"Are you crazy?" Isabella's torch light flashed Gelly directly on her face only to see the tears in Gelly's eyes as if she has been bullied.
"Bella, I will take care of these. You don't have to worry about it" Sebastian took a step forward and held her Torchlight down, Knowing that it will be an outright disaster if Isabella gets angry and try to deal with Gelly herself.
One, Her innocent image will just be destroyed especially in front of the Director.
Two, What if someone videos and sends it online. How will they even begin to defend her.
"Lizzy, Take her to her hotel room. I will take care of the things here" He gestured to Isabella who immediately moved to do as he said but Isabella was already too angry to care about anything talk more of to follow her.
"No. There is no need of taking me to the hotel. I want to give her a piece of my own mind." She got out of Sebastian's grip and walked closer to Gelly.
"I understand that your career is not as smooth sailing as mine. I understand the fact that even when you work harder than others, they will still get that same opportunity that you are looking for.
But the fact that I understand doesn't mean that I've experienced it so I don't really care. Afterall my career had been smooth sailing since the very beginning.
But that doesn't give you even the slightest right to use such dirty method, If you asked me to act like friends and help you pull done followers to your pathetic Account, I will gladly do so.
Because what is life without helping others. But trying to frame me and get me out of the circle to bring you in using your pity and stupid story, is one of the most senseless tricks I've seen in ages!" Isabella didn't have mercy in letting her know that she is nowhere near his shoe.
"How could you say something so harsh?!" Isabella's assistant yelled at her.
"Then you should take good care if your artist!" Isabella yelled back at her.
"If she ends up getting canceled for things like this, just remember that you will not have any other job to go back to, because no one will want an assistant of such a person" Isabella went on to let her know that the industry isn't also merciful to the assistant as they are not to the Artist.
Sebastian glanced at Lizzy, gesturing for her to take Isabella out of there before she makes matters worst with her words.
"Bella, let's go" She said and dragged Isabella who was unwilling up leave out of there, leaving the case for Sebastian to settle it.
Just as they left, Sebastian turned coldly to The director, Gelly and her assistant.
"So what are we going to do about this now?" He asked coldly.
"I will make sure that such thing does not happen in the crew again" After assuring him, The director turned to Gelly and glared at her coldly.
"Apologize immediately!" He ordered.
"Just shut up and apologize. This movie is the only way for you to known outside, If you messed everything up then I got know what will happen to your career . You should be lucky that Miss Isabella doesn't want to drag it out!" The Director yelled at her as he already made up his mind to find a new actress to replace her first thing tomorrow morning.
Such a troublemaker can't be in the crew and destroy everything that he had worked hard for, because of a selfish reason.
"I want to wait till my manager comes!" Gelly stomped her foot and refused to accept such humiliation.
"Your manager?" Sebastian sneered.
"She actually asked me to send a message over to you." He took a step closer with a smile while Gelly took a step back unconsciously.
She couldn't help but remember what she has heard about Isabella's manager.
Is it the fact that he protects Isabella in everything whether she is right or wrong.
Or the fact that he gets rid of anyone that tried to get in her way.
People say that's the reason why Isabella had such a smooth sailing in her career.
For once, She even thought of seducing him so that he can sign her and treat her just the same way he treats Isabella, but right now, that thought seems to have flown out of the rundown without any intentions if coming back.
"What are you talking about?! What did my manager say?" Gelly asked even thought she already had a bad premonition about what he will say.
"She said this, Quote me "Mr. Sebastian, Whatever she is doing had nothing to do with the company. Since her contract isn't over we plan on hiding her or even terminating the contract. I'm sorry if this caused any trouble to your artist' so that's what she said."
"That's not true! She told me that she will take care of it!"
"That would have been possible but have you seen anyone that blocked Isabella and is still in the circle. So just know that, Your career is over!" Sebastian taunted and made to leave bug Gelly knelt with a bang and grabbed unto his pants legs.
"Please! Anything but my career! I will do anything but please just don't hide me in snow, I'm pleading." Sebastian looked down at her and scoffed.
"Do I have to apologize to her publicly and clear the air, what am I supposed to do?!" She held unto him and pleaded.
"You are lucky they you are not dead" Sebastian said a word that no one was expecting from him.
"All you have to do is to avoid her, Maybe if you do, Your Life will be longer" He pulled his legs from her arms and walked away.
The Director glanced at her one last time and shook his head, "You are so pitiful so we will cut your scenes and not remove you completely. Just don't do anything stupid did film the remaining scene peacefully." After speaking, The Director turned around and walked out leaving Gelly with her assistant.
Gelly slowly stood up with a fierce light in her eyes, "Just because of this little thing that happened she dared to ruin my career! Does she know what I went through to get to the position that I am in right now!" She bit her fingers as her face was filled with unwillingness and anger.
"What are you going to do now?!" Sharon asked her.
"Of course I can't let her go and my career won't end. I have to call Chief Jude, I'm sure he will help me retain my career.
And as for her, Since she doesn't want me to be successful then she can go to hell" She scoffed and gestured for Sharon to come closer.
She whispered a few words into her ear as Sharon looked at her in shock but still nodded.
"Hurry up and go! It will be more fun tomorrow!"
In a place that she didn't notice, A blue eyes that shined in the night watched all her movements.