Deciding to act on instinct, I quietly stepped back into my room pretending to be asleep. It was a tradition for me to keep arms at every spot because you never know when danger could come knocking; apparently in my case danger was already waiting for me.
I strained my ears to hear anything out of the ordinary, and though it was faint, I could hear the sound of my doorknob being turned. Someone was trying to break in, because no one in this family knocked, they barged in as they pleased, uncaring as to what I was doing. The fact that the doorknob was being slowly turned told me that it was an intruder and I gripped the knife under my pillow with one hand and my pillow in the other.
Hearing my door creek, my heart racing with anxiety and adrenaline, I readied myself. There were only two sets of footsteps, their heavy boots weren't exactly keeping their presence masked as they thudded on the floor. When I sensed that one of the men was above me, I quickly jumped into action.
Turning, I tossed my pillow and shoved it in the guy's face before kicking his stomach. He fell into my desk, banging his head on the desk and knocking over the chair as he fell to the ground with a grunt. I then aimed my knife at the other man in the room and tossed it at his head which he dodged.
The blow from the first man came unexpectedly, a forceful shove that sent me staggering backward. I stumbled but regained my footing, my eyes wide with alarm as I tried to face the menacing figures in front of me. With no option for escape, I braced myself for whatever would come next.
One of the men lunged forward, aiming a harsh punch at my side. Twisting away, narrowly evading the blow, feeling the rush of air from the attacker's clenched fist. I attacked with similar strength delivering a quick, calculated strike to his abdomen. His grunt of pain echoed in the chaos.
Amidst the scuffle, I spotted a glint of metal, a knife gleaming in the hand of the other attacker. My pulse quickened, realizing the heightened danger of the situation. I wasn’t ready to die yet. With steady movements, I dodged the knife's thrust, narrowly avoiding a potentially fatal strike.
The struggle intensified as both men pressed on, their intent clear. I used my surroundings to my advantage, ducking and maneuvering the chaos of the ongoing conflict.
Gunfire erupted nearby, adding to the commotion of the fight. I seized the opportunity, swiftly disarming one of the men who had dropped his guard. Seeing he was about to grab his gun, I moved forward and started throwing punches so he'd be forced to block me.
I went to kick him but he grabbed my leg, so I forced myself to push him back into the wall and punched him in the eye. As soon as he let go, I grabbed my knife that got stuck in the wall and was about to jab it in his shoulder when I heard the sound of the safety on a gun being clicked off.
"Drop it," a gruff voice said from behind me and I froze with my knife in my hand.
"Vegas, get up," he said. The man in front of me, Vegas, gave a bloody smirk before standing up.
"As expected from the kid of Raphael Genovese, you're good" he commented and I kept my stare sharp as he took the knife from my hand.
"Now, what you're gonna do is come with us quietly okay?" Vegas said and the man nudged me from behind with the barrel of his gun.
This house's security is supposed to be one of the best in this country, how did these people get in here? My only thought was they probably had an inside guy who could shut down the alarms from a remote site. This means there's more of these guys, of course, there's always more.
And being as unlucky as I could get, it was the one night when my parents and my brother were out of town. These guys knew that, so whoever they are, they've got some kind of feud against us.
I was led to a black van that was parked not so discreetly in the back of the mansion and once inside, my hands and feet were immediately tied with ropes. Their first mistake was tying my hands in front of me but then again I'd be able to escape even with them behind me.
"So you're his son..." one of the guys, a blond with gray eyes to match said as he looked at me. There was a look of clear disgust in his eyes and I said nothing as usual, just staring back while plotting in my mind all the ways I could get out of this mess
"What the hell happened to you two?" The guy said as he noticed his injured comrades.
"We thought he was asleep but he jumped on us," Vegas said with a sigh.
"Damn" was all he said and the van fell into silence.
Finally, I could think without all their chit-chat.
I figured they were going to take me to whatever hideout they were occupying and I needed to prepare myself to remember every step we took. So the moment we got out of this van I could try to make a run for it.
But my body, having other plans, decided it needed to rest a bit, with me dozing off.
Vegas looked at “Dion” as he slept.
"I can't believe this man just got kidnapped and can sleep as though he's at home. That’s weird,” he said.
"I know right? When he just stared at me I felt like he was looking through my soul" Pete said, the blond shuddering as he remembered Dion's eyes staring back into his own.
"So, how did this happen?" Pete asked, pointing at his fellows' injuries.
The two looking at each other couldn’t phantom how a small boy could beat them at what they were good at. They couldn’t explain how it all happened and just kept quiet.
"Doesn't matter. Once the boss deals with him, it's good riddance for the little shit" Tony said and the other two couldn't agree more.