Watch him. Chantel could barely breathe; she feared she would lose consciousness entirely if she watched the darkly erotic sight of his head bending to her. But she did just that. She watched as his tongue emerged from his mouth, distended, and swiped through the soaked slit of her female folds. Her juices clung to his tongue as he licked his lips, tasting her, then returned for more. She couldn’t halt her cry, the shocking shudder that raced over her body. She shook, her knees bending, her legs lifting to open her body further to him. She needed him. Needed more.
His tongue returned to her, circled the small pearl of exquisite sensation that swelled and pulsed to his touch. Then his mouth covered it, suckling her, his gaze never leaving her face as she cried out and fought to breathe.
“I cannot bear it.” Her voice trembled, the passions raging through her body were destroying her. She needed him. Needed his cock filling her as it had in her dreams.
“I’m hungry, Chantel,” he whispered as he licked her again. “Starved from lonely nights of dreams alone. Desperate to know in truth, the touch and taste that I have known only in dreams. You offered, and now I will take, as I have longed to take all these months that you have tempted me.”
His head lowered. Chantel could not halt her scream as sensations too extreme to be born tore through her body. His tongue pushed into her entrance, filled her as her muscles clamped on him, her hips lifting closer. She could not keep her eyes opened. Could not continue the hold his look had on her. She was weak, her mind dazed, her body consumed with a fire so intense, she felt as though her very blood were molten. His tongue licked and stroked her to levels of sensation that had her crying, begging for the release she knew was just out of reach, tempting her, taunting her with its intensity. He thrust that wicked member into her sheath, swirled it against the sensitive flesh there and set off a firestorm of tremors that had her gasping out his name in exquisite torment.
“Are you ready to come apart for me, Chantel?” he whispered, kissing her thigh as his fingers moved to the entrance of her soaked quim.
Her body tensed, her muscles tightened.
“Yes,” she begged. “Please, Devlin. Please, I beg of you.”
His finger entered her slowly, then a second, stretching her, burning her sheath with the intoxication of the slow penetration.
He filled her, stretched her, then his mouth returned to the swollen pearl above it and began to suckle it deeply, his heated mouth, the rasp of his tongue stroking her to paradise. Chantel could not contain her scream as the sensations tore through her, Lora Leigh
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violent in their intensity. Her body arched, her thighs clenched about his head as she felt her insides dissolve. Her womb spasmed and lightning raced through her bloodstream as pleasure tore through her.
“Mine.” His growl shocked her as he rose above her body. She looked into his eyes, saw desire raging through his gaze and had but a second to draw in a breath before his cock, thick and hard pushed into the velvet reaches of her cunt. She whimpered in fear and in pleasure. Her thighs gripped his muscular hips, her hands clenched on the arms braced above her.
“Devlin.” She cried out his name as she felt his muscles gather, bunch, then he was surging swift and hard inside her, tearing past the fragile barrier of her innocence and filling her to overflowing.
She moaned against the stretching burn, the lightning flare of pain and heat that turned to a pleasure so intense she felt on the edge of death. She could do no more than fight for air, her head tossing on the pillows, her body shuddering as he began the deep, slow thrusting motions of his hips that threw her past sanity. He stroked her cunt repeatedly, gasping with each inward thrust as her muscles closed on his invading member, clenching on it, weeping its thick juices and easing his way further. She was crying repeatedly now, begging him with a desperation she had not known, even in their shared dreams, for the peak of pleasure that she knew would surely kill her.
It was close, so close, pouring over her, through her as his cock began to pound inside her. The hard length of muscle stroked her furiously, driving her higher until she felt the sensations rush over her in an inferno of such heat that she screamed out beneath him. Her body, each tiny portion of her flesh, exploded around him. He groaned out above her, his male cry urging her higher, the flood of his seed, hot and erotic pushing her into a realm of sensation that hurled her past consciousness.
* * * * *
She was asleep. Devlin glanced at the face of the young woman cuddled against him and sighed wearily. What had happened? He had not lost control of himself in such a manner since he was an untried youth. To do so with this woman was unforgivable. A bloody virgin, Devlin shook his head. This journey to the wizard’s castle had gotten out of control so quickly, he wondered if he would ever regain it. To be certain, he doubted he would. The hardness between his thighs assured him that this night, he would concentrate on nothing but the woman whose body was twining slowly against him, her hand caressing the planes of his stomach and moving lower, even in her sleep. She murmured his name, a smile shaping her lips as her fingers found his erection. Her lips pursed as a kiss was placed against his neck, then in amazement Devlin watched as she moved lower in the bed.
Just as she had done countless times in his dreams, she moved languidly, her lips pressing warm and satiny smooth against his flesh.
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Devlin knew he had died and gone to heaven, and heaven was this woman’s mouth as it closed delicately over the head of his cock.
He fought for control as her sweet lips moved over him, then died a thousand deaths as her tongue moved in a silky hot trail around the turgid head. He clenched the sheets in his fists to keep from jerking her closer, to keep from burying his length as deeply into her mouth as he could. It was a torture he wanted to never end, a torture he knew he couldn’t bear much longer. He was helpless as she held him in the soft grip of her lips, her silken hands gripping his shaft as she licked him like a particular sweet and moved her fingers as he had taught her in the bath.
Her pace became hotter, her mouth ravenous as she caressed him, her fingers a gentle vice as they stroked him.
“No…” The harsh exclamation was torn from his lips as he felt his climax rushing through his body.
The temptress between his thighs paid little heed to his raspy command. The tightening of his shaft and quick harsh thrust of his hips against her should have warned her, but she ignored it.
Her lips closed around him, the gentle suckling motion of her mouth, the flicker of her tongue was too much. A harsh cry escaped his throat as he felt himself coming, his climax rushing through his body, erupting from the head of his shaft and pouring furiously into her eager, willing mouth.
Devlin had lost his sanity. He knew he had the moment he threw her to her back and mounted her. He thrust his still hardened shaft into her, stroking, thrusting as her legs encircled his hips and her cries joined with his own. When his release ripped through his body, he knew he was lost. There would be no more lonely nights staring into the depths of a midnight sky in anger and in need. This woman would fill his nights as surely and as fully as he filled her body now. Finding their breath, their sanity, was not an easy thing to do in the aftermath of such pleasure. When Devlin managed to do so, he would have pulled her into his arms, whispered his thoughts, but she jerked from him, a startled cry on her lips. For the first time, Devlin noticed the crystal that lay at her breast, suspended from a silver chain. He frowned as that crystal seemed to warm, to glow against her breast.
“The bastard!” The curse ripped from Chantel’s lips as she staggered from the bed and jerked a robe from the wooden closet beside it.
She was breathing harshly, fear laying heavily around her as she fought her way into the robe. Devlin moved just as quickly, but had only managed to jerk his pants and boots on before she was rushing from the room.
He jumped to his feet, snagging his shirt from the floor and pulling it quickly over his head as he rushed to follow her. He wasn’t nearly as quick as he would have liked. His legs seemed to want to tremble instead of move as he directed them. Lora Leigh
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Two of the women who had taken his men to their rooms met Chantel at the bottom of the stairs that led to the next level. From there Devlin could hear the source of the commotion.
Joshua. Pushing the women out of his way, Devlin raced up the steps as he heard a woman’s frightened cries and Joshua’s rage echo through the halls. The women were but a step behind him when he burst through the door. Devlin stopped in amazement, blinking, unable to believe what he was seeing. The young woman hung in his grasp, pleading with him, Joshua’s fist was cocked, his eyes watching her in an insane fury.
Devlin’s reaction was instant. His eyes centered on that fist, ready to swing, to crush the life from the woman hanging helplessly before him.
“Joshua.” His voice was but a whisper, but Devlin knew that despite the cries he could hear, his words would reach the warrior.
Slowly, with only the power of his mind, Devlin forced the warrior’s fist to lower, his hand to release the naked young woman. She fell to his feet with a cry, while Chantel and the other two rushed to her side and fought to drag her robe quickly over her nude body.
“You bastard!” Chantel rose to her feet, her hand cracking furiously against the bronzed face of the savage still standing over them.
“Get that devil’s whore from my room.” Joshua stared into Devlin’s eyes, the amber depths lit with fury as he shook with the force of it. “Before I kill her.”
“Chantel.” Galen ran into the room, taking the scene in quickly and pushing past Devlin.
The wizard went to his knees beside the girl, his hands lifting her tenderly as she cried uncontrollably against his chest.
“It’s okay, child.” Galen stroked her back, her long black hair, his eyes closing in what Devlin assumed was grief as he tucked her to his chest as he would a daughter. A daughter. Devlin looked to the other women. They all wore a necklace similar to Chantel’s, and though they were vastly different in looks, they all shared a bearing, a presence that proclaimed them.
“Derek.” Devlin turned to the man at his side. “Get Joshua out of here until I figure out what the hell is going on.”
“We should all leave this place.” Joshua turned to Devlin, staring in contempt at the woman still cradled in the wizard’s arms. “We were wise to suspect them. They not only deal with the Guardians, but Jonar himself. The little bitch is his granddaughter, Arriane.”
The condemning words had little impact on anyone but the warriors. Devlin’s gaze went slowly to Chantel, who had stood to her feet at Joshua’s accusation.
“Is this true?” he asked her softly, feeling the bitter edge of betrayal rush over his body.
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“It is not what you think,” Chantel cried as she turned to face her lover. “Her blood matters not, for she is part of Galen as well. He has no excuse for his treatment of her.”
“Chantel, take your sisters to your room. I will call for you when it is time.” Galen overrode Devlin’s demand as he stood up, helping his daughter to her feet as well.
“Father, I should stay.” Chantel took Arriane into her arms, but led her instead to the two other women standing with her.
“No.” Galen shook his head. “It would be best if you do as I have asked. I will call for you soon.”
A long look passed between the two before Chantel nodded shortly and began to lead her sisters from the room. As she began to pass Devlin he gripped her arm with his hand, staring down at her.
“Have you betrayed me, Chantel?” he asked her slowly. He wanted her to deny it, to ease the suspicions forming in his mind.
“Father will explain.” She shook her head quickly, her gaze meeting his firmly. “But we haven’t betrayed you, Devlin.”
“Go, Chantel.” This time Galen’s voice had the ring of a command in it. “I will send for you when it is time.”
Devlin watched as Chantel flashed her father an angry look. Evidently she did not agree with his hasty order to have her leave. Yet she did so, leading the other women quickly from the anger that thickened the air of the room. Devlin faced Galen now, aware of the door closing softly behind them as Shanar locked it into place.
Devlin sighed deeply.
“I came here to request your help, but perhaps I came in error,” he suggested. “I was informed your hatred for Jonar was as deep as ours. It would appear I was wrong.”
“We will address your concerns momentarily.” Galen’s voice surprised Devlin; it resonated with fury and with wrath as he turned on Joshua. Before Devlin could blink, Joshua was flying through the room, crashing heavily into the wall where he seemed to be pinned helplessly, his feet barely touching the floor. Devlin turned on Galen, fighting to break the magic that suddenly wrapped about the room. His own powers were ineffectual against the invisible bonds that held him. He could not move, and could do nothing to aid the warrior who now faced the sorcerer’s wrath.
“The powers those bastards gifted you with are strong, my young warriors,” Galen sneered as he advanced on Joshua. “But they can never compete with the power Mother Earth has given her champion. You.” He stood before Joshua, violence barely leashed as he speared the warrior with a look that promised retribution. “My daughter came to you willingly, with no betrayal in her heart, and you would dare to strike her?”
Lightning flashed outside the room, thunder resounded in great clashing waves. Lora Leigh
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“Your daughter is the spawn of Satan!” Joshua screamed out at him, his amber eyes glowing as he fought the hold the wizard had on him.
“And you aren’t?” Galen asked him cruelly, seemingly unaffected by the powers the four warriors were combining against him. “Save your strength, pups,” he sneered at them all. “You cannot defeat me with your powers, no matter your strength, and this you would do well to learn now.”
“She is Jonar’s spawn…” Joshua raged.
“She is my daughter. Raised by me since her sixth summer, and with none of Jonar’s cruelty in her tender heart. Ask yourself, you little whoremonger, why you didn’t feel evil in her when you first saw her? Why wait until she was lying weak within your arms to probe her gentle mind and find that for which you thought you searched?”
“Only a whore would know such moves,” Joshua sneered.
“Or a woman who has dreamed of your touch since she was but a child, unknowing of what a man would even ask of her,” Galen charged. “Only a woman whose heart is too tender to see a bastard for what he truly is.”
“No.” Joshua spat out the word as his gaze locked with Devlin’s. “I will not breed with that bitch. I will see her naught but dead.”
Silence descended the room now, and Devlin could feel the weight of the sorrow that seemed to fill it.
“No, I will not allow her to breed with you. No child shall ever come of this union until you free your heart from the black hatred enslaving it. It is to my great sorrow that I can do nothing about the love she has for you,” Galen told him contemptuously. Galen turned to Devlin now and Joshua slid slowly to the floor, the magic released. The wizard’s face was lined, his eyes filled with sadness.
“You came to me to ask a favor, and to collect that which belongs to you, to all of you. I will discuss this with you alone, or you can all ride out now. Alone.”
Alone, without the women they had unknowingly searched their lives for. Devlin stared at Joshua as Galen left the room.
“Shanar, you and Derek stay here with him. I want him sane before I return,”
Devlin ordered him.
“Good luck.” Shanar crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at the enraged warrior, still naked, still filled with fury. “Maybe we should just ride out.”
“Then get ready to ride, but the women stay here.” Devlin arched a brow, much as he had seen Chantel arch hers, as he looked at the other two men.
“The hell you say!” Joshua’s voice surprised them all. “I’ll go nowhere until I kill that bitch.”
Devlin shook his head. The situation was out of control and he had no idea how. He turned back to Joshua, watching as the other man jerked his clothing on. His savage features seemed even harsher in the waning light of evening, his eyes glowing Lora Leigh
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eerily, and his overly long black hair released from its tie and hanging around his shoulders.
He was like a man possessed, Devlin thought worriedly.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Devlin questioned him furiously. “Never have I known you to strike a woman, and you strike the daughter of a wizard?”
“I didn’t hit the little whore, I just wanted to.” Joshua breathed roughly as he sneered. “I would have choked the life out of her had I been given the chance though.”
“Are you insane?” Devlin asked him softly. “What has possessed you, Joshua?”
The other man was silent as his gaze clashed with Devlin’s. His eyes glowed with gathering fury, and Devlin knew he was but a step from trying to force his way past them to the women below.
“You leave this room and you will ride with us no longer, Joshua,” Devlin informed him softly. “You so much as open that door and you will no longer be part of us, do you understand me?”
Surprise registered with all the men. Never had Devlin threatened them in this manner, and Devlin never threatened, he promised.
“She’s just a whore,” Joshua raged.
“And you have lost your mind. I refuse to ride with a madman.” Devlin fought to understand, to come to grips with the fact that what had begun as a quest for help was destroying them instead.
Joshua took a deep breath, speared his fingers through his hair, and then muttered something.
“What?” Devlin wasn’t certain he had heard correctly.
“I said I wouldn’t really kill the little whore unless I fucked her to death!” Joshua yelled at him, fury still pumping through his body. “I was enraged, but I wouldn’t really kill her.”
“Prove it.” Devlin crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t trust you, Joshua, and a lack of trust could get us all killed.”
“I’ll stay put,” Joshua ground out. “I’m horny as hell, and ready to explode, and if I don’t bury it in the little bitch before long I’ll die. So get the fuck out of here and settle with the old man so I can do it.”
Devlin stared hard at Joshua, his eyes narrowing.
“Stop probing my fucking mind,” Joshua bit out furiously. “You got yours, I didn’t. So get the hell out of here so I can get her back.”
Devlin turned to Derek and Shanar.
“He’s lost it, Devlin.” Shanar shook his head. “I’ve not seen Joshua like this since…”
Since the first dream, when the other warrior had awakened like a madman, tearing apart the small village they had been staying in as he searched for the temptress that had invaded his dreams.
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Devlin sighed roughly.
“Stay with him. Make sure he doesn’t go after her. I’d hate like hell to have to disown him.”
Devlin stalked from the room, tearing down the stairs as he made his way back to the great hall. He was tired, hungry, and he was sore. Dammit, he didn’t need this right now, but there was nothing to do but take care of it.
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