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Chapter 5

Amara POV


It's been a week since graduation and I still haven't heard from the boys. I tried calling both of them. Since I knew the three of them were together, but it would just go straight to voice mail.

It wasn't until I texted them that I realized that I had been blocked.

The text was telling me unable to send. So much for being friends forever.

I lift my head up from my phone when I hear my dad hollering for me.

" Lets go kid! We don't have all day! I have a meeting to get to at five o'clock!" He hollers out the window of the moving truck.

" Coming!" I yelled back as I shove my phone into my shorts pocket and run over to the truck and hop inside.

I take one last look at the house I lived in for the last few years. Living here wasn't so bad and I made a lot of great memories here. I can always come and visit, but I don't think I can forgive the boys. They could have atleast told me bye, or even texted me back. Instead they just ghost me like I am nothing.

Feeling the jerk of the truck as dad starts to drive off onto the road.

I take a deep breath.

" You can always come back to visit." Dad says staring at the road.

I nod, " Yeah, I know."

I am just unsure when I want to visit again. It most likely won't be anything soon.


Dimitri POV

............( TWO YEARS LATER)...........

I step off the private jet and towards the black SUV that was waiting for me.

I fix my leather jacket and pull my phone out of my blue jeans pockets.

I never understood why dad wore suits all the time. I find it to be a pain in the ass. So, I only wear suilts when I need to and thats it. Not to mention the dry cleaning to get blood out of suits is ridiculous. I can still rule wearing regular clothes than a fucking suit.

As I get closer the driver steps out of the vehicle and opens the back door for me.

" Boss." The driver greets as he bows.

I give him a slight nod as I climb inside.

" About time, Lucia been on my damn nerves." Liam says in the passenger seat.

While Lucia is in the back with me.

Its been two years, but we managed to each our fathers expectations. I become the next head of the Russian Mafia. While Lucia became my underboss. I wanted both Lucia and Liam be my underboss's, but the old man wouldn't fucking have it. So I decided to wait a few years before I change that rule. For now Liam will just have to be the Consigleri for now.

I can't go changing things right way. If I do it will cause chaos within. I have to make slow and steady changes.

" Man! I wonder how Amara been. I hope she isn't going to be too pissed off about us leaving a week before graduation. I know she was hoping for us to graduate together." Liam says

As the driver starts the car and pulls out the runway and onto the road.

" She will most likely be pissed considering she blocked me on facebook." I tell him.

Lucia smirks, " Oh, good she blocked you too. I figured it was just me."

" What! You two are blocked?" Liam says as he pulls up his facebook.

" I'm not blocked." He says holding up his phone to show us.

" Probably because you don't have your actual name. Out of all the names you picked Jason." Lucia says mockingly.

" I got tired of girls trying to randomly add me back in high school. She most likely forgot I changed my name." Liam says as he is strolling through Amara facebook page.

" Guys we have an issue.." Liam says as he shows us Amara facebook page.

" She moved to Wisconsin and apparently has a job as a CNA." Liam says showing me a recent picture.

It was a picture of Amara in her light pink scubs. Her dark blue eyes were as beautiful as ever. The first thing I noticed was her hair was no longer blonde, it was black.

" She dyed her hair black. Looks kinda hot." Lucia says as I punch him in the shoulder.

" Ow! fuck!" Lucia says as he glares at me.

" Why the fuck didn't she tell us she moved! And she left without asking!" I said as I clinch and unclinch my jaw.

I am beyond pissed right now. Especially since dad told me not to worry cause he had men on her.

That lying son of a bitch!

" Relax, we can always go talk to her mom." Lucia says as he pulls up Abby's facebook page.

" Looks like she remarried about a year ago." He says as a smirk forms on his face. " You won't believe this shit! She married Luke Martin." He says with a laugh.

Luke was one of our top business partners. He wasn't in the mafia with us, but he pretty much had his hand in everything illegal.

" Call him and inform him we are dropping by. I need to speak Abby." I tell them.

" You and us too. We would like to know why she moved without saying anything." Liam says beating Lucia's into making the phone call.

An hour later we are walking into Lukes penthouses.

" Looks like you are doing quite well." I says coldly to him.

" Why exactly did you want to talk about? I figured you guys have some things to sort out. Since you both just got back." He says a little tense as he keeps looking in the direction of his bedroom.

The door was shut but the light was on.

" What's got you worried?" Liam asked with a stern tone.

" Look, I got remarried a year ago. She doesn't know anything about you guys or the fact I lend a helping hand from time to time." He says nervously

" Thats a bummer dude, cause she is the reason we are here." Lucia smirks and he loudly speaks.

" Momma, we are home!" Lucia yells loud enough for her to surely hear.

I shake my head as I try not to laugh.

Some shuffling around could be heard coming from the bedroom as Abby exits the room.

She gives us three a bright smile, " I thought that was you Lucia!" She says as the blood drains from Luke's face.

" Y-you know them?" Luke says confused

Abby nods, " Of couse I do. The three of them hung out at the house all the time with Amara. They were the best of friends." She tells Luke.

She gives the three of us tight hugs, " Well, you boys have been working out. Seem a lot buffer than the last time I saw you boys."

" Yeah, guess it was from all that assassination we did." Lucia says giving Luke a sly smile.

While Luke seemed to be panicking on the inside.

Abby laughes, " You boys always did have a dark sense of humor. Come sit." She says enter looping her right arm into mine.

" So, what brings you boys here?" She ask walking me over to a white couch and sitting next to me.

While Luke sat across from us on the other couch with Liam and Lucia on either side of him. He seemed very uncomfortable and nervous to be sitting in the middle.

" We wanted to know about Amara." I asked her nicely.

Abby nods her head, " Yes, I figured you would. You know she was very sad when three left without a word." She tells us

" Is that why she left? Because she was mad?" Liam asked sadness in his tone.

Abby shakes her head, " No, thats not why she left. You see, she planned on going to Wisconsin to explore and get her CNA license. They had a great program for her to enter. Along with great hospitals to work in. She had been meaning to tells you boys.

She just couldn't find the right time. So, she planned to tell you boys at graduation. She even brought tickets, cause you guys had a plan to go the movies. However once she found out you guys left. She got pretty sad and left a week after graduating." She explains to us.

Shit! that's right we did make plans to go to the movies after graduating. At the time dad kept changing his mind on what he wanted to do for our training. So, I could take over.

I told him the only way I was going overseas. Is if he had someone here to keep an eye on her. If she left a week after graduating than someone wasn't doing there job, or dad fucking lied.

" We fucked up, didn't we?" Liam asked her.

" Amara is stubborn, but she will come around. Just send her a message on facebook or a text message." Abby says with a soft smile.

" She blocked us." I tell her

" She didn't block me, but I have a feeling she will. If I message her on Facebook." Liam tells her.

Abby nods, " Well, you guys will have to make the first move somehow. You boys were and still are her best friends. I would just give her time." She tells us.

I nod, " Yeah, I guess." I tell Abby as I give her a hug. " We have to go, but we will see you around." I tell her softly.

Abby stands up, " You boys don't have to leave. You can stay the night here. If you have no where to go." She says to us. She looks over at Luke, " Right, honey?" She says to him.

Luke pales for a moment before returning her soft smiles, " I'm sure they have some stuff to take care of." He says earning a glare from Abby.

I don't blame him for trying to get rid of us. We had made a reputation for ourselves over the years. Recently the rumors have gotten more brutal over the past two years.

I would normally tell people it was a lie and just say it's a dumb rumor, but its not. I have done some cruel things that Satan himself would be scared of.

" He is right, We do have things to do." I tell Abby softly as she gives us a sad look.

" Alright, but if you boys ever need anything just ask. And do stay in touch this times. You might not be my kids, but I accepted you three as my own anyway." She says giving Lucia a hug.

It gives me a chance to whispers in Lukes ear, " I was shocked when I saw you married the mother of the women I love. However it seems to work in my favor. So, for now I will let Amara stay in Wisconsin, but you have to find away to bring her back here. If you want to keep paying for all this expensive shit." I says coldly with a dangerous expression on my face.

I watch as Luke nods his head frantically with fear in his eyes, " Alright, but it could take awhile." He says in a low tone.

" I don't give a shit!" I whisper harshly and soften my expression and tone as Abby speaks to me.

" Do be safe heading out." She tells me as I walk over to the door about to head out. " Wait! I forgot to give you my phone number." She says as she walks over to a small table by the door to retrieve her cellphone.

" That's okay, Luke already give it to Liam." I say as Abby looks at Luke.

" Right, Luke." I glare at him and watch as he nods.

" Y-yes, I did. It slipped my mind." He tells Abby.

In truth I had one of my men get Abby's number for me. He also got Amara new number and found where she works and lives all in just a few hours. I had got a text from him with everything a little after showing up here.

" Thats good." Abby says happily.

We tell our goodbyes once again before leaving.

" So, are we going to go get her?" Liam asked me.

" No, we have to do stuff here. A lot of changes need to be made. First I want to get down to business who allowed Amara to leave in the first place. Than we need to make the whole city our kingdom. Safe enough for Amara, for when she comes home." I tell him

Lucia laughs, " We already own half the city. You want the whole city? That could take a few years." He informs me

" I am aware." I says fixing my leather jacket, before getting into the SUV.

Lucia gets into the passenger seat. while Liam climbs into the back with me.

Now, who was the moron that let her get out of mymy city.


Two months have went by and my father finally arrives back in the city. Instead of the driver taking him to the mansion. I ordered the driver to bring him to the warehouse.

I found the man dad caimed he left in charged. At this moment he was hanging upside down by his ankles. His hands tied behind his back as Liam was using him as a punching bag.

His cries are muffled by the gag I had shoved in his mouth, cause I got tired of hearing him whine and beg.

I hear the sound of a vehicle approaching. I watch as a few of my men are on guard, but relax when they realize its just my father.

" This better be good! I have a hot date waiting in the car!" He snaps at me as he approaches.

He looks over at the man dangling in the air by his ankles, " I didn't hear anything about a snitch being amoung us."

Right, even after passing the throne to me. Dad still has his fucking hands in my business. Which is why I have to make changes slowly and carefully.

My old man isn't a fool and he is just as cold hearted as me.

" That's not a snitch. It's someone you left in charged of Amara." I tell him.

He looks at me a moment before his face hardened. " Something happen to her?" He asked and reaches for his gun.

" She not dead or injured." I tell him

He removes his hand from behind his back, " If she fine, Why the hell are you beating the hell out of my men for?!" He snaps at me.

" Because he let her leave the city" I snap back at him.

" She wasn't suppose to leave. I fucking told them to make sure she didn't get accepted up there." My father says kicking over an empty dum.

" So, you knew she was planning on leaving?" I asked him

My father nods, " Yeah, but she wasn't suppose to actually go. I even put in a good word for her at the local hospital. Where she could do her CNA classes. When I didn't hear anything back. I just assumed she was still here." He says with a sigh.

So, someone did fuck up. I know my dad liked Amara and would do anything for her. The day I brought her over to the house to hang out. They hit it off and got pretty close over the years.

My father can do some fucked up shit, but hearing, he had nothing to do with Amara leaving and was trying to keep her here for me. It helped me relax a little.

I pick up my gun and shot the man danging in the air. I hit him right in the center of his forehead.

" Fuck man! You almost shot me!" Liam yelled

" I was watching and waiting for you to move." I tell him with a smirk.

" What if I moved back in the way huh! Fucking warn somebody first!" He says with glare.

" He right son, You could have shot him." He says with a chuckle.

" So not funny!" Liam yells at us

As me and my old man just burst into laughter.

I swear its never going to be boring with them. I will wait patiently for Amara to come back. In the meantime I have to get down to business. Luke better do as I tell him or he will start loosing money.

However I wouldn't want to Abby to go down with him. I will convince her to divorce him, before it gets too far.

After all she will be my mother-in-law one day.

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