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Chapter 6

Present day

The information had been turned in. Quint should’ve moved on to the next mission.

Except...he was still here. Five miles from The Asylum at a hotel on the ‘good side’ of the tracks. His jaw tensed as he undid the buttons of his white shirt, his hands shaking as they passed the dog tags on the chain around his neck, which he’d only willingly taken off twice in over a decade.

Without Jared’s there, everything was unbalanced. Like the metal gave him something he knew he’d never have from the man again. Any more than he would from Seth.

Who was in the next fucking room, past one closed door that might as well have belonged to a fortress. Jesus, and Vani expected them to work together?

What did I do to make the woman hate me?

He knew the answer to that, though ‘hate’ probably wasn’t the right word. Returning with Noah had been the right move, it had given him enough time with the man for a more favorable report than he could have justified after the confrontation at the office massacre, when Noah had almost killed Vani’s cousin.

If Quint had made himself scarce after landing stateside, there would’ve been no issues. Ending up in bed with Noah had been almost expected. The impact? Not so much. Even thinking about how the man had taken control, used him hard over and over like he had a right to Quint’s body, sent a punch of arousal down low.

But it wasn’t Noah’s face he couldn’t stop seeing.

In some twisted way, the entire time he’d been with Noah, it was thoughts of Jared that had taken hold of him. Every touch, every word, reminded Quint exactly who Noah had learned from. Almost as if Jared was there, watching, his intelligent eyes piercing through any attempt Quint made to remain detached. Pleased when Noah managed to erode Quint’s years of training and leave him feeling raw.

Craving something he couldn’t have.

Quint’s fingers stilled over the remaining tags before he slipped the chain out of sight. The first time he’d taken them off had been...unplanned. He inhaled slowly, the hair he kept a bit overgrown falling over one eye as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Mid-twenties, so fucking full of grand ideals, head-over-heels in love with two men. Quint struggled to feel anything but pity for the man he’d been back when he’d left Jared. Then Seth. When the offer had come to do more than spend days over operating tables only to spend nights filling out death certificates, Quint couldn’t say no. He could see the desperation in Seth’s eyes. Could tell the man wasn’t fooled by Quint’s smile anymore.

The desert, the endless loss, was destroying him.

But he’d only agreed to leave because Seth convinced him Jared would follow. After their then commanding officer figured out the intel Seth had gotten to him, he’d abort the mission and find them. Yes, Jared was stubborn, and a stickler for following all the rules, but even he had his limits.

Or...that’s what Quint had told himself, anyway.

In a safehouse in Mexico, having finished a simple mission with Seth, the lives they’d saved almost enough to convince him he’d made the right choice, Quint came out of the shower while Seth was arguing with someone on the phone. A file lay open on the kitchen table.

His heart almost stopped when he saw Jared’s name. Stumbling forward, Quint braced his hand on the edge of the table. Blood running cold, he stared at the file. Words ran together. Water dripped from his hair, trailing into his eyes.

He didn’t blink.

Couldn’t look away.

“Tell me he’s still alive.”

Bizzy held up one finger, phone pressed to his ear like it was an entire life raft and not just a piece of plastic and glass clutched in his palm. “You can’t fucking tell me you let them go out there knowing— No, goddamn it, I know it was classified intel, but you—” A growl preceded the shattering of glass as the phone hit the safehouse window and clattered back onto the sill. Bizzy collapsed more than sat on the wooden chair at the rickety kitchen table. “Jesus. Jesus Christ.”

Quint stared at him. “What happened? Seth, we have to go back. This whole thing… It was a mistake. We made the wrong choice.”

“There’s no one to go back to.”

“What?” Quint shook his head as he shoved away from the table. He grabbed his towel before it could fall. “That’s bullshit. Do what you want, I’m going.” His own words spurring him on, he gave a firm nod. Striding into the bedroom, he threw clothes off the top of his rucksack to grab his last pair of clean jeans. “If I hurry, I can catch a flight. A civilian one. I don’t care.”

The chair scraped over linoleum before Bizzy came after him. “Quint. They’re dead. Everyone. Jared...” Throat working, he shook his head. “He’s gone. You go back there and you’ll be AWOL. Listen to me.” Large hands embraced Quint’s arms. “I know you want to, but there’s nothing you can do. Not anymore.”

Going stiff, Quint tried to wrap his mind around what Seth was saying. He refused to believe it. He couldn’t. Closing his eyes, he still saw the ice blue of Jared’s. The hint of a smile on his lips. The way he’d shake his head when he thought Quint was being too optimistic, but indulged him anyway. How his touch could be hard and gentle all at once. His kiss tender, while controlling the air Quint breathed.

He twisted away from Seth, glaring at him. “You said he’d follow us. You said he’d fucking come! How could you…” Rage burned away the tears threatening to spill over. The pain so close to drowning him. “We could have just told him. Fuck the mission. Fuck them knowing how we got the intel. He’d be alive!”

“Quint!” Seth shook him a little, then pulled him into his arms. “He was a stubborn son of a bitch. But he was our son of a bitch. I know...God, believe me, I know. I thought he’d come. I’m so sorry. So fucking sorry.”

Not sure whether he wanted to hit Seth, or let the man hold him, Quint simply didn’t move for a long time. He swallowed at the pain cementing in his throat, desperate to find some purpose behind what they’d done. A way forward. “A lot of people lived. Hundreds. The next mission...the next one will save more. He’d understand. He’d want us to...to focus on that. Save the patient who can be saved, right?”

“The ‘golden hour’.” Seth whispered into Quint’s hair, his tone far away like he too pictured Jared in the desert, alone. “Thank you for coming with me, smiley. Thank you for trusting me...even if I got some important things wrong. We did the right thing. There are so many families right now who would be grieving. Who would be broken. If not for you.”

Quint nodded, drawing in a measured breath. “If not for us. I just wish…” He shook his head again, knowing there was no point. Both Jared and Seth had spent ages working with him on that kind of thinking. Not getting lost focusing on the people he couldn’t save. If nothing else, he could prove he’d learned that lesson. “We need to get moving. Where have we been assigned next?”

Seth’s arms tightened, but he didn’t answer for a long time. “I can’t tell you where I’ve been assigned.”

Blinking, Quint drew back. “What? Where you’ve been… I’m going with you. We do this together.”

“No.” The distance between them grew as Seth stepped back to pick up a bag Quint hadn’t noticed had already been packed. “We do what we’re told.”

“What we’re…” Quint had to do something other than repeat Seth’s words, but he was having a hard time believing they were real. The sick irony hit him, and he started laughing. “He died because he refused to do anything besides follow orders, and now you’re doing the same fucking thing. You can’t be serious.”

Around them the evening light turned the room a rose-gold, the shafts of waning sunlight haloing the burnished blond of Seth’s hair as he cupped Quint’s cheek with a sad smile. “I was following orders and so were you. He would be so fucking proud of you. And he’d want you alive. We need to move out. I love you, my boy. Someday soon, our paths will cross again.”

“No. I don’t think they will.” Quint let the anger burn through him, not sure why he hadn’t seen this coming. Any other outcome was his own foolish belief that there always had to be some good. Some hope. But if Jared’s death hadn’t proved how wrong he’d been...Seth had just made sure he’d never forget. He curved his fingers to the chain around his neck, jerking it off and throwing it at Seth. “I’m done. Just go.”

Hand still midair, like he caressed the ghost of their relationship, Seth blinked once then finally let it fall to his side. “Take care of yourself. Keep smiling. They’ll be too busy seeing that, they’ll never expect your bullet between their eyes.” Not giving Quint time to respond, Seth stepped past him, the outer door clicking shut a moment later, leaving him alone.

For a long time, Quint couldn’t move. At his feet, the four dog tags had come loose from the chain, scattered across the floor. He knelt, gathering them, and closed his fist around the metal, letting it dig into his palms. Pictured being in this position for Jared. For Seth. The commands that had been so clear he’d been able to lose himself to them. To feel the safety of knowing they’d always be with him.

Now, he had neither. But he still had something.

And even if it was only a memory, he’d never let it go.

Over a month passed, with Quint burying himself in training, in being tested by his new employer, until he proved himself. Vani had been looking for a doctor to work for her as she established her own organization of covert ops and he fit in well. Earned her trust to the point where she’d been willing to do him a favor. Get him information on the man who still held pieces of the heart he’d broken.

She’d obliged, and done him one better, under the condition that he keep his distance. Which seemed easy at the time. She couldn’t tell him where Seth was, but now and then she’d let it slip that he’d been part of a successful mission for another operation. It was enough. It had to be.

Until Quint learned Jared was alive.

Now, keeping his distance wasn’t an option. Why was Vani throwing him into the very situation she’d forced him to avoid for so long? Why hadn’t she gotten in touch to let him know what she expected?

Facing Jared had been like ripping open old wounds Quint had caused himself. Fine, he hadn’t had a choice, but Jared didn’t know that.

Would he even care?

And with Seth being here…

It was just as painful, but at least Quint could cauterize some of the bloody mess of his emotions with a healthy helping of burning rage, even if he only kept it simmering. He should probably thank Seth for making that easier by forcing him to take off Jared’s tag.

Head a bit clearer, Quint pulled on a soft, light blue T-shirt to go with the blue plaid flannel sleeping pants. Time to stop avoiding Seth. A stiff smile on his lips, he walked out of the bedroom, going to the minibar to grab himself a bottle of water. “Was there anything I could get for you, sir? The sofa pulls out into a bed if you’d like to make yourself more comfortable.”

A knock sounded at the door, interrupting any reply Seth had been about to make. Gun in hand, he stood to the side of the door. “Yes?”

“We have your bags, as requested.” A woman’s voice came from the hall.

Jerking his head, Seth motioned Quint out of view where he’d be able to cover them both as Seth holstered his weapon, then moved to open the door.

Quint reached behind the bedroom door, taking his own gun out from the jacket he’d hung there. He held it to his side, his focus narrowed to Seth’s face, his reactions, grateful at least that he knew the man well enough even a twitch of muscles would be enough warning.

The lock clicked, Seth disengaging the deadbolt, his wallet out in a deceptive show of ‘look, no weapon here’. He opened the door wide enough for the bellhop to trade two brown leather bags, one on rollers, for a generous tip. ‘Thank you’s exchanged, Seth closed and relocked the door.

Returning his gun to the slot inside his jacket, Quint crossed the room to grab the water he’d abandoned on top of the mini-fridge. “The sheets are fresh. I changed them when I gave the place a once over.”

Suitcase open on the stand by the closet, Seth pulled out a dopp kit and a pair of soft looking brushed flannel pajamas that almost had Quint doing a double take. Since when did Seth wear pajamas? Much less ones that appeared like they belonged in a high end men’s catalog?

Seth glanced over his shoulder. “You put sheets on the pull-out sofa?”

Cool water wetting his bottom lip as he took a few gulps, Quint shrugged. “There were already sheets there, but they were disgusting. I was leaving it as I found it, only cleaner.”

That got him a raised brow, but Seth didn’t say anything, only took his pajamas and kit to the bathroom. With the door partially open, like he thought Quint might bolt if given the chance, he began to get ready for bed. The sound of running water and rhythmic brushing of teeth came from the bath.

Sitting at the desk with its mirrored back, Quint was able to observe Seth without being obvious. No matter his feelings about the man, he couldn’t deny how his body reacted to his presence. Those muscles along his broad shoulders, rippling down his back, were even more pronounced than they’d been all those years ago. There were a few new scars, faint with age, showing Seth had gotten very good at keeping out of the line of fire.

The tattoos on the back of Seth’s shoulders drew Quint’s eyes. His throat worked as he read over the elegant writing on one, so much like Jared’s, whose beautiful handwriting had always defied the idea of a doctor having illegible scribble. Those were some lyrics to one of Jared’s favorite songs, Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits.

Behind Seth’s left shoulder was a sparrow, simple, yet beautiful all at once. Quint’s brow furrowed as he turned fully to take it in. Words came before he could stop them. “Our first time on leave together. I saw a little sparrow...I told you those were my favorite birds. You asked why and I said ‘because it’s the one here to welcome us home.’”

Gaze lifted, Seth looked Quint’s way in the bathroom mirror. His head began to turn, as though to glimpse his own back, but he visibly aborted the attempt. He shrugged on his shirt instead. Still buttoning it, he came out of the bathroom, his bottoms already on. He stopped in front of the sofa, staring down at the rough brown fabric.

“Get some sleep, Quint.” Animating, Seth pulled cushions off the sofa to stack on the floor.

Quint’s eyes narrowed. “So that’s all I get? Should I take your tag off too? If you think you can order me away so you don’t have to give me any goddamn answers, I have no problem proving that the meaning behind it is nothing but a memory.”

Sofa creaking, Seth unfolded it with a jerk that rippled his biceps. The frame thudded to the floor. He sat facing Quint, elbows on his knees, fingers laced loosely. “I’m not sure why you’re still wearing it, to be honest. I seem to remember you took it off once already, and I wasn’t the one to put it back on you.”

“Because it was mine. It was all I had left.” Quint fisted his hand around the tags, standing and keeping his distance because the last thing he wanted was to lose another. But goddamn it, he was desperate for a reaction. For something to prove he’d ever meant anything to this man. That tattoo was a bittersweet reminder of a time when he’d had no doubt.

“I told you how I felt the last time I saw you. My feelings haven’t changed.” Following him with his gaze, Seth sat back. “I’ll do what I can to make this mission easier on you than the last one, Quint. I’m not going to play on feelings that will only confuse the issue for you, but I can’t stop what you do to yourself.”

Quint almost choked on a laugh. “Feelings? You keep talking about those. Yes, you said you loved me, right before taking another mission before Jared’s body was even in the ground. Feelings haven’t done either of us much good, have they?” He shook his head. “Fuck you. And fuck the mission. You can do it on your own. History likes repeating.”

“No.” Grim determination mixed with regret hardened Seth’s expression. “You’ll do the mission. You want revenge? Pick some other method. Because I’m not putting a bullet in your brain, and that’s what I’ll be ordered to do. When Vani gets done with us, Jared’s tattoos will align with his reality. You might think I’m a fucked up bastard, but that’s the last thing I want for him. Or you.”

Overwhelmed by the revalation, by fucking everything, Quint turned, resting his forehead against the wall because he needed something solid to lean on. He inhaled slowly. “You left me to do missions alone all those years ago. I’m good at it. What changed?”

Silent footsteps brought Seth close, so close Quint sensed the warmth of him at his back. Work-roughened knuckles caressed Quint’s cheek, an exhale stirring the hairs at his nape. Tiny gestures, the ones that had always grounded him in the worst moments. So long ago, but every inch of his skin still welcomed them.

“You crossed the line. Vani tested you, trusted you, and you let your emotions get in the way. You’re compromised, Quint.” More breath rushed over Quint’s skin with Seth’s short laugh. “And so am I.”

“You made a choice. That choice means I’m not your problem anymore.” Quint swallowed hard, turning in the small bit of space between them, the wall at his back as he met eyes he’d never thought he’d look into again. Eyes he’d once believed he’d get to stare into for the rest of his life. “Why, Seth? Answer me that. Why take a mission without me, then…” He shook his head. “It was over from that moment. You had to know. But those tattoos...I don’t fucking understand.”

Fingers slipped to the back of Quint’s neck, Seth pulling the dog tags into the light where he held them up for both of them to see. “You’re still my problem, smiley.” The tags slipped down again as Seth let them go. “It was never over. I was always watching out for you in the ways I could. And I understand that will never be enough, but it was the best I could do. It was what kept you safer. Even if I’d had a choice to stay with you—which I didn’t—I’d have chosen to make sure of that. My world is nothing without you in it.”

“What do you mean, you didn’t have a choice? I wasn’t in your world. I created my own. I thought I’d at least be by your side after…” Quint tipped his head back. “The work was important, but we were supposed to do it together.”

“Come sit down.” Seth laced their fingers together, tugging Quint’s gently.

Sighing, Quint moved with him. There was no point in resisting, and maybe he’d finally get some answers to the questions that had haunted him for years. The grip of Seth’s hand around his was so familiar it was like he’d reached across the span of time between them, making it as meaningless as the millimeters of space there as he sat on the edge of the sofa bed mattress.

His lips curved slightly. “You’re not playing fair with someone so easily emotionally compromised.”

Seth’s gaze warmed as he nudged his thigh against Quint’s. “I work with the tools I’m given.”

“Tell me what happened.” Quint thought of their card games, which they’d continued to play after that first time. Eventually, the secrets ran out, but learning silly little details about each other’s lives was still special. He let out a soft laugh, saying what he always had then. “Only truth.”

“I’ve only ever lied to you once.” Gaze holding Quint’s, Seth wet his lips before speaking again. “To get you to come with me. I knew you’d choose Jared. And I knew it meant you’d die. I tried to save both of you, but he thought…” Seth shook his head, looking away, gaze going far off like he pictured the moment he’d come face-to-face with the choice he’d made. “He got your transfer paperwork with mine from command before I could talk with him. That influx of casualties we’d had. There wasn’t a moment to breathe, much less talk. And then—” He gave a small shrug. “—when there was, he wouldn’t listen. Accused me of stealing you from him. I couldn’t tell him that I knew the unit was being sent on a mission to draw out insurgents who’d been responsible for the carnage we’d been battling. I gambled on the odds they’d survive, and I lost.”

The events of those days had been a blur. Everything happened so fast. It wasn’t until years later, when a similar mission went sideways—a leak in intel leading to the death of soldiers and hundreds of civilians—that Quint had understood, at least in part, why Seth hadn’t told both him and Jared everything.

Quint wasn’t sure what he would’ve done with the information, but Jared wasn’t the type of soldier to go against procedure. He’d have shared what he knew with command. His sense of right and wrong hadn’t allowed for shades of gray back then. “With the skills I have now, I would’ve just kidnapped his stubborn ass. But he’d have made a terrible merc.”

“I would’ve liked to have seen that.” An undertone of laughter lightened Seth’s tone before he sobered. “Believe it or not, your eval always said you were better cut out for this life than he would’ve been.” His next inhale was sharp. “He broke bad, Quint. They discharged him because of the psychological damage, not the physical. He’d made a full recovery from his injuries, and he could’ve continued to serve. He filled out death reports for us both and tried to convince command we were on the chopper that blew.”

Wincing, Quint dropped his gaze to the floor. “I didn’t know all of that, but I did know some of the impact it had on him. It’s why Vani said it would be better if I stayed away. I assumed it was because he blamed me for their deaths, not because...he thought I’d died with them.”

“That’s not all.” Seth squeezed Quint’s hand, like he could somehow imbue Quint with the fortitude he seemed to have in reserve no matter what situation they faced. “And it’s in his sealed file. Not even Rhodey knows this. Or Vani. It’s classified. I’m telling you because you need to know what we’re walking into.” His questioning gaze met Quint’s. “Understood?”

Afraid to know, even though he’d been at this long enough he’d never turn down details he might need on a mission, no matter how unsavory they might be, Quint braced himself. Then nodded. “Yes, sir.”

A rush of energy passed from Seth’s skin to Quint’s, as though the honorific refilled some secret well of strength deep within him. Seth nodded once before continuing. “Jared claims he has no memory of being taken behind enemy lines. We didn’t rescue him. No one knows why he was given back. He was found outside the barracks, patched back up, mostly recovered. Some people think he survived because he went rogue. There were talks of a court-martial, but someone pulled some strings.”

Eyes narrowed, Quint shook his head. “Jared never would’ve betrayed our team. Only a fool would believe that. If he says he has no memory, then he has none.” This made things so much more complicated. He worried his bottom lip with his teeth in a way he hadn’t since he’d still worn that uniform, in the privacy of his and Seth’s tent. Stopped himself and rubbed his hand over his mouth, composing himself. “This mission...are you sure we won’t be doing more damage than he can take just being there? If this is another choice, Seth...don’t choose me. I’ll face the consequences of my own actions.”

Seth held up one hand before Quint finished speaking. “If we don’t get Vani the intel, there won’t be pieces of The Asylum, or anyone there, to pick up and put back together. This is personal for her, Quint. We do Jared and everyone he loves more harm—Wren, Noah, Rhodey—if we don’t do the assignment. She’ll raze the place to the ground to get to Pike O’Rourke.”

“Shit.” Quint blew out a breath. “I’m assuming we can’t just walk in there and have a nice, friendly conversation about it. Because it’s personal for Rhodey as well. That young man is lucky he’s still breathing. Rhodey tends to keep his mission short, simple, and as clean as possible. Unless you fuck with his family.”

Gaze steady, Seth tightened his hold on Quint’s hand. “You can’t get attached on this one, smiley. Give me your word. O’Rourke is ultimately on our hit list.”

Quint lifted his brows, a little insulted that Seth thought so little of him. “Haven’t you followed my career at all? Cleanup doesn’t always involve a mop and bucket. I’ve had to take out a few men who’d been on my own team when they sold out. I’m capable of maintaining some objectivity.”

“We don’t want some. We want all of it. This is going to be the biggest acting job of your career.” Seth’s gaze briefly dipped to Quint’s lips. “I didn’t kill myself walking away from you last time to get you killed now.”

If only to reassure Seth that he had nothing to worry about, Quint smiled brightly at him, drawing a cross over his chest with his finger. “I swear, I won’t get attached to the mobster who almost got several good men killed and is profiting off selling human beings. It’ll be tough, but I’ll resist all his charms.”

Seth snorted, shaking his head. “All right. That’s about as good as I can ask for.” He tugged Quint a little closer, growing serious. “Do you really not understand that I couldn’t refuse an order to go on another mission? I tried. I didn’t want to leave you. In the end, I did realize it meant you were safer. We couldn’t be used against each other.”

Smile fading, holding on to it feeling fake considering the topic, Quint rolled his shoulders. “I understand the reality of this job. I wasn’t prepared for it. Not then. But...I would have, Seth. Refused the order.” He tipped his head back. “Which is why we’re in this predicament. I’m sorry. I know you did what you felt was right at the time. Damn it, it hurt, though. So much. It still does when I let myself think about it.”

“I know, smiley. I know.” Cupping Quint’s cheek, Seth swiped a thumb along the place where so many tears had fallen, as if he could collect them in that one motion and banish all the pain. “I’m sorry I’m inserting myself back in your life when you’ve managed to move on. I’ll do my best to make it easy for you to keep hating me.” A rueful smile lifted Seth’s lips. “Jared’ll probably help you with that.”

Rolling his eyes, Quint huffed. “Sir, you need to shut up. I was angry—even furious with you. But I never managed to hate you. That would’ve been simple. I apparently enjoy things nice and complicated.”

“Cheeky brat.” Leaning in, Seth brushed a chaste kiss over Quint’s lips—dry, warm, and comforting—before he gave the lumpy sofa bed mattress the side-eye. “The couch, ay?”

Wetting his bottom lip with his tongue to savor the sensation a little longer, Quint managed not to laugh. Kept his tone nice and cordial, even as the smile he couldn’t quite hold back crept up around the edges. “Would you like me to call room service for some extra pillows? I got some for my bed. They’re lovely.”

“Good man.” Approval shuttered the warm glint in Seth’s blue eyes as he stood. “That would be nice. Thank you.”

The smile he kept in place was harder to hold onto than hold back now. Quint understood what Seth was doing, but it didn’t change how much he felt the loss of the brief moment where he’d almost forgotten who they were now.

Much different men than they’d been when they’d shared a tent. And a bed.

It wasn’t only Pike Quint needed to put on an act with. With him, it shouldn’t be too hard, for all the reasons he’d told Seth. However, the act with Seth would be much different.

Pretending he wasn’t already willing to forgive and forget.

That he wasn’t imagining an impossible outcome.

He rose to his feet, inclining his head. “I tip well, as do you, so they won’t be long.”

Seth looked like he might say something else, then merely inclined his head. A tightness around his shoulders appeared—a tell Jared had pointed out during their poker games and that Quint hadn’t been able to unsee since. His voice was huskier than usual as he pulled back the covers that already made the bed. “We’ll plan more tomorrow. Go to the club after things are in full swing. Did you have anything you needed to take care of before we go in?”

“No, sir.” Quint managed not to cringe at the honorific that came so naturally.

Maybe that was a good thing. He’d have to get used to it again, in any case. He grabbed his phone, calling down to the front desk. As they had for the past week that he’d been here, room service was there in minutes with four nice big, fluffy pillows. The young man gave him a huge grin when Quint handed him a couple bills.

He chuckled, the man’s name immediately coming to mind without him needing to look at the faded tag on his chest. “Rock, paper, scissors again, Bobby?”

“Yes, Mr. Templeton.” Bobby stuffed the bills in his pocket. “I promised Chad he can come up the next time you need anything. He’s saving up for some of his school books.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Quint took the pillows, thanking the bellhop, then shutting the door behind him softly.

Quint turned to see Seth putting his gun in the drawer next to the sofa bed, his mouth a terse line. Though he didn’t say anything, his thoughts were loud and clear. Trust came too easily to him. Holding a pile of pillows in front of an open door was going to get him killed.

Giving Seth a dry look, Quint went over to drop the pillows on the sofa bed. “Have a pleasant sleep, sir. Please let me know if you need anything else.”

Seth turned his back, his reflection visible in the dark hotel window to his right. The moment when he closed his eyes, his silent ‘fuck’, not lost to Quint’s sight despite the guarded stance. His eyes opened with his sharp inhale as he seemed to brace himself. “Will do. Thank you, Quint.”

All that progress, so many misunderstandings laid to rest, and...they were back to this.

Nodding, Quint left the living room, knowing he’d need his rest for the biggest act of all.

Pretending not to care.

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