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Chapter 3 I Promise

I sat down and tried to think rationally about the crazy situation. I had another Jack Daniels.

After about five minutes, Dave returned to the lair. He watched me for a moment and asked, "What would you do if Sheila wasn't here tonight?"

I paled at the question and answered sincerely, “I guess I enjoyed a nice dinner with you, Jean and Alison, and then I went back to town.

Dave glanced at me and said, "And what happens next Tuesday night?"

I have seen the meaning of his questions; At least I think I did.

"I'm taking Sheila here for dinner with the two of you." I stopped and tried to visualize what would happen in the same house with the same group of parents. "I fell into a state of panic when I realized I was in the same house. I think things will start to fall apart pretty quickly after that. Maybe I confessed to Sheila down the aisle, or maybe after we got in, that I had gone home to Fran three nights earlier. in one way or another? "

" I don't understand how it's not possible. Sooner or later I understood the relationship and connection of the two. Tonight. Next Tuesday. A week later. It will be inevitable.

Dave paced in front of his mahogany desk: "And how can you expect things to work out?" they are. I won't keep my secrets from them. I always wanted to hang out with Sheila and Fran. I love them so much, and I mean they both make my heart race, make me want to be their protector and white knight, and I see a lasting relationship forming with each one. . Other than that, I don't know what to say other than I really like each and every one of them. "

Dave thought about it for a minute. I can tell he's also sensitive to noise from the kitchen side of the house. Finally, he said, 'Come on and let's face the situation.' There's no other way. that you have to leave, and I don't think you or my daughters want that. The only alternative to leaving that I can see is what the Japanese call "seppuku", a samurai ritual in which one dies honorably by dropping one's own sword. I was wondering if a kitchen knife would do.

Dave led me into the kitchen. The four women in the kitchen looked like an inquisition. They were silent, however, Fran and Sheila had Kleenex in their hands, their tears wet.

Jean smiled at me, a gesture that helped me overcome some of my fear. I read in that emotion, hoping that things could get better in one way or another. I also observed that no one had a weapon.

Dave takes over. “Ladies, Steve and I agree that the situation that arises here tonight is inevitable; if not tonight, next Tuesday, or right after the pieces come together. Steve has indicated that he will face each and every one of you honestly, as he will tonight.

I nodded in agreement and stared at Fran and Sheila. I noticed they were sitting next to each other, but their body language was miles away. Sheila was transferred to her mother, and Fran to Allison.

Dave continued, “Steve, repeat your answer to my question about how you hope things will end tonight.” Instead of continuing to stand, I pulled the last empty chair from the kitchen table and sat down so I could face Sheila and Fran and look them straight in the eye. In doing so, I made my appeal: “I love you both very much. I told your father earlier that I can't choose between the two, I don't want to because you love both of them. Each one makes my heart beat faster. in a romantic way. It's not that you're the same; on the contrary, both of you are different people, but you both complement me in a separate way when I'm with you.

I saw Sheila begin to calm down. I continued, "I can't say who I will choose in the future, but I can say for now that I want to continue our relationship and how things progress in our friendship and relationship. I would hate it To end up with either of you, but I understand if after tonight either or both of you never want to see me again I just hope not. understand i'm sorry this has happened and i've brought each of you pain i care about each and every one of you and i would never want to bring any sadness to you any of you.”

I noticed Fran was shaking her head to indicate that she wanted to continue. Sheila then joined us. They both continue to look serious and have pursed lips.

I've taken a big step forward in my thoughts and ideas for what a possible solution might be. “Maybe from now on we should at least date three or more people. Other times, maybe just the two of us with one of us. Maybe the day's activity determines that. Fran you like sports and games, while Sheila you like intellectual lectures or music. I love all of these, so I choose one for one event type and the other for other event types. For a trip to the beach, maybe we all go.

Jean has moved to the kitchen to stir some kind of pan. Then she stood with her husband leaning against the counter to my left. I can see them both nodding to some of my logic and suggestions. I think the sisters have seen it too.

I continued, "We have an open relationship right now. If something happens, we mustn't hide it from each other, or you will lose trust in each other and in my relationship. with you, but not with me." I don't want that to happen. I'm not saying I have other dates, but I do suggest when one of you wants to do something another night when I've made an appointment. in your dating plans when something unexpected happens, or when some of your plans fail?

I nodded to her and thanked her for making this point. “We are not going to be perfect on this. We will have to tolerate our mistakes in this arrangement. I promise you that I will not do anything evil, wicked, or angry toward any of you; everything I will try to do will be done as... taking care of each person. I am not perfect, and my actions will not be.

Fran said in a soft voice, “I'm not perfect either. I hope you can tolerate my mistakes and often my selfish nature. I can be petty and narcissistic. I sometimes if I start behaving this way. We need help figuring out how we can all be happy with what's coming out of this crazy situation. "

A kitchen bell rang.

John announced, "Well, that means dinner's ready. It seems like we are all talking constructively and things are moving in the right direction. What are we eating? "

I took Fran and Sheila back to town after a long dinner. Apparently Sheila caught the train from town to Dillon in the early afternoon. The conversation on the table gradually faded as night fell, until we were all laughing and comfortable mocking each other in some way.

I'm always on the lookout and have my best dealings with Sheila and Fran, and of course with Dave, Jean, and Allison. I stick with the rest of my family on my dates, and I think I made a good impression, despite an awkward start to the evening.

As I left the Interstate for the last part of my trip in the neighborhood where the three of us have separate apartments, Fran, who was in the back seat, asked me, "Steve, how are you expecting wait for it .”

I shyly mumbled two words, “Hotel tray. I wonder if she understands the parallels between sports and our romantic relationship.

Fran said, "So you wish I could spend the night with you?" I nodded, and for emphasis, I hesitantly said, "Honestly, yes... but, I'm not going to insist on that right now, and I certainly won't ask you to do something that you don't. You didn't think you were fair or you didn't. "I don't want to. I hope you want as much privacy as I do. I also have to think about your sister; we can't function outside of her, can we?"

Sheila She returned to her seat to meet both of us in this discussion. what about our date? Tuesday night? How can you hope it will end?

I sigh and hope I haven't drowned with the sisters. “Like the way I just described to Fran. We've had a comfortable process of being intimate and flirting, so soon, if it's not Tuesday, or next week, or next week, I hope we can enjoy the ending again. final concatenation. Taking into account that there are three of us in this relationship. "

Sheila and Fran exchanged some kind of nonverbal communication. I caught a few hand gestures behind the back of each of them but I couldn't understand them enough to interpret them.

As I was taking the step. Finally down rue de Fran and stopped in front of her apartment building, she said, “Don't stop here. The three of us will come to your apartment. Fran leaned down from the backseat and kissed me. She said, "I should have said something earlier, but we know you're a nice guy, and in the right place for both of us."

I mumbled something in return for taking care of her and all her family.

Sheila leaned over me and kissed my cheek. “I agree with my sister. I apologize for reacting the way I did. I created a fake illusion of you and me, and when you got to Fran, it blew up. I'm fine now, especially since you're dating Fran and no one else. "

" I'm sorry, but I guess I said it a hundred times tonight.

Sheila said, 'Don't be like that. I love my fantasies... and maybe they will come true someday, maybe even one or two tonight. We have ... uh... a suggestion for you. "

I feel like some grand decision is about to bring me to my knees before I get to the corner to go back to my apartment. Stay with you tonight, the two of us."

After an appropriate period of silence, I said, "You're joking. You're tormenting me because you accidentally went out with your two sisters." Even as I said that, I could hear the sincerity in their voices, and that asked me.

Fran added: “No, we really meant it. We want to prove it. We'll spend the night...with you...in your bed...the two of us. "

" Wow! Are you sure? “I think my head spins over my shoulder half a dozen times like the mad woman in The Exorcist when I look between the sisters. Did they agree to come to my apartment and my bed for a night of sex? Dare I think this far for the rest of the evening? Maybe instead of having sex, they planned to castrate me.

I blame myself for being conceited. I think it's more likely that they want to talk about the crazy arrangement we seem to be forming between the three of us. I vowed to stay realistic in my expectations and master the "big man" I know who has been living inside of me all this time.

Sheila dispelled my doubts hoarsely, "We've both been dating you for months. We love you more than we want to spend all of our time with you. It's possible to pass. over the barrier of sharing the same guy over you.We both want to make love to him... and, tonight is night. "

I said skeptically, 'So we have three? "

Fran said quietly, "Yes. "Sheila laughed," Maybe. Only time will tell, but we wanted to give it a try. Soon you have two “hot” women who love you and want to be with you… in bed with you. We are all boys' craziest dreams.

I couldn't believe this was happening, but both women assured me they were sincere. I was speechless. Considering the mood swings of the past few hours, I couldn't believe what was going on in my life. I started memorizing every word and even the places where conversations took place.

Sheila made a request. "Come over to my house so I can run for five minutes and pick up some stuff tomorrow." You know, girly. Maybe I'll even bring a sexy babydoll dress. She turned to Fran, "You want something special." "

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