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« Hey, thanks for. » I hesitated for a moment, sitting down next to him. « Saying what you did. »

My eyes drifted toward the clock on the wall—10 :00 pm on the dot. Neil wasted a whole hour of my life, one I would never get back, with his pathetic attempt to pick me up. If C.J. hadn’t shown up at that exact moment like some knight in shining armor. Neil would have left the bar soaking wet and not the wet he would have wanted either. Half of me wished I would have dumped my drink on his head the moment he touched me. One—to see his reaction and two ? I wanted to watch him suffer at my hands for a change.

C.J. nodded his head, waving at the bartender with two fingers.

« Good to see you again, C.J., your usual ? » The overly perky blonde bartender asked, smiling from ear to ear at the sight of him. Her mouth practically salivated at the sight of him in his tight jeans and t-shirt. I didn’t blame her though. Seeing him up close and personal was driving my body wild. Again ! I never met a man who could turn my panties into such a mess without a single touch. Was he a god of some sort ? Because I started to think so.

I couldn’t peel my eyes away from him. If I thought I was in need before…… this was a whole new level. No ! this was a whole new tower of desired need. I needed to reign myself in and act like the civilized young lady I was. Or I’d go crazy and become some drunk barbaric fool.

C.J. nodded, « and whatever the broad wants. » He didn’t even look at me, but I snorted.

« My name is Mercy and yes, just a jack and coke. Tall glass ? » I smiled sweetly at the bartender, probably too sweetly, sickeningly sweet. My face tingled, and I swore when I raised my eyebrows up and down, it felt funny. Oh—It had only been an hour of my time, but the shots I had taken in my rage when talking to Neil. Were successfully doing their job now and probably too good of a job if you asked me.

C.J. scoffed beside me. « Mercy ? » He muttered probably to himself, but my drunk ears heard it.

« Yeah, yeah, yeah, muck it up. You try having sisters named Hope and Faith. And then being the last little Meyers born and what else could they name me ? Fucking Mercy. I could make a million drunken jokes, especially some that I show no mercy in special places. » I giggled uncontrollably at my joke, because if I didn’t laugh at them. Who would ?

He smirked at me, raising a brow at my lame attempt to make a joke. « You just did, » he said in a low voice, bringing his drink to his very pink and luscious lips. Those kissable—kissable lips.. those lips I wanted everywhere on my body, especially in my….

God damn it, Mercy, get your drunken, horny thoughts out of here. Stay normal…..

I took a drink of my very tall Jack and Coke. Almost thankful I had a straw to distract my very talkative, stupid, word saying tongue. Although, in retrospect, more alcohol probably wasn’t the best option for me now.

My head swam in a blissful pool of delight. It was the most serene I had felt in a long time, at complete peace with everything around me. Thankfully, the room was not spinning yet — emphasizing the yet part. Maybe some fresh air would help my cause.

My eyes were drooping, and I knew I was in a losing battle to keep them open. If I just closed them for a second—NO !! Damn it, I shouldn’t be like this yet, I’m only 24. And it’s only midnight, I should be able to stay awake until three and then be at work by six ! I was young, dammit ! I should be able to do this. Wake up, Mercy. Wake the fuck up.

Plus, since making fun of my name, C.J. hadn’t budged an inch. It was like the night before. His head leaned against the bar. His fingers wrapped around his half-drank glass, like he couldn’t let it out of his sight. He almost looked asleep at the bar.

Or dead.

« C.J., » I whispered, eyes squinting in on him.

He didn’t budge an inch. Maybe he was dead !

« C.J. ?? »

« What ? » He gruffly asked in irritation, not lifting his head to acknowledge me.

I snorted, « just making sureeee you’re still alllivvveee ! » I sang. I must be drunk, I actually sang to him ! I held out my words and took a deep breath, giggling at myself like an idiot.

« You’re drunk, » he lifted his head to examine my face, and I shrugged, greeting him with a crooked smile.

« This is a bar, right ? »

He rolled his eyes, digging into his pocket and laid out some money. « Go home, » he demanded in his low, warning voice, sending shivers down my spine. My brain automatically wanting to abide by his words and not cross him. But the horny part of my brain had different scenarios to inspect.

What would my punishment be ?

My girls :

Me : I’m sooooo tipsy……. And he just left.

Yvonne : ugh !!! Go after him. Use that liquid courage to your advantage ! Me : I got him to speak this time ! (it surprised me I could type so well. Thank God for autocorrect or maybe…. I wasn’t as drunk as I thought.) Amanda : ugh if you’re drunk, did you make lame-ass jokes again….Me : if you bitches can make fun of my name then so can I. Me : i. Gunna do it !!

Yvonne : Get him you horny bitch !

Amanda : wrap it before you tap it…

Me : yesssssss

That was my queue if I needed any ! I was drunk, but still in control of my decisions. I would go get me some C.J. mother fucking or better yet, C.J. fucking me, Cole. Yeahh… yeahhh that sounded way better !

I walked out the door, looking around, trying to glimpse the writer in the wild. Almost like a safari to find him. C.J. hunting anyone ? Only to find Neil still lurking outside, with a half-smoked cigarette hanging out of his mouth. His short legs pacing him around. He drunkenly talked into his phone, body swaying uncontrollably. His words slurred so far I could barely understand him.

‘Fuck !’ I mentally slapped myself, my thoughts sobering in an instant. Panic set in, enabling my fight or flight. Forget C.J. I had to run for my life before Neil found me. And I didn’t know what he’d do if he caught up to me.

But of course Neil was still here. I was in a short, come fuck me dress, and he was still possessive of me. Constantly lurking over my shoulder at work, trying to find any excuse to be near me. Following me out, casually running into me at the store, obsessively texting me.

Apparently, I needed a restraining order against him.

I turned in a hurry, keeping my head down. My eyes glued to the trash-littered asphalt outside, hoping he wouldn’t see me. Where was good luck when you needed it ?

« Fuck-I gotta go ! » I heard him say behind me and I sped up. I would not let him get a piece of me tonight. Or ever again, that ship had sailed long ago.

« Mercyyyyyyy ! » He shouted after me, my legs quickly took me down a shady alleyway. I looked around at the two brick buildings I had sandwiched myself between. The music from the nightclub next door mixed with the bar’s music, creating a loud mix of nonsense. If I got stuck out here, no one would hear my pleas for help.

I walked faster, my heart pounded dreadfully fast against my chest. Hearing his footsteps pound into the concrete getting closer to me made me want to puke. Thank the Lord above the crowds of people outside slowed his pace. I dared to look back once and met his eyes, what a mistake that was. They were the same as before. Full of rage, blackness taking them over. They zoned in on me, like a spotlight had fallen on me. I was his prey. The one object he couldn’t have and wanted. He waved a frantic hand trying to get to me. But I wouldn’t stop for him. I’d keep walking down this alley into more danger, just to get away from him.

I felt a calloused hand grab me from out of nowhere pulling me further into another part of the alleyway. This time though, it was around a sharp turn between the buildings. Covered in the shadows of the night, hiding us from any prying eyes. I let out a small yelp. But the mysterious figures fingers tightening around my arm. He pulled me along despite my profanity filled protests. Where he forcefully pushed my back into a brick wall. The rough brick brushed against my exposed skin, scratching me like a cat’s claw. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell ! Until someone saved me. But the moment I glimpsed him ; I couldn’t move.

A pair of stormy blue eyes glared down at me. A long glowing cigarette hung from his pink luscious lips. My mouth hung open, and he placed a finger over them, silencing my pitiful cries for help. His eyes pleaded with me to be quiet, as Neil drunkenly stumbled down the alley a few feet away from us. Too dumb to look over his shoulder, but still smart enough to curse my name…..

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