I look at the terrifyingly beautiful woman. I guess you have to be hot in order to get close enough to your victims. But, she is more than hot. The way her now tamed curls fall just above her breasts drawing your eyes to the plump mounds, it's sinful. And she's the devil. That can only be the reason why I'm getting hard over a woman who kills hundreds.
She stands by the door with her hands folded in front of her. If it wasn't for her excited smile and fidgety hands, I'd think I was looking at Asma. Her shoes sparkle, drawing attention to the white toes contrasting again her dark skin. The dress stops above her knees meaning if a gust of wind hits perfectly, I'd get a lovely eyeful. Her dress accentuates her waist that I'm sure will fit perfectly between my hands. Her lips have a small gloss on them that I'd love to-
"Commander Kiss my Ass, could you please stop staring at me? You already said you don't sleep with murders," she whines. She sounds truly regretful. As if my standards make her upset. Wait. Commander Kiss my Ass?
"I was joking about the name," I tell her, caught off guard with how serious she is.
She smirks and comes to sit next to me, her floral scent washing over me. "Yeah well, Asma doesn't get jokes and she will now refer to you as Commander Kiss my Ass. I'll call you Commander Dean, if you prefer."
I look down at her coffee brown eyes that seem to show every emotion she has. She's excited and happy right now. Her are eyes twinkling and there's a small smile behind her smirk. "Dean is fine," I say with a sigh. "No need for that Commander stuff, right?"
She nods her head and looks at the T.V. I look up at the mirror above the T.V. The colors flash across her face as she gives one hundred percent of attention to it.
Well, I think it's one hundred percent until she speaks. "You look handsome."
"Thanks," I grin. "Someone's gotta look good in the group of us."
She laughs,. but it's cut off when the elevator doors open. My breath hitches when I see how amazing my friends look. Theodore with his forest green suit and black shoes. Cole in his black suit and brown shoes. And Dom in his blue suit with burgundy shoes. All of them, in their own way, look handsome and I feel the feelings for them bubble up. Their perfectly styled hair and masculine vibes make my hard on get harder.
"Well it seems like all of you guys had the same thoughts," Sienna whispers. I turn to her, shocked and worried that she could know what I'm thinking. She's eyeing me, but I have no idea what it means.
"Well," she says, standing up and clapping her hands. "Now that we all look amazing, let's go get Felie!" She smiles and walks to the door while I observe my three friends. All of them are looking at her in awe, the same look I'm sure I have on my face.
I get up and walk over to them. "Damn, we look good," I smirk confidently. Simultaneously, three pairs of eyes go on me, making my face sizzle. I turn away from them and follow after Sienna.
"So do we have to make you Asma and give you an order?" Theodore asks curiously. He's sitting next to Sienna while I'm on the other side. Dom's driving and Cole's glowering in the front.
"Uh no thanks," she says quietly. "If you guys are okay with it, I'd prefer to fight as Sienna. It's been awhile."
I frown at the complex woman. "I thought you hate hurting people and stuff."
"I hate killing," she corrects. "I love a good fight as much as the next guy. Also, they're evil. I know of the Uertes. I served for them once and it was terrible. Now, I get payback."
"You're fucking weak as Sienna. I say we call the robot bitch out," Cole inputs, basically saying fuck you to how Sienna feels about cursing.
"Damn it, Cole. She wants to have virgin ears. Why the hell can't you let her?" I question before groaning internally. I did the same thing Cole did.
"It's fine Dean," Sienna assures. My name in her voice makes me shiver. "Commander Cole is still bitter about Asma giving him boo-boos." She leans forward, towards Cole, "You haven't seen me fight. Every time you've subdued me, it's 'cause I want it." She leans back, satisfied with herself. "I'll be fine."
"I hate you," is all Cole says and the car is plunged in silence.
I lean forward and put on music. Silence is one of the worst things in the world to me. That's why I try to tell jokes to fill it. But, Sienna has me all out of sorts.
I feel movement and see Sienna. She's moving her arms and hands around her face as if she's a singer and she's performing. It's cute, and I find myself smiling at her. She was apparently serious about living life happily until she dies.
She turns towards me and mouths the male part into her imaginary microphone before she puts it to my mouth. I mouth the words with her, causing her smile to broaden. Then, her hand grabs my own, eliciting sparks. She balls it up and holds it to my mouth. Together, we sing the song silently, moving our body as much as possible in the small car. I can feel Cole's irritation, Theodore's fascination, and Dom's amusement, but none of that stops me. It's as if it's Sienna and I are in our own little world.
That shatters when we pull up to the ballroom.
We file out and I watch as Theodore helps her get out the car, holding her hand. He has a small blush on his face, and I feel a smirk fall into place. It seems that little Theodore is having the same problem as me.
We all gather around the bottom of the stairs where people are walking up into the open double doors.
"Who am I pretending to be?" She asks eyes flitting between all of us. They are all silent as they think while I roll my eyes. I reach out and grab her waist, pulling her to me side.
"Guys it's obvious," I drawl. "She can be my girlfriend." I look over at Theodore. "I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."
Theodore stutters and blushes making me grin at him. His flustered state is something to behold. I take in the other's reactions to see Cole fuming and Dom wary.
"Guys it'll be fine," I assure. "Someone has to make sure Sienna doesn't run away and blow up her brains. It's a reason for me to be up her ass."
Sienna opens her mouth, probably to tell me not to curse, but I pinch her side. Secretly, I love the feel of her squishiness between my fingers. It may seem weird, but I'd always love the feel of pudge spilling through my fingers. And Sienna has just the right amount.
"Alright," Dom reluctantly agrees.
I almost jump for a joy, but I settle with squeezing Sienna's side again. She slaps my hand and laces her fingers with mine. I try to ignore how good it feels and start pulling her up the stairs.
"Lets go, girlfriend." I say, looking down at her with a grin.
She grins back. "We're gonna be the best looking couple there, boyfriend."
"You guys are sickeningly obvious," Cole mutters from behind us. I just flick him off and we keep walking.
We pass through metal detectors that are pointless in this day and age. Most guns are made of plastic now. Once we're cleared, we walk deeper into the gorgeous room. Light brown wood covers the floor making our shoes tap with every step. Long tables covered with food line the walls. In the front, there's a stage with hundreds of seats facing it. There's a big space for dancing and I know sometime, Sienna and I will be on that floor.
For now though, I drag her over to the Hors d'oeuvres table. There's so many of the bite sized snacks and they're all labeled.
"Here," I say holding out a lobster toast with avocado and Espelette pepper to her. It seems straightforward enough.
She holds a hand over her mouth and shakes her head no. "That looks freaky, and I am not eating that."
"Come on," I push. "We have to keep up appearances."
"No one else is eating food," she says, gesturing around her. With her mouth open, I stuff it in her face. Her eyes bulge and she chews slowly before humming. "This is gooood," she hums. Surprisingly she goes to grab another one, and she holds it in front of my face. "Try it."
"Oh no," I refuse, holding out my hands. "I am not eating that freaky stuff."
Her eyebrows rise as she smiles openly at me. "How can you stuff my face, and I can't stuff yours!?"
"You can stuff my face. Just not with that." I smirk at her and I'm delighted with her cheeks turning red. Her smile turns sheepish and she's biting her lip. "Are you blushing, Sienna?"
She stuffs the lobster in her face and shakes her head. "No."
"I got the seductive, destructive, sexy Sienna to blush," I say, feeling myself.
Her eyes light up and I realize what I said. "You think I'm sexy huh?" she grins, gliding her hands up my chest before landing on my neck. I gulp, and I'm pretty sure I'm sweating. She steps closer and pushes her body flush against mine, my hands land on her hips and my hard on comes back with a vengeance. Her fingers run through the back of my hair and I internally moan. She glances down between us before giving me a naughty smile. She leans up to my ear to whisper. "For someone who doesn't sleeps with murderers. You sure do desire to."
She walks away, swiftly leaving me cold with her whispered words bouncing around in my head. I watch as she moves down the table grabbing bites of stuff she finds interesting.
"I'd say that's another point for Sienna," Theodore says, adorably playful. Whenever Theodore spoke, it was always with confidence. As if that was the way and the only way. It always fascinates me. I'm always so unsure of life that his stability... is stimulating. With the way he's looking at me, all I can think about is how much I adore that man.
"Yeah," I chuckle. I look down at my feet, feeling confused. "I don't know what I'm doing, Chipmunk."
When I look up, I see him glaring at my using his pet name. It fits his cute personality and I love it. But no matter how many times I explain it's a compliment, he claims it's embarrassing.
"When do you know what you're doing?" He teases. I frown at him and he sobers up.
"I'm serious," I say quietly. :She killed Mia. But, my heart goes wild near her and I wanna fuck her into the next dimension. It's been a week!" I'm frustrated both mentally and sexually.
I will never admit this to Dom, who would tell me to stop right now, or Cole, who'd kill me for even touching the idea. Theodore, he's soft and calm. He'll help clear my mind.
"I understand. I kinda feel that way too," he admits. His face is red again, and his eyes keep drifting to Sienna. "I think it's 'cause Sienna didn't kill Mia. Asma did. We're crushing on Sienna and forgetting that she shares her body with a monster. Sienna's damaged like all of us." I wonder briefly about how Theodore's damaged, but he continues. "And we feel that connection with her.
"I guess you're right," I sigh. "I'm crushing on Sienna. Wait, you said 'we're' as in me and you. You're crushing on her too?"
"Yeah." Is all he says taking off his glasses and cleaning them on his shirt. When he puts them back on, his eyes go off in a distance before he freezes. I follow his eyes to see a man close to Sienna. Too close. And instead of her backing away or looking uncomfortable, she's talking with a smile and bright eyes. It pisses me off, and jealousy lodges itself deep in my belly.
"Dean-" I ignore Theodore and make my way towards the happy, laughing couple.
Guess we're not dancing today.