Devlin’s first stop was his room. He threw open the door to find Chantel there, cleaning up the last of the water from the floor with a large dry cloth. She stood quickly to her feet as he entered the room, alarm crossing her face.
“You shouldn’t be here.” She gripped the front of her robe tightly as he began to strip the clothes from his body.
“I don’t like wearing dirty clothes over a clean body, my Lady,” he bit out as he jerked open the small leather bag that contained a change of clothes. All he wanted to do was find the wizard, negotiate a deal for his aid, and ride out to the next battle against Jonar, Devlin thought. He hadn’t anticipated finding everything he had ever needed here, every hidden dream that had filled his soul. He hadn’t known he was truly lonely until he gazed into the emerald eyes of the woman standing so solemnly behind him.
He turned to her, finding her gaze fighting to keep from straying to his throbbing erection. Damn woman, he couldn’t even be furious with her for the way his body craved her.
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t about to use it,” he growled as he jerked his pants on and laced them quickly.
“Of course.” Her voice sounded small in the room, and her expression regretful. Devlin sighed deeply as he pulled the tunic over his head, and adjusted it.
“Come here.” His voice was gentle as he pulled her to him, lifted her into his arms and kissed her lips quickly. “Stop worrying. I’ll figure something out.”
He wasn’t certain yet what he would figure out, but he knew he had better come up with something soon.
“Arriane is terrified of him now.” Chantel nestled in his arms, her voice sounding incredibly young and uncertain.
“Just as terrified as Joshua is of her.” Devlin sighed. “Stop worrying. We’ll get it sorted out.” He stepped back from her and kissed her lightly once again. “Have someone send some food and wine to Joshua’s room. I’ll have something worked out before morning, I promise you.”
She nodded, watching him uncertainly as he sat down, pulled his boots back on and walked to the door.
“Devlin.” Her soft voice stopped him at the door.
“Yes, Chantel?” He turned back to her, suddenly hesitant himself. Lora Leigh
Shattered Legacy
“Do you remember the dreams?” she asked him fearfully, as though she were scared they had been a figment of her own imagination. Devlin closed his eyes, and then opened them quickly as fragments were suddenly displayed within his mind.
“I remember the dreams, Chantel.” He tried to swallow past the lump in his throat.
“I remember them all.”
He didn’t wait for her to answer, but left the room quickly and closed the door securely behind him. In the hall, he took a deep breath, and then stomped back down the stairs to the great hall.
All he had wanted was a bath and a meal, Devlin thought. He got the bath, and he was more tired and more satisfied than he had been in his life, but with it came more trouble than he knew how to deal with.
He entered the great hall, his gaze roaming over the room until he caught sight of Galen. The other man sat silently in a large chair positioned before the empty fireplace, a mug of ale in his hand as he watched Devlin.
“Are you riding out now?” Galen asked him as Devlin strode to him. “I’ll have your horses readied.”
Devlin could see that one happening. He wondered if the wizard truly thought he wasn’t aware of how well he was being played within this drama Galen had set up.
“Then have us stopped at the gates?” Devlin asked him as he sat in the chair that had been positioned diagonally to Galen’s. “This isn’t over yet, old man. Let’s finish it.”
Galen frowned.
“I didn’t think I was so old yet,” he reflected. “I’m young enough to sire children, and still sit my own horse. Young enough to look forward to my grandchildren, and perhaps marry again. Age has not yet dulled me.”
“Hasn’t it?” Devlin asked him. “Surely you erred when giving Jonar’s granddaughter to Joshua. You would have served her better to have hidden her until we left.”
Galen thought about this for long moments, his dark brows lowered, his blue eyes distant as he considered the options he must have had.
“He would have known she was here.” Galen finally shrugged in defeat. “Why else did the four of you refuse to sleep after entering the forest? You rode four days without rest to get here; he would have begun his search the moment he laid down to rest. The closer he came to her, the more she haunted him, just as he had haunted her.”
Which was the truth. The last night they had slept, dreams of the women had tormented them until they were awake well before dawn and ready to ride. At the time, Devlin hadn’t questioned the strength of the dreams. They had been at battle for months against Jonar’s forces, had fought hard, and ridden harder to reach this infernal forest when the battle had been over.
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Shattered Legacy
“You knew Joshua would use his power against her.” Devlin accepted the mug of ale a servant brought to him. “You should have known his fury.”
Had the wizard known anything about Joshua, he would have known the temperament that plagued the warrior. Joshua was hotheaded, and often brutally sarcastic.
“I should have, but I didn’t,” Galen sighed.
“He should know well she was not deceiving him, had he used his powers properly. There was no reason to hurt the child.”
“He didn’t strike her.” Devlin went straight to the point. He wanted the negotiations finished, and the deal set. Chantel was awaiting him, hopefully with hot food and his bed turned down and ready. He was worn to the bone, horny as hell, and ready to finish this night.
“He wanted to.” Galen argued his side, obviously in no hurry to finish the event.
“You knew what would happen, and you used it to display your own power and up your hand.” Devlin accused him mildly. “Tell me what you want so I can eat and go to sleep. I’m tired, old man.”
There was silence. Devlin glanced at him and saw the crafty light in the misty blue eyes. He set his mug down, leaned forward in his chair, and offered the wizard what he knew he was after. Devlin saw no need to waste time. He had a feeling he knew what the wizard wanted, just as Galen would know that Devlin had set his course already, and would not be convinced to turn back.
“We will wed the women in the morning, but Joshua must have access to Arriane tonight. There may be a lot of screaming and a lot of broken furniture the next morning, but not a hair on her head will be harmed.
“The women will stay here while we fight, but we will have the castle as a home for ourselves. In return, you will provide us with the power we need to defeat him. I know not your reasons for gifting us with your daughters, and the power they possess, but I swear to you, I will do all I can to ensure that neither the women nor the power is abused.”
There was no need in arguing points, Devlin thought, they both knew what they wanted and the price to be charged. Marriage to Chantel, in Devlin’s eyes, was a pleasure not a price, but he wouldn’t tell the old man that.
“There is much you don’t know.” Sorrow still seemed to surround the wizard.
“Much I don’t know as well. But I will gladly give my sons all I can to aid their fight. What you don’t understand is that the power shall come from your wives.”
Devlin looked up in surprise.
“I don’t possess the Mother Stone any longer, my fine warrior, and it is that which you would ask of me. My daughters carry it, broken into four, its power shared among them, around their pretty necks. The power is theirs, and will be given to their mates gladly.”
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Shattered Legacy
“The necklaces,” Devlin whispered in surprise.
“Mother Earth was exacting in her commands. Only her daughters could wear the stone and control the power. No man shall ever hold what is hers to bequeath. Their mates can share in the power, and can make it stronger, but they can never possess it.”
Devlin shook his head.
“I accept your terms, I accept your demands. But I make one of my own,” Galen continued.
“And that demand would be?” Devlin asked him softly.
“You will promise me you will never allow Chantel to leave sight of the castle. Should she ever do so, then Jonar shall take her, and she will be gone to us forever.”
Surprise lit Devlin’s face.
“Is she Jonar’s granddaughter as well?” Devlin asked.
Galen shook his head, sadness lining his face.
“She is no blood of his, but he would kill her if he ever manages to take her. Promise me, you will never take her out of sight of the forests, nor send for her in any manner.”
“I promise you.” Devlin nodded. It was not something he would ever do anyway. Should he need his woman by his side, he would not send for her, but come for her himself.
“The vows will be said at noon tomorrow.” Galen nodded then rose to his feet with a sigh. “I shall go to Arriane and take her to Joshua myself.”
Relief rushed through Devlin, leaving him weak in its wake. Then Galen turned to him once again.
“There was a young squire sent for you. He did not return,” Galen said softly. “I would know his fate.”
Devlin grimaced, remembering young David and the pain he had endured.
“He died soon after delivering your message,” Devlin told him regretfully. “He was a brave lad.”
“Aye.” Galen nodded sadly. “He was a very brave lad.” Then he sighed deeply.
“Go back to your room. Your meal and your bride await you. The rest will come as Mother Earth decides it.”
Devlin wondered why he felt no comfort in the sorcerer’s words. Rather, he felt a strange foreboding that he feared learning the meaning of. Lora Leigh
Shattered Legacy
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