Waking up with a start, I figured I was in an unfamiliar room. I suddenly remembered the actions that took place earlier. Why did I suddenly sleep off? I probably just made my situation worse. I desperately needed to know where I was.
Looking around I noticed that this was a warehouse, which means it's spacious and easy to hear things going on. I could also notice a few security cameras. I was being watched. If I had any chance at getting out of here, I was going to have to either do it silently or take risks.
I needed to think of a plan out of here so I had to endure whatever I was going to pass through.
After a few days of being in captivity as my brother, it was the first time I've gone a full stretch being at it. At home in the privacy of my room, I could be myself, although I wasn’t sure how long I'd been in this room, from the times I've watched the sun go up and down from the barely there window, I figured I might have been here for at least three to four days or more.
I was fed regularly and given water which was delivered to me at appointed times. I began to anticipate the arrival of my meals and kept track of who came in and out of there. It was like three people, the two who had come to kidnap me would rotate in bringing me food.
I guess they were under orders to not talk to me, which was fine by me. I wasn't sure how many of these men were in this warehouse but just earlier this morning, Vegas had mentioned something to the guard outside my room about getting prepped for the boss’ arrival which meant they were all going to be busy, giving me the perfect opportunity to get out of here.
The plan I had come up with was simple and not up to standard, I bet Master Lee wherever he was would be disappointed in me, but at the moment it was the best I could come up with. I just had to give it a try.
On a cool evening, to my surprise, a new face came in with my food, dropping it on the floor, the food spilling all over the dirty concrete.
It didn't bother me because I was about to bust out of here.
"I have to pee," I said monotonously to the guard in front of me. I could immediately tell he thought that I was hoping to be led to the washroom so I could find an escape, but I didn't need that.
The bucket would do just fine.
And as expected, that's what was given to me. I had relieved myself a few times in the shabby little thing, unfortunately, rather than piss myself.
"You get to use that," he said annoyingly and I looked down at my tied legs.
"How am I supposed to pee with my legs tied?" I said and he looked at me confused.
"Make it quick," he said gruffly after untying my legs and helping me stand up.
"Can you turn around?" I asked as I saw the man just standing there. He didn't budge, instead, he just stood there staring at me.
Pretending to be upset, I heaved a sigh and turned to the bucket. The man wasn't that much taller than me and he wasn't standing too far back so, giving a quick judgment of my standing, I bent down and grabbed the bucket before turning around quickly and hitting the guard with all my might.
"Aargh...!" he groaned on the ground and I just slammed his head with the bucket continuously, not even caring if he was to get unconscious, bleeding, and probably in need of stitches.
Once I was sure I could see enough red and he wasn't getting up, I dropped the bucket and grabbed the knife seated in his boot before sitting down and putting it between my thighs. Then I got to work on cutting these ropes, and when that was done I pocketed the knife and grabbed the gun from the guard.
As I was taking the man's things, I noticed the tattoo on his arm. It was that of a stick man with a trident, I immediately knew in whose territory I was; The Costello’s. And if I was correct then that would mean I was in pretty deep shit.
The Costello’s were the second largest mafia group in the country and despite being in that position, they would make you think otherwise. I've heard several of my father's frustrated rants of how they were taking the black market by storm and that with their endless amount of men, they had never lost a fight.
But I guess when you think about it, my family, the Genoveses and the Costellos’ were practically at loggerheads all the damn time and were practically enemies, always in competition with one another, trying to outsmart the other, but with the actions of these people, they probably didn't even consider it a competition with how they were dominating it.
It would honestly make a lot of sense because if they wanted to kidnap Dion it was the best way to assert dominance. Or maybe they wanted something from us?
Deciding that I was wasting too much time thinking, I decided it was time to get out of this place finally. I went to the door and carefully tried to turn it a bit, I knew the door wasn't locked since this guy came in. I wasn't worried about guards in front of the door because if there were, they would have heard what had just gone down in here and busted in.
Once checking that the path was clear by listening closely, I made my way into the dimly lit hall.
Making sure to keep my ears open for noises, I slowly made my way through the hall. This warehouse was huge, I wondered how I was being carried in when I first got here and how long it took for them to finally bring me to that room.
Hearing some footsteps and voices, I quickly listened in on a door that was next to me and when I didn't hear anything, I slipped in as quietly as possible.
The room was stuffed with some kind of supplies, and this door was a bit smaller than some of the other ones I'd passed.
"Man, my head still hurts..." one voice said as his footsteps echoed all around.
"Same, that bastard is gonna get what's coming to him," The other voice said.
"Well, he doesn't have much longer now" a third voice chimed in.
I didn't even need to hear that second line to recognize those voices as the men who had snuck into my room and the one from the van who had kidnapped me. I still had a bone to pick with the second voice, if he had never pointed that gun at me I wouldn't be here right now.
Hearing those three passing meant they were probably headed towards the room I was being held captive in, and that meant I was running out of time before they found out I was missing and put this whole place on lockdown.
There weren't any windows in here, not that I expected there to be one in a room that seemed to be a supply closet, so I'd have to go looking around for an exit. I guess if I get spotted I'll have to kill but hopefully, I don't, because killing wasn't exactly on my agenda right now.
Slipping out of the stuffy room, I once again continued my search for an exit. I tried going into some other rooms, but most were either locked or empty with windows blocked off. This warehouse must be used primarily for drop-offs and deals, why else would they go through the trouble of blocking off all the windows? Though I have to admit, a boarded-up warehouse in the middle of nowhere would drive anyone away as it gives a pretty ominous vibe.
Looking above me, I saw a red glowing 'exit' sign.
Following it, I found myself coming to the main area with a bunch of boxes. Probably full of either drugs, guns, styrofoam, or something worse, and that didn't concern me.
Hearing a door open, I quickly dropped behind some boxes hearing footsteps approaching. It was just one person and they were leisurely walking in here as if they owned the place, and I could tell with the way they stopped suddenly, that this person knew they were not alone.
I guess it was that feeling you got knowing you weren't alone and something drastic was going to happen next. It's like a sixth sense to some and those who have it are extremely lucky. For me, it's unlucky as the paranoid feeling that comes with the thought of not being alone was always present in my mind, occupying my thoughts like a disease.
"So, are you going to keep me waiting or do I have to come over there? He said. Either way, it won't end well if you make me wait long" The voice was smooth and relaxed, but there was a demanding edge to it.
I was so unlucky.
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