The call lasted half an hour. I was wondering if we should bring everything back to each other's apartments before ending the call. After the call ended, I looked at them expectantly.
Fran said first: “Well, we were well educated in the art of cohabitation and the point of monogamy. about the whole idea. I'm a little worried that my darlings will be lured in by a big bad wolf, even though I've said I like you, Steve. . As the call went on, I think they were more lenient with the idea. Really, not much to say they would tell any of us if we moved in with someone. The trio has only been mentioned a few times. I think after last night, they might have been expecting something like an explosion.
I asked, "Can I face them again, or will they draw their pistols?" "
" Oh, you're more than welcome there. Finally, Mom pointed out that we should all go down on Tuesday night as you planned with Sheila. She promised to have a good braised dish. Oh, one more thing, they have an unused king bed and a frame that we might have if we could get it from Dillon here.
We cleaned up the kitchen and put everything in order, I learned that Fran liked to have everything ready for the next day: breakfast bowls, cereal, juice glasses, clothes to wear, cosmetics to use. She put everything away while we turned off the lights. The reason I found out later was that she's a late-night eater, not a morning person, so everything she prepared the night before meant she didn't have to think too much about what to eat. eat or wear in the morning.
We made love again. This time, it was a more measured and less urgent orgasm race for each of us. I get the impression that we are spending more time ensuring the happiness of our partners. We asked more questions about what makes us vibrate, what parts of our bodies are sexy, what gives us orgasms, what areas make us hotter. I enjoyed being in the "sex school" with intensive lessons and lab work because I was able to catch and push two of the most beautiful creatures on the planet.
We slept entwined in our narrow beds. How lucky I was, at least until midnight when I was overheated by two hot bodies beside me and struggled to get out and back in bed after urinating.
I definitely changed my personality over the weekend because people at work noticed it immediately. I get comments that I'm more professional, happier, smile more, and appear more fit. I didn't think to say anything about our triple arrangement.
I texted Fran and Sheila at their workplace, "We haven't talked to our colleagues about what to say about our arrangement. Any suggestions? We are a secret?"
Fran immediately replied: “No secret. Let's all hang out. 143. F. "It took me a minute to understand that '143' means 'I love you'. Sheila's post came after 5 minutes, "I guess we could make it public, but try to avoid making this the gossip of the century. I better not read about us in the Boston Globe. I love you both. S."
So, over lunch with my friends Jeremy and Rich, I quietly announced that I had changed my life over the weekend by asking two beautiful women to move in with me. I try to stay subtle and avoid being cocky, but Jeremy has gone crazy with the idea, praising me time and time again. Rich was sick of the whole concept, especially after I showed them pictures of Sheila and Fran. As they say, I became their idol - the all-time sex god - by giving me the opportunity to have non-stop sex for the rest of my life with two of these guys. hottest woman on the planet. Sure, they were right, but I just saw that we were really just three people who were really in love. Two men offered to "help" if two women were too much for me.
After that lunch, it didn't take long for the word to spread through the halls of Franklin, Didwich, and Casso - FDC - the consulting and systems firm I worked for. By closing time, I think everyone in the office that day walked through my office door to look at me. Several men poke their heads in the door of my office, smile broadly, sign "OK," or give a thumbs up and move on. None of the women said anything, and I tried to gauge their reaction as they walked through my office door and peered inside. I had a few shy smiles.
That evening, Sheila reported that other curators at the Boston Museum where she worked were jealous of her arrangement. Now they're not just looking for men, they're all excited, and so Sheila moving in with a man - even with another woman or her sister - always seems to be the pinnacle of her life. desire for them. They were reading between lines about our sexuality.
Fran's colleagues at the art school and gallery where she comfortably teaches congratulated her on her lifestyle change. Then two of the other women and a guy walked up to her office and suggested that they were available if we wanted to expand our trio even further. This last point provided a few minutes of lively discussion between the three of us and some laughter.
For the first time in my life, I began to realize that the world really worked for sex.
After comparing notes from our day to dinner, we fell in love again. I focused on the "L", and realized that I was in love with both Fran and Sheila. It wasn't just sex, though that helped; it's really how they see life and how happy they are. They don't expect me to "make" them happy; They know that the only source of happiness must come from within. What they find inside, they are willing to share through their radiant appearance and vision of the joy of the world. I explained my thoughts to them, and it led to a philosophical discussion about joy and happiness.
I asked them both, "Well, what would make you jealous?"
Fran speculates, "Probably not included if you and Sheila did something fun, but then I really wouldn't blame you. I would more likely think happy because of all the fun. you are all happy 2. It's hard to say. I don't want to judge a situation until all the nuances are clear.
Sheila tries, "Maybe if you find another honey than the two of us and run away with her without telling us anything." minutes and say, "Steve, what would make you feel that way?" "
I speculate," I think is small. If you're happy, so am I. If you find a guy or girl that gives you pleasure in some way, including sex, I'll do my best to make you happy and wish you the best of luck and happiness. If you leave, I will feel sad, but I will be happy for your happiness. happy partners or partners. I use long happiness, but can I say joy, happiness or erotic pleasure. For example, let's say you have a guy you really like here right now, and he's making love to you in front of Fran and me. We'll watch you, study your reactions to his kiss, touch, and technique, and we'll see your joy explode as you make love. We care about you - deeply, why would we want to quell those wonderful feelings you're having with anger, malice or jealousy? I will not. Jealousy is a learnable response, so I can consciously expand it and substitute more positive emotions for it, or worst, I can try to move on. Fran told Sheila, “A lot of people see the world as black and white. A situation is good or bad. Making love to another man in front of us can be good or bad, or a combination of different parts of each. Life is not that simple. If that was the case, we'd all be single, because everyone is sometimes. We live with grays and shades and colors and shades. Good and bad are judgments that we have learned to apply to certain situations, but by no means are they valid conclusions. The real power in a relationship, the highest form of love and intimacy, is the ability to forgive and Sheila motioned for Fran to add.
Fran says: "Imagine we're all married and Steve starts kissing honey on the side. If we rate it as 'bad' we kick him out and won't see him again, but we love him until 'discovered this moment' If we rate his actions as 'good' we can invite his other love between us and share our feelings and the pleasures they are having, or we can renegotiate our contract with Steve, or we can find our own way to external relationships as we maintain this trio. in a new way These are just a few of the variations or nuances to think about in what many would say is a black and white situation. Damn, ninety percent of this country alone makes the three of us cringe living together like this.
We talked a little more and then went to bed, the three of us snuggled into my still small cot. I'm in the middle again.