Did I make the right decision? Is this real? Have I fucked us over?
What would Mia think?
Mia. The woman who loved so fully and wholeheartedly that she ended up paying for it. She should've never gotten involved in a gang, but she believed everyone was good. She believed everyone deserved love and happiness and she tried her hardest to spread it. Here I am. Unloved and unhappy. Her six feet under. The situation made me want to scream and lash out at the woman lying in the bed. I need to process what the hell just happened in the room, but I also feel the need to make sure she's okay. Which pisses me all the way the fuck off. What the hell is wrong with me? She basically shit on all of our lives and here I am, wondering if her ankles are okay.
I get up from the chair and briskly walk to another room. The "War Room" as Dean calls it because apparently whenever we use the room, it's because of a fight. Theo refers to it as the "Discussion Room" because we discuss everything gang-related in it. Cole and I refer to it as a room because that's what it is.
I sit down in my chair and I'm not surprised when one-by-one, my friends file in. We all sit in our respective spots, contemplating quietly.
"Okay guys," Dean huffs, looking adorable. His curly hair that usually has a part on the side is messed up. He's probably dumbfounded. "I have no idea what just happened."
A smirk comes on my face at him confirming my thoughts. I know the guys so well that sometimes, when my thoughts wander, I could imagine us together for the rest of our lives. And not in a best friend sort of way. That dream died years ago, though.
"Theo, shoot," I say, unsure myself. Theo always discusses the technical part of things. His technological skills are impressive and his love for knowledge helps out tremendously. Whenever he speaks, it’s with confidence. I'm sure he's absorbed and dissected all the new information.
"Basically, Sienna and Asma are two different..." he pauses twisting his face, "...things per say. Sienna is umm like us. And Asma is like a robot. We control her and she's forced to listen." Every sentence he said sounds like it ends in a question. I've never seen him so perplexed.
"You're telling me, a robotic bitch killed Mia and not that woman out there?" Cole asks his hands clenching and unclenching. I look at his face to see any signs of a rage coming on, but he just looks tired. We've been up since yesterday and emotionally, I'm tired too.
"No. Yes?” Theo frowns. “The robotic bitch, Asma, uses Sienna's body for her crimes. I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but do you know what this means?"
Cole and Dean both look blank, but I see where Theo's going. "Someone ordered Asma to kill her,” I say. “Someone ordered Asma to commit that massacre that night."
The reality dawns on them and while Dean looks sick, Cole gets angrier. "What the fuck does that mean! That bitch did not have to kill! No one forced anyone to do anything! She kills because she wants to! Because she's cold and sadistic and a psychopath!" He's yelling at Theo and I can see Theo clam up. He hates being yelled at.
"Cole, stand down." I warn and he turns to me furious.
He scowls and shakes his head. "You can't seriously believe this, Dom. Some uncontrollable controlled side of her killed Mia? Our Mia who never hurt a soul. It sounds like a load of bull and I'm gonna kill that bitch right now."
"Sit down and think, Cole." I growl. He does as I say and begins to open his mouth again.
"Think," I repeat, cutting him off. "She said she can't disobey. We saw evidence of it. She stood on two broken ankles. If that's not showing that she's uncontrollably controlled, then I don't know what is. Besides, she wants to die. Sienna. But, she can't now. No-"
"Didn't she say if she runs away or tries to kill us her head explodes?" Dean asks thoughtfully.
I think back to what Asma said and remember. “Yes.”
He tilts his head to the side. "So, if she wants to die, can't she just run away from us right now?"
We all let that thought run through our heads quietly before we hear a crash. Jumping up, we race out the door towards the guest bedroom made hospital room.
"She's getting away!" Gina yells pointing down the hallway.
Sienna's running down the hallway and she's close to the door before she collapses, yelling out painfully. I run over to her and get on my knees, cradling her head. Her eyes are rolling in the back of her head and her nose is bleeding.
"You better not get brain on my walls," I grumble, and she cracks a smile. It's small, but it's there. It's weird though. An unemotional, stone-cold killer is smiling at me.
"I didn't make it far enough," she whispers before she's out like a light. At this rate, she's been asleep longer than she's been awake.
"Did her brain explode?" Dean asks a little too excitedly. I look up to see the guys staring at us on the ground. I look down at the way I'm cradling her head. An assassin should not be held this gently.
"No," I respond causing Dean to pout and walk away. I pick her body up bridal-style, surprised at the light weight. Then, I walk her back to the room and lay her down gently. Theo comes in with handcuffs and locks her to the headboard.
Now awake, Sienna giggles. "Kinky. What's the safe word?" Her head rolls on her neck and she keeps smiling for no reason. She's delirious. I look back at Theodore, expecting a scowl, but instead his face is red. And not an angry red, but an embarrassed one. I have no idea what to think about that.
Theo, seeing my staring, lets out a yawn. "I'm going to rest now."
I look over at Cole who's staring at the now sleeping Sienna. Gina gave her something to sleep.
"I'll take first watch," he says, interrupting me. He gives me a look. As if he's trying to be innocent. But even Cole's innocent is Theo's guilty.
"Don't do anything you'll regret, Cole,” I warn.
He shrugs and takes a seat beside her. "I already have."
I want to ask him what he means by that, but I'm tired. "Goodnight," I mumble and he grumbles in response.
I silently hope that Sienna is still alive by tomorrow.