Contains scenes with Gore and heavy Violence!!!
Do no proceed if you are faint of heart!!!
Olivia POV:
After the 'Rogues' mind-link ;everyone got up and ran to their respectable areas.
We usually never get attacked. Just in case; we have procedures that we follow.
I was a warrior so I ran with the rest of the group to get to the battle field.
I turned the corner when someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me back.
My head whipped around to come face to face; or rather face to chest, with the guy who I would rather not see right now; Sage Bellissimo.
"You are not fighting; Olivia." He pulled me in the opposite direction.
I was trying to pry my wrist out his grip. It was too strong. I'm pretty sure my skin was turning red because of his big ass man hands.
"Argh, let go Sage!! I'm fighting, because I'm a warrior. That's what a warrior does, now let me go!!" I grunted; struggling to get his grip off.
Sage turned the corner to the hallway that lead to the strong hold cellar where all of the non-warriors and teenagers who haven't shifted yet were held in times of crisis. This was one of those times.
My eyes widened. "No!! Sage you are not putting me in there. I'm a warrior-"
"A warrior that has not shifted yet. Meaning; you go here, were you can be safe." He cut me off.
I snatched my wrist out of his grip. "There are plenty of other warriors my age that haven't shifted yet. They are out there right now fighting! So why can't I?"
I lied, but what he doesn't know won't kill him right?
Sage huffed a sigh, "Because, you are important to me; and your brother. I... we want you to be safe, no matter what." His eyes held sincerity. I knew he was being truthful this time.
The realization made my heart flutter, but I won't let him affect me. I will protect my heart from him no matter what.
I turned away from him.
"Well I don't care what you or Kyson want. I am fighting and that is final. And the more time we spend here arguing about it; the more we are in danger. So stop worrying about me, and worry about the pack." I ran back in the other direction, not waiting for him.
I knew he was following.
I made it outside, Sage hot on my tail. I didn't see anyone so I linked Jackie to ask where the fight was. It was by the training ground. I sped off to the fight.
Usually it takes about twenty minutes to get to the training ground if you're walking. However, Sage and I got there in two minutes because he shifted and made me get on his back. I hesitated for a second, but he growled leaving no room for argument so I hoped on.
During those two minutes I couldn't help but marvel at his wolf form. Axel was more magnificent than Sage described. He was big and stood tall on all fours, he was about 6'7. Which is average for an Alpha wolf. The average for a normal male wolf is 6'0. His fur was pitch black and thick. The wavy hair reflected the moonlight as it shined down upon him. I ran my fingers through it. His fur was the softest thing I had ever felt in my entire life.
Axel purred at my touch. I was not expecting that.
What entranced me the most was the color of his eyes.
Sage has heterochromia, his right eye is blue and his left is yellow. Usually when you change into your wolf form, your eye color changes too. However, Axel's eyes were the same as Sage's, just slightly darker.
I hoped off Axel's back once we came to the clearing where the fight was. I could tell that my eyes had turned purple by now. Axel looked at me in shock.
My eyes turn purple when my wolf is at the surface. I have not shifted yet, so it was weird that it started happening so early.
"Stop staring at me and go fight!!" I yelled, when Sage took control over the burly wolf.
He whimpered and nudged me with his big nose. He didn't want to leave me alone.
I rolled my eyes and sighed, "I have been training since I was twelve... I can handle myself, now go. Before someone gets hurt, they need their Alpha."
With one last whimper, he licked me and ran off.
I was taken back by that. Maybe he did actually have feelings for me.
I shook the thought out of my head and ran into the fight. Looking for my first victim.
It's been an hour. Though it has been a long fight, our warriors are still fighting strong and fiercely. I was so proud of my pack.
The long hours of training paid off.
The mysterious looking rogue's are almost gone. They were too clean to be rogue's. Their eyes weren't even black as rogue eyes should be. These wolves also fought too well. They even smell weird. Like chemicals and despair.
Yes, despair has a smell.
I plunged my hand into a wolf's chest, ripping out its heart when I felt that feeling again.
I threw the wolf I just killed to the ground like he was nothing. I was looking around for the being who had its eyes on me.
I saw it in the distance; far in the woods behind the thick trees and moss. If I wasn't a wolf with enhanced eye sight I would have never seen her.
There was a woman with pale blue skin. Her hair a dark shade of blue that was almost black. Her eyes were all white. There isn't an ounce of iris or pupil in the white orbs. We locked eyes.
What caught my attention was the golden symbol on her long royal blue cloak. My eyes widened.
The symbol was one I knew all too well. I drew it everywhere in my sketch books. Even on my mural wall in my room. I saw it a few times in my dreams the past few weeks.
When I drew it; the image had color so I knew what color everything was.
It was an image of a gray wolf; the wolf had white eyes like the blue lady but there was a green ooze looking substance falling from its eyes. What made the picture so horrific to look at was the letters 'NS' burned into the forehead of the wolf. It was definitely a branding of some sort.
Since the accent on her cloak was gold, the picture was outlined in it while the blue of the cloak made out the picture.
The woman must have seen my eyes widen in shock and fear. She smirked a devilish smile, sending a shiver through my body. She looked triumphant, like she won a gold medal.
I was almost taken off guard when one of the rogues charged for me. I jumped out of the way just as the rogue was about to bite me.
I hopped onto its back and latched on tight by digging my nails into its scruff. The wolf tried to shake me off. I tightened my grip.
I'm pretty sure I looked like a bull rider right now.
I used his movements as leverage and flung myself to the right side of its body and wrapped myself around its neck.
In five seconds, I reached under its head and latched my hand onto the skin that connected to its jaw and dug my nails into it. The wolf growled in pain as my nails plunged deep into its skin. The blood from its mouth dripped down my arm.
I tightly wrapped my legs around its neck from the side, giving me enough support to free my left arm and grab his ear. With great force, I yanked my right hand towards me while forcing my left hand back taking the rogues head with my it.
The rogues neck made a sickening crack as his head turned around in a full 360° turn, the wolf dropped to the ground, dead.
I threw it off me and turned to look for the blue lady in the blue cloak, but she was gone. I got up from the ground, dusting off my pants.
"Wh- Where did she go?" I panted.
Alpha Conner howled. We were victorious in our battle. No one had gotten hurt either, thankfully.
I panted, while the rest of the warriors howled with the Alpha. I would have joined in, but I was too occupied by my thoughts of who that lady was and what that symbol meant. I wanted to get to the bottom of this.
There was a reason she was looking at me like a creep. Was it because of my purple eyes? Or was it something else?
Whatever it was, I was going to figure it out. Maybe Alpha Conner could help me.
'Oh boy... here we go.' I mentally groaned.
I heaved a sigh, and I turned around to my angry older brother.
'Lord give me strength.'
I hope you guys like it!!!
Leave a comment on what you think will happen next guys!!!
P.s. This is where the plot starts to come together... Yayyyyyy!!!