The jolt of the car wakes me up and I sit up in my seat.
“Well, look who's family awake.” Odilia said, glancing at me quickly before turning back to the road in front of her.
“I'm beginning to think you wanted me to help you sleep,” she jokes, laughing.
I called my best friend, last night. After Aziel kissed me and asked her to come down here the next morning to hangout.
I need something to distract me from everything that's going on and Odilia can always put me in a good mood. Plus I wanted to buy some running shoes. You never know.
“Sorry, Odilia. I don't mean to be falling asleep. I really did what to spend time with you.” I smile at her.
“It's nice to see a familiar space. I haven't spoken to my family in a while, now that I don't live with them and all.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about your whole situation with that Aziel guy. Mind explaining it again?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.
Earlier, I told Odilia about me living with Aziel but of course I didn't tell her why and I didn't tell her why and I didn't say anything about his gang, that I am kind of a part of. So, from what I told her, she thinks Aziel is the son of my Dad's friend and he lives with his roommates in a huge mansion. Aziel offered me a place to stay, so I could have a little more space and now I live with him.
“I told you already. Aziel's a nice guy who gave me a room in his mansion, so I can get more space than my parent's small house. Even smaller now than Amir's home, too.” I sigh.
“You got a pic?” She asks me, holding her hand out for my phone.
“I think so.” I scrolled through my messages with Vius and found one of the many pictures he sent me of Aziel, when he was trying to get a reaction out of me.
“Damn, he's hot! How old is he?” I showed Odilia and her mouth fell open instantly.
“Only 22,” I shrugged.
“You're lucky, Preethi. I wish I lived with a sexy tattooed guy in his mansion. I would've been hit that.”
“Stop, Odi!!” My face heated and I hide behind my hand. I pushed her, playfully.
“What? That boy is fine!” She laughed, hard.
I could hear Luella, chuckling in the back seat. Aziel wanted her to come in case something happened while we were out. She was basically true, but leaving out one detail.
“See, she gets it.” She points thumb back at Luella.
“I was laughing at Preethi's face. She looks like a tomato.” She hunches over I'm laughter.
“But, Aziel is like an older brother to me, gross.” After a few seconds, she put a serious face on again.
“Oh, Opps.” Odi giggles.
About 30 minutes later, we pull up to the mall and park into an empty space. All three of us step out at the same time.
“Okay. So let's get Preethi's shoes first and then I need to get a few dresses since it's going to be hot soon.” Odilia says, walking ahead of us, into the mall.
We went shopping for about 3 hours before we got back in the car and drove back to Aziel's. Odilia and I put everything she bought that I didn't already see.
“I wasn't really sure about his dress, but I bought because, you know, why not?” She threw it to the side as she pulled up a dark blue, summer, off the shoulder dress decorated in yellow sunflowers.
“That's really pretty, Odilia.” I smiled, gushing at the beautiful piece of clothing in front of me.
“Well if you like it so much, you can have it. It'll look better on you anyway.” She looked at it as if saying, 'it's okay', she tossed it into my lap.
Just as I lifted it up to see if it would fit me, the door opened and my eyes widened, slightly.
“Didn't know you were home. Why didn't you tell me?” Aziel stood in the door way. Looking at me and then to Odilia.
I looked down in my lap and just shrugged. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and Aziel lifted my head up with his hand. His eyes search mine, in curiosity. Then they flickered down to my lips and I cleared my throat, forgetting Odilia was in the room. He dropped his land and took a step back.
“Odilia, this is Aziel. Aziel this is my best friend, Odilia.” I gestured between both of them.
“Nice to meet you too.So you own this mansion?” He awkward stare suddenly dissolves away and she smiles.
“Yes, I own this property.” He looks at me, questioning.
“And you gave my Preethi a room in your place? What do you expect to get in return?” He nods.
I cough and Aziel puts a hand behind me, patting my back, softly.
“If you're implying that I only gave Preethi a room here for sexual reasons then you're mistaken.”
“Hey, I'm just trying to get the truth.” Odilia puts her hands up in mock surrender.
Aziel ignores her response and leans down to whisper in my ear, “We need to talk. Soon.”
Is all he says, and then he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.
“When we talked about him at the mall, you never mention he was a jerk.” Odilia said, as soon as he left.
“I guess he doesn't like accused of things he didn't do.” I shrugged my shoulders and she rolls her eyes.
I spend the next hour just talking with Odilia and then she says she has to leave in order to get back to campus before, 11:00 PM. I hug her quickly.
“Bye, Odilia, Talk to you soon.”
“See you, Preethi, ” she closes the front door and a few seconds later, I see her driving a way in her car.
I head up to Aziel's office, assuming he's there. I open the door and Aziel looks up from his desk. I just stare at him, unsure of what to do.
“You can come in further, you don't have to stay in the door way.”
I continuously, walk closer and stand in front of his desks. He gets up and leans against the table beside me.
“Can we finally talk about yesterday or are you gonna run back to the mall?”
My mouth stayed shut, partially because he was half right. I wanted some space from him because I couldn't look him in the eyes without thinking about what he said last night and him kissing me. But the other reason was that I didn't want to think about the man who was still sitting in the-- what I'm guessing is the 'interrogation' room, being watched by four men. I decided did not say anything about him being wrong.
“Well, you didn't exactly stop me. In fact, you gladly sent Luella to come with us.”
“If you're gonna run somewhere, I'd rather you have protection with you then be alone where anyone can grab you. ” His voice picking up volume.
“I can take care of myself, thank you.”
“Why do you always to do this?” He sounds frustrated.
“Do what?” I ask.
“Become distant and cold everytime I kiss you.” He says, standing up straight and moving in front of me, so my back to the desk.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, playing dumb. What he said was true, but I didn't want him to know that.
“You know exactly what I'm talking about. You do it all the time. Today was evidence of it,” when I don't respond, he continuous.
“Look, I know you saw what happened that night at the bar with Inezz and I, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I was drunk and didn't mean for you to see that.”
Thinking about Aziel and Inezz sitting at the bar, making out that night brought a heavy weight down on my chest. It was unfamiliar and I don't know why it was there. I don't even know why I even care about Aziel and can do what he pleases. It's not like him.
I shrugged my shoulders, keeping a blank stare and look down at the floor.
“What makes you think I care about sucking faces with Inezz?”
Aziel grabs my chin and forces me to look him. His eyes search my face, desperately. It weird seeing Aziel like this. He usually only has two emotions-- angry and calm. Right he looked anxious and frustrated. His hair was all over the place and he was sweating.
“God, do you not understand how new this is for me? I've never apologized to anyone! Yet here I am, apologizing to you and all that comes out of your mouth is denial. Whether you want be or not, you're attracted to me, Preethi. Stop pretending you aren't because your lies. You're going to have to come to terms with your feelings sooner or later. ” That's she last thing he says before he turns and walks out the door, almost slamming it.
I release a breath I didn't know I was holding that night, Aziel isn't in bed by the time I fall asleep and it makes me realize just how mad Aziel is. I know I'm attracted to Aziel, who wouldn't be? I just can't bring myself to admit that I like it when he kisses me. I can't admit that I check him out when he isn't looking. Something in the back of my mind, scolds me for even thinking like that. And I just can't.
Aziel's POV
I closed the door, harshly behind me. Walking out the front door to my garage, I can't but I fell angry. I know I shouldn't because it's Preethi's life and she can do whatever she wants with her feelings but I can't help but feel annoyed.
I put in the code to the garage door and it beeps twice before opening and revealing four of my cars. I head in the directions of my green 2017 Lamborghini Aventador S.
I grab the keys off the hanger on the wall, beside it and get in, starting the car. The garage door automatically opens when I pull up close.
When they open, Kendric standing there looking, at me. I press my foot on the pedal and drive up beside him, stopping when I'm only a few feet a way. Kendric walks up to my car and climbs up into the passenger side.
“Thought you would use some company,” he says.
I don't object because he right. I could definitely use someone to listen to my ranting while I drown my thoughts in alcohol.
I drive down the road in silence and Kendric doesn't say anything. He stares out of the window the entire ride as we both just back in the tranquillity of silence. When I pull into a parking spot a few feet away from the bar, I take my key out of the ignition and we both head inside.
The place isn't crowded but there are a few people here. They're all laughing, dancing it and drinking.
We sit at the bar, in seats furthest from the door and I rest my elbow on the wooden face, slightly raising my hand to get the bartender's attention.
“Let me get four tequila shots.”
She nods at me and turns back around the variety of alcohol bottle behind her. After a few seconds she places four small glasses in front of me and Kendric. I down both of mine in seconds, slamming them down when I finish, however, Kendric only takes one.
I grab his shot and down it. He watches me, observing my every move.
“I'm not so sure you should be drinking when you're in this state of mind.” He comments, his voice showing a hint of worry.
“I'm going to talk to you and get this out, I need to drink.” I signal to the bartender for more drinks and she adds four full glasses to the ones in front of me.
I down to of them and take the third one in my hand when Kendric grabs my forearm and pushes the cup away from my mouth.
“That's enough for now. Talk, Aziel. I'm listening.” I let out a long sigh and hang my head low.
“She's just, ... I don't know. She's frustrating as hell and she drives me crazy but see excites me at the same time. I have never felt like this way about a girl ever. I had initially wanted her in the gang for strictly business but now that I actually spend time with her, it's like I actually care about her. I want her to stay with me. No, I need her to stay with me. I want her to be happy and I want to be the one that puts that beautiful smile on her face. I want her.”
When I finish my ranting, I glance at Kendric sitting next to me see his mouth hanging open wide in what looks to be shock.
“Dude, you're fucked. She's really messing with your head. I've never heard you falk like that about a girl before.”
“God, I know. I sound like a girl. She's really getting to me. And now the first girl that I actually have real feelings for and she's pushing me away. I wish she'd just come to terms with her emotions. I see it in her eyes every time I kiss her. She wants it but she's afraid. I didn't blame her, who wants to be with a fucking gang leader. We're leaving a world full of darkness and terror. I've killed people before, everyone in the gang has. She doesn't want to be apart of this life.”
“Aziel, I don't think she's as afraid of you as you think. I think she's just..cautious. You know, she's unfamiliar with our lifestyle and I guess she trying to scope and the land. And if you feel she's hiding away from her feelings the make her realize that she wants go. If she doesn't what to try than then don't force it a on her.
“You're right. Thanks, Kendric.” I empty the last shot into my mouth.
“Let'sss get out here.” I slur my words, becoming tipsy from all the alcohol.
“Yeah, let's go. You don't need anymore tequila shots. You're getting drunk.” Kendric chuckles.
It was now dark and the only light that was showing was the small ones coming from the street lights. We head to my car and he directs me to the passenger seat, deciding that I'm too drunk to drive.
When we get home pass out on the couch and the last night I hear is Kendric mutter something along the lines of.
“What are you doing to him?”