||Chapter Three||
Knock Knock Knock.
Someone's knocking.
I'm sure it's still early.
I'm not getting out of bed.
I'm so tired.
I spent the whole night at Harry's.
Well not inside.
Just outside.
As usual though.
I couldn't sight anything inside his mansion.
Every single window and curtain was closed.
I could figure out one thing though.
Liam stayed the night.
His car was outside.
"Zayn, open the damn door already you lazy ass!"
Oh there we have it.
My Irish friend.
"Open it on your own!" I yelled back.
Nothing can move me out of this bed.
Not even Harry.
Okay now wait a second.
This was such an absurd lie.
Harry is always an exception.
"Hey Loser."
Niall barged into my bedroom.
Insulting me.
"Sup sleep-killer."
He killed my sleep.
And this one was a beauty sleep.
"Ha ha, very funny."
Oh Niall.
"You didn't show up to work today."
What in the world is he talking about?
"No I didn't. It's too early for work."
I'm sure it's early.
Isn't it?
"Where do you live Zayn? It's four pm bud."
What the hell?
My friend is silly.
"Nice joke." I commented.
"I'm not joking."
Yeah right.
"You were out watching Harry all night weren't you?"
Aww, he knows me so well.
That's why I love him.
"Guilty as charged." I reply.
Let's start the countdown for the coming lecture.
3, 2, 1...
"Zayn, you know this thing you do isn't healthy. He's a celebrity. He won't ever notice you."
Told you.
"Ni darling, you've told me this a million times. Did I ever listen? Nope."
Off course I won't listen.
I won't ever give up on my precious Haz.
"Plus, this time it's work." I continued.
"No way!" He exclaimed.
"Sheila is a goddess." I said.
"You hate her." He said.
"Correction, I used to hate her. Now, she gave me Harry." I declared.
"Oh my God, she doesn't realize the trouble she got the whole magazine in." Niall said.
"Ouch, thanks. What a best friend you are."
"You know I love you but imagine if Sheila came to visit you once." He said.
"So? Are you seriously asking me that Zee?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"You freaking have his pictures on all the walls of your apartment! That's crazy!"
That's when I sat up straight.
Glaring at his blonde head.
Well at least I thought he understood.
"Harry isn't just a celebrity that I'm a fan of Niall. Harry is my everything."
"You know that the first time I laid my eyes on him was off-screen and not on it."
"You know how a simple look at him made me fall for him."
"Zayn, I know-
"No you don't! I've been suffering for two years, two fucking years!"
I hate to talk about this.
"The first year I thought he was straight so I didn't even get near him."
"The second year I found out he's gay but just after I watched him every day and night."
"On that second year, he broke my heart when I saw him sneaking around with his now ex-boyfriend."
"Zee, I'm really sorry." He apologized.
"That's how I developed my weird obsession in him Ni, watching him."
"He is way more special than anybody thinks he is."
"Sheila thinks I'll find his secret and tell her."
"She's stupid."
"How can I ever hurt the person I love?"
"Then what are you planning to do?" Ni asked.
"After ages of watching him, I'm this close to finding out his secret."
"And when I do, I'm gonna use it for my advantage."
"I don't want you to get hurt." He said.
"I won't. You know why Ni?"
He's curious so I'll tell him anyways.
"Cause every single night, I call him."
"You what?!"
"I call him."
"How do you have his number? Oh my God, you keep getting better and better."
"I just have it. I call him and listen to his voice but I never speak."
"His voice calms me, especially knowing that it's directed at me."
"He can trace your number." Niall thinks he's smart.
"It's a private number. I have it just for Haz."
"But Niall, he likes it."
"Likes what? You calling him?"
I know Harry gets excited when I call.
I call.
He directly picks up.
He says the same thing.
Without knowing it.
He helps me in so many ways.
He is my reason.
One day.
I'm gonna be sitting on his couch.
Cuddling with him.
Right then.
Right there.
I'm gonna tell him about the first time I saw him.
I'm gonna tell him that I am a fan.
Not a fan of his face on screen.
But a fan of his eyes, mouth, nose, dimples, heart, when I first saw him on that street.
I love him.
I love him.
I love him.
P.S. Niall is a great friend, he just misunderstands me sometimes. He doesn't know that I know Harry is waiting for me.