||Chapter Seven||
I can hardly breathe.
I never knew this day would come.
When Harry Styles calls me hot.
Well yeah I know.
He didn't say I am hot.
He just said my voice is.
To me.
It's same same.
Hot is still hot.
I did my first step.
I talked to him.
Plan A: Get him to like me before laying his eyes on me.
I'm gonna keep on calling him now.
He asks for my number.
"Hello?" My phone rang.
"Zayn? Where are you?"
Ugh, Sheila.
"Working." I answered.
"You're watching Harry then?" She asked.
"Isn't it what you wanted me to do? Why the stupid question?" I retorted.
I just hate her guts.
She's a slut and everybody is aware of that.
Stay away if you don't want STD.
I'm so mean sometimes.
Oh well, who cares?
Not me.
"Shut up Zayn. I'm your boss!" She said.
"You might be, but you can't boss me around."
"Now go, I need to watch Harry. Bye." I ended the call.
The best thing is.
I don't have to worry about her firing me.
She knows deep down that I'm her best stalker slash photographer.
Right now.
It's night time.
Around nine pm the last time I checked.
I'm off course camping outside Harry's mansion.
No seriously.
I have a chair, a coffee thermos, a blanket... That stuff.
"Harry! What the hell are you doing?! Are you stupid?" Someone screamed.
It's Liam.
He's following Harry out of the house.
"I... I need to face my fear Liam! That's the only way I can overcome it." Harry yelled back.
"Harry! You're seriously losing it this time! Come back inside!" Liam shot back.
"No! I'm gonna do it Li." Harry said.
I was using my binoculars.
I could make up some tears on Haz's face.
Oh no.
"Haz, don't you dare look up!" Liam shrieked while trying to pull Harry inside.
Haz didn't listen.
He looked up at the dark sky.
A couple of silent seconds passed.
When Harry was just staring upwards.
And Liam was worried shitless.
"L-L-Liam! Liam! Shit! I can't look at it!" Harry screamed.
Oh god, what the hell is happening?
"Fuck! Harry! What the hell did I tell you?!" Liam yelled.
Harry was holding his face between his hands.
He stood still.
Except for his trembling and loud crying.
Liam carried him bridal style.
He freaking carried him.
"Calm down Haz, there's nothing there." He soothed.
He ran inside with Haz in his arms.
I was speechless.
I think I finally know what's going on.
I can't believe I didn't know all this time.
It's so obvious.
"Oh my God." I whispered.
My poor Haz.
I wanna be Liam right now.
I can't believe it though.
I never expected it.
It's so surreal.
I instantly packed my stuff.
I got in my car.
And sped home.
I'm home.
I quickly opened my laptop.
Typing in.
I wanna know what this fear is called.
Come on come on come on.
There it is.
It's usually caused by a negative past experience.
If not treated sooner or later, this fear can became so irrational to the worrier that they might not ever get to go outside at night.
Jesus Christ!
Selenophobiacs tend to: have air hunger/ Breathlessness.
Trembling, nausea, dry mouth, social anxiety.
Panic attacks, crying, and obsessive tendencies related to nighttime.
"My poor Haz." I mumbled.
Now that I know this.
The game is set.
Harry will have someone who'll understand him.
P.S. Don't you dare say I'm not a professional stalker! Look at what I just found out. I rock.