mattered, but… “I’m nineteen.”

Avery plucked his glass out of his hand, poured the drink down the bar sink. Took up the soda wand to fill another beer mug, handing him a root beer. “On the house.”

“Are you for real?” Pike looked over at Ez, who’d claimed one of the whiskeys, looking less worried than he had before. “Dude, seriously?”

Shrugging, Ez held his gaze for a moment. “What can I say? Just tell Rhodey what he wants to know so we can get the fuck out of here. This shit is getting ridiculous.”

“It’s not him I’m worried about.” Curtis crossed his arms over his chest, giving Pike a once over. “It’s his mouth and who it’s going to blab to.”

Damn it.

How the fuck was Pike going to talk his way out of this one? He gave Ez a dirty look for being ‘so helpful’, then flashed Curtis his most innocent smile. “I’ll keep my mouth shut if you do. Come on, Cuz. For old times sakes. I don’t mess with your territory, you don’t mess with mine. We Gucci?”

“I don’t have a territory, you fucking drug dealing cancer on the asshole of hell.” Curtis’s overblown, drawn out insult might’ve numbed his brain.

But the fist snapped into Pike’s jaw caught him completely off-guard.

Pain burst over his cheek. His back hit the floor hard, winding him.

Fear would be a good, smart reaction.

Or making a fucking run for it.

Instead, Pike tipped his head back and burst out laughing as he caught Ez’s exasperated look. “I know, I know, I’m adding to the collection.”

Ez rolled his eyes, then nudged him with his foot, using that tone. “Get up and stop being an asshole. You’re a fucking drug dealer, now? And you make me do the budget?”

Pushing to his feet, Pike swiped his hand under his bloody bottom lip. Sobered a bit, not wanting a pissed off Ez on top of everyone else who apparently wanted his head on a platter. “I’m not a drug dealer. Like I told Rhodey, I’m not in the business, okay? I’m planning to make cartoons for a living. You know me, Ez.”

Curtis’s gaze lingered on Pike’s shoes. His shirt and his jeans. He made an unconvinced sound. “Who pays the bills, then? Because you’re not living like you found religion.”

Tonguing his bottom lip, Pike lifted his brow, returning Curtis’s look. The leather pants and the muscle hugging white Henley he was wearing weren’t exactly bargain basement. “Neither are you. And not sure that’s any of your fucking business. Maybe I got me a sweet sugar daddy who takes care of me. Wanna know exactly what I do to keep him happy? Ez can give you details if you really want ‘em.”

The guy, Noah, lunged at him. This time, Rhodey blocked the hit.

While Ez cuffed Pike upside the head. “Do you have a fucking death wish?”

“No, but I’m gonna get a fucking concussion if people keep hitting me.” Pike grabbed the root beer to hold the cold glass against his throbbing lip. “Do these guys not know you’re gay? Because, from the looks of this place, I’m not seeing that being a huge issue. Of course, that means… Oh.” He smirked over the rim of his glass. “That why you’re here, ‘Curtis’? Being all high and mighty. You ‘find religion’ or a hot piece of ass and daddy disowned you before the entire family was picked off, one after another? Explains the name change.”

Eyes narrowed, Noah made a disgusted sound, as though deciding Pike was no better than shit under his shoe, even as he moved closer to Curtis. Like the man needed protection from him. “Get what you need, Rhodey. Then get rid of him.” He lowered his voice. “Or I will.”

“I won’t repeat myself.” Rhodey’s tone took on an edge of warning. “And you’re not going to touch him. Unless he tries to leave again.” He met Pike’s eyes. “Then you stop him. By whatever means necessary.”

The guy with the glasses and light blue eyes, Jared, placed a hand on Noah’s arm, his gaze lasered on Rhodey. “We should have kept one of those cells.” Then he sighed, his attention alighting on Pike. “Come to the clinic. I’ll take care of your face.”

Stepping forward, Pike paused when Ez gave his arm a little tug, his expression hard. “Try not to get punched. Again.”

Pike grinned and gave a little shrug. He could get all freaked out about the situation he’d gotten stuck in, or he could keep things light. Save his energy for his next opening to escape. “I make no promises.”

Which was when he found himself with his head under Jared’s arm, the guy putting him in some sort of bizarre wrestling hold to haul his ass toward, then through, the double doors into the gym he’d glimpsed earlier. From this position there were a fuck-ton of heavy leather boots and muscular calves, telling Pike the place was packed tight, but the asshole manhandling him had no trouble getting through.

Though a few guys made suggestions on what he could do with the ‘new little twink’. Twisting, Pike opened his mouth to tell them where to go with that fucking bullshit.

“Mouth shut, or it won’t be your face I rearrange.” Jared’s grip tightened, as though to make sure he got his point across. “Ezran, what in the hell were you thinking bringing him here?”

Ez’s tense reply came from a bit behind Pike, “I didn’t. Rhodey did. I caught them leaving. Then managed to grab a flight and went to Tracey’s. Got my old bike from there and came here. Broke him out of Rhodey’s spare room.” Ez went quiet. “He can’t just...make him stay. This ain’t cool, you know that, right?”

They entered a smaller room, where the lights were dimmer. Quiet insulated them from the mayhem in the gym as the door closed. Gleaming tiles covered the floor, the place holding a hospital-like scent, which fit with the trail of blood dripping off Pike’s chin.

Not that he’d bothered with hospitals since he was a kid. The last time his face had been busted open like this, Ez used a trick he’d apparently learned from his brother. Crazy glue.

I’d be good with that right about now.

Jared let Pike go, throwing a look at a paper covered exam table. “Sit.” Then he crossed to a sink to wash his hands. “You know both your uncle and Noah will do whatever they have to, Ezran. Curtis’s situation is...unique. And there are things you don’t know, but probably should.”

Up on the table, Pike braced his hands behind him, taking in the room. Let out a low whistle. “Nice setup. Guess you need all this shit with those assholes out there beating the fuck out of each other. Why didn’t you tell me about this place, Ez? No wonder you're such a badass.”

“Never came up.” Ez shrugged, looking over as the door opened again.

A man with black hair came in, just as big as all the other fuckers who wanted to rip Pike apart, but his dark green eyes were less rage-filled and more assessing.

Ez gave him a short nod. “I don’t need another lecture, Lawson.”

Brow lifted, Lawson shifted his attention to Ezran. “Good. I have no intention of giving you one. I don’t see you intentionally putting your entire family at risk.”

“What do you know, Lawson?” Jared spoke with his back to the room as he prepared a tray with some gauze and a package of sterile tools.

Arms folded over his chest Lawson shook his head. “Likely not much more than you do. Rhodey made it clear the boy isn’t to leave. Both Curtis and Noah are making it clear they see only one way to make that happen. I doubt you’d be wasting your time in here if you felt the same?”

“I’ve done my share of patching up prisoners before they…” Jared shrugged, turning around with a needle and sutures in his fingertips. “You can’t answer questions if you die of an infection.”

Groaning, Pike tipped his head back. “I didn’t do anything. Keeping me here is illegal. You know that, right? Ez, tell ‘em they’re gonna end up in all kinds of shit.” He tongued his bloody bottom lip, an idea hitting him. He focused on the doctor. “Name your price. I know guys like you don’t get paid much. Fuck, I could make sure you’re set up real good. All you gotta do is look away for like...five minutes.”

The metal table winked under the overhead lights, its wheel squeaking, as Jared rolled it closer to the table and began dabbing Pike’s cheek with a cold alcohol swab. When the sting made him hiss, Jared smirked. “That’s very kind of you. Perhaps if you’re a very good boy, I’ll show you my hovel upstairs.”

“So I can get locked up again?” Pike held still, not stupid enough to fuck with the dude with all the sharp medical shit so close. “No thanks.”

“Some people here would pay very good money to be locked up with me. Not that I indulge many of them. And when I do, it’s for free.” Jared’s tone was mild as he poked the needle into Pike’s cheek.

Lawson let out a soft laugh when Pike winced. Completely detached, he watched the other man work. “I think you’d rather be locked up, boy. Though, I suppose there’s an alternative. It might make things simpler. You’ll need to be watched, either way.”

Rolling his eyes, Pike drew in short little breaths, trying to ignore the pain. “Are y’all really that bored? Come on. You know all those guys out there are off their meds or some shit. I mentioned I’d pay, right? Pay a lot. More than you can imagine.” All right, he wasn’t sure about that. Karliene didn’t just dump money in his account for no reason. Anything more than his allowance and he’d need a good excuse. But he’d figure one out.

The door opened, light and sound spilling in, as Garet slipped sideways through the door. Wide eyed, he stared at Ez. “Dude. This is messed up.”

Jared continued to stitch Pike’s face like there’d been no interruption. “What are you thinking, Lawson?”

Edge of his lips slanting slightly, Lawson lifted his shoulders. “He doesn’t want to be locked in a room for the near future, I’m agreeable to that. Maybe he’ll start feeling more chatty after a few days with the right...influence.” He rubbed his jaw. “But only members are allowed in the club.”

“So, I join your cult or I waste away in some room?” Pike sighed, glancing at Ez. “I’m starting to get why you didn’t talk about this place. You wouldn’t be easy to brainwash.” He lifted his chin, which was a huge mistake and hurt like fuck. But he managed not to yelp. Eyes tearing, he looked at Lawson. “Sure. Count me in. But gonna warn you, I won’t be easy either.”

Jared snorted.

And Ez groaned. “Right, this should be tons of fun. Pike, don’t be an idiot. You have no idea what you’re signing on for. It’s not a fucking cult.”

“Either way.” Pike held Lawson’s gaze. “Do I seriously have to sign something? Bring it on. I seem to suddenly have found my schedule fucking wide open.”

Garet shook his head, muttering, “Might not be a sub one-oh-one, but some Dom is gonna get the worse end of the deal.”

As Lawson stepped out, Pike turned his attention to Garet. “Man, I have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. Is this cult talk? There a manual I need to take a look at so I can figure out how to be a good boy?” He winked at Ez, who just sighed and shook his head.

“Ugh.” Covering his face with his hands, Garet tipped his head back, then peeked at Ez through his fingers. “You gonna take him on? You better. He needs a Dom. You could do it.”

Before Ez could answer, Lawson was back, cutting him off as he set some paperwork on the exam table by Pike’s hip. “No. Ez has no training and I want both of you as far away from this situation as possible. Curtis is stressed out enough without having to worry about you two.”

“But you can’t just—”

Jared reached out, whacking Garet solidly on the ass. “Don’t tell Lawson what he can or can’t do, sub.”


“So, being a sub means you get smacked around more?” Pike shot Garet a sympathetic look. “Yeah, no thanks. Where do I sign up as a Dom?”

Rubbing his right ass cheek, Garet frowned. “Woulda pegged you as a brat, not a Dom.”

Scissors flashed in Pike’s peripheral vision, Jared cutting a thread. “This doesn’t solve the problem of his leaving. We can’t watch him twenty-four-seven. I, for one, don’t think you want him in Noah’s cage.”

Lawson inclined his head. “Maybe not, but it’s no secret what will happen if he walks out those doors. We can...discourage him, but in the end the choice is his.” Snapping his fingers at Pike, Lawson pointed to the papers. “Read that over. This obviously isn’t a standard arrangement, but it would serve you well to observe the rules. If you don’t...well, at least you’ll survive the consequences.”

On the first page, Pike already saw a few ways to get kicked out. He schooled his features, giving a slight nod. Yeah, I’ve totally got this. “Sure thing, man. I’ll be on my best behavior. But let me know if any of you change your mind about that paycheck.”

“We won’t.” Lawson shook his head, exchanging a look with Jared. “This should be interesting.”

“I don’t often find myself taking the advice of green subs, but Garet has a point.” Peeling off his gloves, Jared tossed them into the trash. “And someone needs to look after him. Curtis and Noah are out of the question. I have my hands full. Dallas isn’t here much anymore, now that he and Keiran are planning their ribbon cutting. So, that leaves you and Rhodey.”

With a dry look, Lawson watched Pike as he continued reading the weird contract. “Taking him on myself would upset Curtis. And if he’s with Rhodey, you’re going to be spending a lot of time in here, patching him up. The core will have to share the task. There are other Doms who will do well with someone like him. I’ll keep my eye out. The right one would make this much easier.”

Upset Curtis?

Pike held the tip of his tongue between his teeth, stashing away the information for future use without taking his eyes off the papers.

Garet huffed, leaning back against the door, his arms over his chest. “I’ve been playing with guys for six months in the dungeon and nobody wants a full-time sub anymore. Good luck.”

“Maybe they know better.” Ez’s eyes narrowed. “Not a fucking available Dom here worth your time. But hey, they wanna try with Pike?” He snorted. “Be fun to watch, anyway.”

Garet preened. “Yeah? You think so?”

Finished cleaning up, Jared motioned Garet out of the way. “I need to check on Noah.” Lips thin, he shook his head at Lawson. “Five minutes. Just five minutes of peace. Would it be too much to ask?”

Reaching out, Lawson squeezed Jared’s shoulder. “Compared to some of what we’ve faced in the past, this is nothing. We’ll make sure our men are in a good place. Deal with this little problem that’s come up. It’ll be over before you know it.”

Jared grunted, clearly not convinced, but patted Lawson’s shoulder on his way by to motion Garet out of the way. “Turn off the lights. Don’t break into the drug safe. I’ll shoot you myself.”

“You’re talking to the wrong O’Rourke, pal.” Pike slid off the table. “But if it makes you feel better, I promise, I won’t touch your shit. I’ve got respect. You did me a solid. I’ll remember that.”

The man’s gaze flicked to the contract, then back to Pike’s face. “Another one who doesn’t know how to read.”

So much for being nice. Pike flipped to the last page. Grabbed the pen Lawson had left him, signing all the places required. “I can read just fine. But I learn fast, so I ain’t worried about it. The alternative isn’t real appealing. Don’t worry, you won’t even know I’m here.”

Unless that got Pike out of here faster. But he’d cross that bridge and all once he had a better plan in place than catching every fist in the joint.

“Anyway. I gotta jet too.” Garet threw Ez and Pike an apologetic look as Jared shut the door to the gym. “I got a date upstairs.”

Letting out a rough sound, Ez shook his head. “Sucks to be him. Me and Pike need somewhere to crash.” He stepped forward, grabbing the contract with a glance at Lawson. “I’ll make sure he reads it properly, then bring it to you. But...for fucks sakes, don’t get caught up in all the shit from Rhodey and Curtis. He’s a good guy.”

“We’ll see.” Lawson jutted his chin toward the door. “Go on, I’ll let Rhodey know where you’ve taken him. Keep him upstairs until I have a chance to consider his...options. I hope you know what you’re doing, Ezran. I can arrange for him to be kept somewhere else.”

“Um…” Fingers absentmindedly going to one of the nipple rings visible underneath his open leather vest, Garet glanced between Lawson and Ez, then grinned. “It’s okay, sir. They can stay in Keiran’s old room. I think Curtis made the walls thick enough.”

At Lawson’s nod, Ez led the way out to the gym, then into the bar. He opened the door to the stairs. “Thanks, Garet. But fuck, this is...like so over the top, I can’t wrap my head around it. I mean, look at him! He’s not fucking dangerous.”

Behind them, Garet chuckled. “I swear, Ez. You say you’re a Dom just so you can swear.”

“Oh, fuck off.” Ez shot Garet a fond look. “You seriously see me submitting to anyone? That ain’t my thing.” He gave Pike’s shoulder a little shove once they reached the floor past the line of people making out, dressed in leather. Or naked.

A lot of people were naked.

What the actual fuck?

Ez continued. “This one? Yeah, definitely a sub. And a pain in the ass. If I wasn’t afraid he’d get himself killed, this would be a fucking riot.”

“I don’t think—” Cutting himself off, Garet shook his head as he opened another door and stepped into a loft-like apartment with brick walls and high, arched windows. The furniture was a mishmash of nice stuff, or decent anyway, with modern lines, and pieces that looked like they’d been cobbled together from thrift store finds. “Hey, Sin. How goes? We have company.”

Looking up from a sketchbook, a man with some wicked ink, close shaved hair, and nice, tight muscles lifted his brow. “Hey. Nice to have you back, Ez. Who’s this?”

Garet fell into Sin’s lap, looping his arms around the man’s neck, sending his sketchbook skittering to the couch cushion. “He’s Pike. Everyone hates him except us.”

“Oh yeah?” Sin relaxed back against the sofa, ignoring Ez’s scowl as he looked Pike over. His brow creased slightly. “Why do you look familiar?”

Picking up the sketchbook, Ez set it on the table like he couldn’t help himself. Sat on the sofa, motioning Pike to the space at his other side. “He’s Curtis’s cousin. I didn’t see it before, but now…?” His jaw worked, but he seemed to be fighting not to notice how comfortable Garet had gotten with the other dude. He shoved the papers into Pike’s chest. “Whatever. Read this so we can keep you alive another day. Unless you’re ready to talk to Rhodey?”

“Sure, because I’ll just do that and he’ll let me go in time for finals.” Pike went back to reading. “Oh, fuck. Subs aren’t supposed to swear? Sucks to be you, man.” He lifted his gaze to Garet. Then laughed. “What happens if you do?”

Canting his head, Garet grinned at Sin, staring deep into his eyes. “Depends on the Dom. What the fuck happens if I swear, sir?”

Sin let out a soft chuckle, smacking Garet’s thigh. “You know I don’t give a shit. But in the club? You piss off the wrong Dom, you face the consequences. Which are in the contract, sub.”

“Uh, nope. No way.” Pike looked at every man in the room, pretty sure they’d lost their mind. “I am not a sub. Where’s the box to check ‘Fuck no’?”

“But you signed.” Garet bounded off Sin’s lap, shucking his vest as he went so he walked around topless, his jeans slung obscenely low. “Who wants a drink? I got a full bar. Pick your poison.”

Giving Garet an appreciative once over—which got another dirty look from Ez—Sin shook his head. “I shouldn’t be encouraging this, not a single one of you is legal age, but what the fuck. The way I see it, you’re old enough to die for this country, you’re old enough to get wasted in it. Just bring me a beer.” He looked to Pike. “Go help him.”

On his feet without really thinking about it, Pike glared at Ez when he snickered. “What?”

“Oh, snap.” Garet leaned out of the kitchen. “That was Lawson-worthy, sir.”

“I should beat you for that.” Sin gave Pike a smug look. “Go on. You’ll figure it out. I might not be a tight-ass like some, but I know a sub when I see one.” He shifted his gaze to Ez. “A shame you haven’t been playing with him. This would be so much easier.”

Slipping into the kitchen, Pike rubbed the back of his neck, trying to get rid of the tension gathered there. “Dude, I have no fucking clue what’s going on. But...thanks for not wanting me dead?”

Garet gave him a lopsided smile. “Sure. Any friend of Ez’s. You’re cool. I don’t pick sides. Curtis kinda helped bring me up. His family. My family. You know?” The guy stuck his head in the fridge, coming up holding a six pack. “And you know, I was thinking. I wonder if we can get you some kind of secret agent protector like Jamie has? It’d be cool. I was in a porn shoot, and my next film was supposed to be playing a spy. If we did it right, we could even make home movies.” Popping the top off one of the bottles, he handed it to Pike. “Do you want chips?”

“Do I…” Pike tried to wrap his mind around everything the man had just revealed. Swallowed hard, then nodded to himself. “Porn. Okay, I can deal with that shit. So that’s what this whole set up is?” His lips parted. “Oh, fuck. Curtis does porn? I mean, no judgment, but I’m glad I never saw his stuff. That would be fucking freaky. Like, ‘oh, look, there’s my dead cousin.’ Probably much worse if he actually was dead. Fuck, they don’t do that kind of porn here, do they?”

Garet spewed a mouthful of beer across the kitchen, laughing. “What? Oh my God. They’re into S and M here, and MMA, not vampire sex. Well, I mean I think that’s a kink, but I don’t know anyone who’s into it. And if scat is forbidden here, nobody’s gonna allow necrophilia.” He wrinkled his nose. “How did anyone ever even think of doing that? Gross.” Nodding to the bottles, Garet lifted four of them. “Take…” He looked down. “Oh. I opened six. Oops.”

“That’s cool. I’ll just have two.” And show Sin he wasn’t jumping to follow orders, which Pike was starting to get had gotten him that particular label. “Okay, so S and M I know. Like kinky shit. And... so maybe Ez can be bossy and I don’t mind it. But...like, I suck at doing what I’m told. I always fuck it up. So, your man in there is all wrong about me.”

“I screw up.” Pausing, bottle to his lips, Garet shrugged. “It’s about whether or not you naturally feel comfortable…” He frowned. “I don’t know. I just know I like to be told to kneel and suck dick.”

Pike wrinkled his nose. That seemed like a low bar. “I mean...who doesn’t?”

Smirking at him, Garet nudged his shoulder. “People who like telling people to kneel and suck their dicks?”

“True…” Pike pressed his tongue against his sore bottom lip. Let out a heavy sigh. If he was honest with himself, this place could actually be a cool place to explore some shit, but he wasn’t like everyone else here. He hadn’t been recruited, or invited, or however they usually got the ‘members’ the contract mentioned over and over. He didn’t have a choice. And he wasn’t exactly welcome. “You get I’m just trying to stay alive, right? This place might be fun to you, but I’m stuck here. I can’t enjoy myself, even if I wanted to.”

“Suit yourself.” Garet’s hazel eyes didn’t lose their sparkle. “You can be stuck and fuck, or be stuck and be fucked. It’s all about focus. And it’d mess with Curtis more if you looked like you never wanted to leave.” The grin reappeared. “If I were a Dom, I’d be your spy who loved you, but I’m a dyed-in-the-wool submissive. We’ll have to see if we can find someone who has a thing for brats.”

Laughing, Pike bumped into Garet’s side as they made their way back into the living room. “Dude, I’m not a brat.”

Ez looked up from the sketchbook he and Sin were scouring over, a sharp laugh escaping his lips. “Come on, Pike. You might be new to all this, but I’m willing to bet my life savings that you’re going to be the biggest brat this place has ever seen. I’ll be disappointed if you’re not.”

That made Pike grin. “Hey, that’s some good motivation right there.” His lips curved into a little smile as he considered everything Garet had just told him.

Everything Ez knew about him.

And the potential of this place.

The Asylum.

Pike might be stuck, but it was up to him how he took on the challenge.

Handing Ez one of the beers, he gave him a little bow. “I live to serve.”

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