Sharon screamed out and ran out of the room, "Director!" She yelled out in fear as she couldn't stand straight, Her legs gave way as she fell on the floor.
The Director and the Others noticed the problem and walked up to her with not so pleasant impression, "We are in an emergency now, And we don't need your drama. Tell Gelly to stop..."
"Director! Gelly... Gelly is..." Tears streamed down her eyes as she gripped his trousers.
"What's the matter, we have urgent situation at the moment!" Director Jeans yelled out, as he wondered what they had up their sleeves.
"Gelly is dead!" Sharon screamed out with her whole body trembling.
"What?! Is this some kind of joke?" Director Jeans asked, not immediately believing what she said.
"Is true. I... I just went in to see her... And I... I saw her... Bl... Blood! She... She.. was lying there with her eyes open and... and her blood on the floor." Sharon tried to explain but ended up stammering while she continued trembling.
"Go and Check what she is talking about" Director Jeans turned to the assistant Director and ordered, as the Assistant Director left immediately but it didn't take long before he came running back.
Just like Sharon, he also seemed to be in shock, "Director is true."
"What?!" The Director exclaimed and ran over there with the photographers and the screen writer behind him.
It didn't take up to an hour before another Ambulance made their way into the filming site and the place was closed, undoubtedly pausing filming.
"You are Miss Gelly's assistant right?" The Detective that came in, took Sharon to another spot and questioned her.
While his Colleagues questioned the rest of the crew.
"Yes, I'm her assistant." Sharon hugged her arms and replied.
"I'm Detective Nelly"
"I know you must have been shocked but I have but I few questions for you. Please answer me truthfully by telling me everything that happened ok?"
"I will" Sharon hugged the blanket more and tried to encourage herself.
"How did you find her body?"
"After Actress Isabella got into a wire accident which caused her fall off the cliff. Gelly turned around and went into the room while I stayed back to know if Isabella survived it or not, before going to find Gelly.
But when I entered the room, it was only the body that I saw" She slowly recounted what happened.
"Actress Isabella had an accident too?" Nelly raised his head and asked.
"Yes. But I heard she survived the fall. And was just taken to the hospital" Sharon replied.
Nelly squinted his eyes slightly, "Ok, Did you notice anything different or strange about Gelly? Or do you know anyone that might really hate her?" Nelly raised his eyes and asked her.
"She actually has so many people that hates her. Her fans online, her Agent, Director Jeans, Actress Isabella, Agent Sebastian, Assistant Lizzy, Even myself.
We all just hate her, And if you want to talk about those who hate her, then you might just arrest the whole nation" Sharon wiped the tears in her eyes.
"If you hate her then why are you crying so sadly?" Nelly asked Sharon who shook her head.
"I also don't know, Maybe it's because I've worked with her for a very long time and actually got influenced even though she constantly hit and bullied me for the simplest mistake.
Today was supposed to be a happy day in her life but the case was actually reversed" Sharon blurted.
"What do you mean? Did something happen recently?"
"Ahh, Maybe I should really tell you everything.
She planned to Kill Actress Isabella, I knew of her plans because she told me about it last night.
Yeah, I hated Actress Isabella too but not to the extent of wanting her to die" Sharon explained as she tried to shift the responsibility from herself.
"The accident of Miss Isabella was caused by her?"
"Yes. She hired a someone to destroy the wires after the crew had a final check. But in the end, She died while Isabella survived" She narrated what happened.
"Miss Sharon, You will have to go to the station with us" Nelly said and took out the handcuffs.
"What are you doing? It has nothing to do with me!" She yelled but the two officers that was behind held her as she was handcuffed.
"What's the matter?" Director Jeans who was being questioned walked over to her.
"The Wire accident, She is an accomplice with the Late Gelly, we will find the last person too"
"What?!" Director Jeans looked at Sharon and felt as though he should just kill her at the spot.
He worked so hard she invested in this drama, if what happened today reach the media then everything will go down the drain.
Most importantly, someone died and there is no way to hide it.
"I will take her to the station and this place will be sealed off. Everyone is suspicious of murder, so no matter what we will make sure non of you leaves the country for now."
"But the Filming, Everything has already been scheduled and we can't just leave it like that. Id we delay, it will be of so much damage to us" Director Jeans asked.
"Weren't you planning to pause filming after someone died in your set?" Detective Nelly asked them.
"Do whatever you want" He muttered and turned around leaving everyone there, as he can't help but think of how he will explain to the investors.
They will definitely withdraw their investment after this, because it will be a loss to them.
In the hospital, Lizzy stood aside as the nurses and doctors examined Isabella who felt that they were causing a scene.
"I'm ok, I did not even reach the floor" She glanced at Sebastian and Lizzy who looked really worried.
"What happened after you fell?" Sebastian asked because it was absurd that someone fell from such height she isn't even injured at all.
"He came" Isabella leaned on the bed and recounted what happened.
Of course, When she fell the first thing that came to her mind was that she was going to die.
Well, that was until someone who thinks it's ok to fly around with a Jet, caught her.
"Unfortunately they only thing he did was to bring me down safely, then he left. I couldn't see his face as he decided to hide them from me" Isabella muttered.
"There isn't an ordinary accident, I will contact the Director and find out..." Sebastian's phone rang cutting off his speech.
"He called me first" He said and answered the call.
After speaking with the Director, Sebastian's face turned gloomy.
"Did something happen?" Lizzy and Isabella asked worried.
"They found the person that did it" He announced.
"Then that's great. Why do you look so worried?" Isabella raised her brows slightly.
"The person is Dead."
"Great! He did it again" Isabella muttered as the case got complicated.
"That's not the worst part? The Culprit is Gelly" Lizzy who was looking at a message sent to her broke the finally news.
"What?!" Isabella sat up immediately she heard it.
"What did you just say?!"
"Gelly tried to kill you and died instead!" Sebastian completed