My Girls :
Me : my mission will not be complete…. He’s not even here ! I whined aloud at my misfortune. My core wanted to untangle from the knot it had crawled into the moment I had seen him. But with my luck, it’d be wound so tight for the foreseeable future. I’d become a nun, a sexless, sexually frustrated, nun !
Amanda : u went to the bar at 9 what do u expect ?
Yvette : Get a drink, drink one for me, and he might show. Have patience !!
Patience was not my virtue, and those bitches knew it.
« I see they let anyone in here these days, » came a cool, low voice from behind my back. I closed my eyes and internally groaned at the sound of his smug voice.
« What do you want, Neil ? » I took a quick shot of tequila, turning in my stool towards him.
He hadn’t changed a bit in the last 6 months since we had dated. Still sporting his pink collared shirt, loose-fitting jeans, and dirty blonde hair. Not to mention that stupid look on his pug-nosed face. What did I ever see in him again ?
He smirked, « saw you here all by your lonesome. Thought I’d come to see if you needed any company, for old time’s sake. » He stepped closer to me, alcohol wafting from his pores. My stomach churned at his words. Making burning stomach acid rise in the back of my throat, making me want to hurl all over his over priced shoes.
I raised my lip like Elvis, « and Tiffany ?? Where’d she go off to ? » I scanned the bar looking for his blonde tramp. The same blonde tramp he had dicked down instead of me. Over his desk, at work, when he was supposed to meet me for lunch. Which to my horror and surprise, I walked in on. Imagine him, mid grunt and her squealing his name like the little piggy she was. Oh—the nightmares of that event played through my mind for months. After I had smashed a glass against the wall of his office. Crying because he cheated on me and crying because I was stupid enough to stay with him after everything. But that one ? That was my final straw.
« Ouch, Merce, now that hurt. » He put a hand over his heart, feigning hurt at my words.
I rolled my eyes, signaling the bartender for another shot. « Cut the crap, what do you want ? » He gave a small shrug and licked his lips.
« She’s on business in Chicago for the weekend. Thought I’d play the field a little. Spark up an old fling. » Burning alcohol nearly flew out of my nose, destroying whatever sense of smell I had left.
« Jesus, she’s pregnant and you’re out here trying to screw someone else ? » I shrieked in horror at his admission. I thought having a baby would at least settle him down, but I guess I was poorly mistaken. People can change, but apparently not Neil.
He leaned in closer, sparkling blue eyes dilated, and fixed on me like I was his prize. His overly soft fingers swiped along my jawline, making the stomach acid rise into my mouth now. Can I puke on him yet, because I really wanted to.
I swatted his hand away like a pesky fly. « You had your chance with me and you fucked it up. Do. Not. Touch. Me. » I slammed my drink onto the bar. He put a hand over his lips, hyena laughing at my tough attempt.
« Man, Merce, you really grew some balls this past six months since I’ve been out of the picture. But the word on the street is, you need some… »
« Go away, » I spat, cursing Amanda. She must have spilled the beans about my unplanned abstinence through her loose lips. She never could keep a secret or her legs closed. I would kill her, chop her into little bits, and bury her body where no one would find it.
But fuck, murder was very frowned upon in today.
It’s not like I hadn’t tried to tangle my legs around attractive men in the form of a one-night stand. It was hard for me after he cheated on me and left me for someone younger. And way prettier—and perkier in all the right places. It took its toll on my game. Especially since I had given all my love and soul to Neil, only for him to stomp on it like a bug. Squishing it beneath his feet like I was nothing to him. That’s what I was though, someone for him to push around and poke and prod. Until he had used me all up.
« Mercy, » he purred in my ear again, leaning so far in I could smell the familiar cologne he knew I loved. My horny body betrayed me momentarily, goosebumps plumping up my arms. A shiver spreading through my body, almost forgetting all the bullshit he had put me through.
I took a deep breath. I hated him, absolutely loathed the bastard. But a hate fuck could be good, right ? Nice. Fast. Full of rage against the bathroom wall…..
No. No. No. Don’t fall into that trap. He sucked in bed anyway.
He’s with Tiffany now. She’s pregnant, and he was a repugnant asshole. The very asshole I had wanted to slap in the face the moment I saw him screwing Tiffany. Over his desk when he thought I wouldn’t find out.
« I told you no ! » I yelled back, pushing two fingers into his chest, almost knocking his feet from under his body.
His lip curled up, as his hand ran down his face. A blackness spread over his eyes. A blackness I had seen many times before when an unbridled rage would push through him when he didn’t get his way. His tongue ran the length of his top teeth inside his mouth. As his eyes scanned the bar for witnesses, no eyes were on us. To the other bar patrons, we were simply having a quiet conversation in the bar’s corner.
« You’ll regret that, » he said with a smirk, his body sinking closer to mine.
« Who do you think got you your job ? Hmmm ? Do you think she just picked you as an intern without a guiding hand ? I can fuck you over there or I can fuck you here. » I swallowed hard at his words. I suspected he was the one that had gotten me my job, but now…. Now I knew I had to prove myself even more. Because fuck Neil.
« Suck a dick and get the fuck out of my face ! » I stood up now, going toe to toe with him.
I would not let him intimidate me anymore. I wasn’t his property or some girl he could toss around anymore. I definitely wasn’t the girl he could manipulate into bed with him. Not anymore. I’m stronger than that now.
« How about we call Tiffany and let her know what you’re up to tonight. » I growled at him, seeing red splotches in my eyesight. Wanting to punch the smug grin off his face once and for all.
« You think she doesn’t know ? » He smirked again, « but good try, Merce. » He put a hand on my arm, his fingers digging into my flesh like he was about to pull me out of there.
« I believe the woman said to and I quote « Suck a dick and get the fuck out of her face. » I nearly jumped at his voice coming from behind me. His breath tickled my neck, growls emanating from his throat like a protective mama bear.
Neil ground his teeth into nothing staring at the tall, muscular man poised behind me. The wheels turning in his pathetic caveman brain, weighing his options. He could stay and fight. I’d love to see C.J. kick his ass into the ground or he could run like the pathetic, woman-beating, pussy he was. His fingers released their vice grip on my arm and he took the second option. Opting to walk out the door in an angry huff with his pathetic little tail tucked between his legs.
I took a big breath, running a hand down my face. The ominous presence behind me shifted over and disappeared.