Olivia POV:
While our parents and the guys were catching up Sage tried to make attempts to speak to me, but I ignored him. I wasn't ready to talk to him yet.
After many attempts he just gave up. I was grateful for that.
Ky and the rest of the guys got off the elevator. I was about to scold him about my place of residence that he made the Alpha push on me.
He asked for me to be put on a heavily guarded floor. The only extremely guarded floor is the Alpha's floor. Alpha Conner thought putting me here was a great idea.
That was one of the worst mistakes he has ever made.
Why would Kyson do this to me?! He didn't know it was Sage that I slept with two years ago, but still...
Before I could yell at Ky; the doors closed. I was finally alone with Mixed Meat after two years.
He cleared his throat. I cut him off before he could get a word out. I needed to set the record straight.
"You may be friends with my brother... but I want nothing to do with you. Just so you know." I refused to look at him.
"I'm sorry Livy." He spoke softly.
I knew he was just playing with me and I refuse to let him hurt me again. He would do nothing but hurt me. I have to protect myself.
I kept my head forward, daring myself not to look back at him. I didn't even want to acknowledge his words.
Thankfully the doors opened. I took the opportunity to speed walk to my room.
Before I could get there, Sage grabbed my wrist. I whipped around to curse at him; but he pulled into a passionate kiss.
My body leaned into him. I loved the way his lips felt against mine.
Sage moved his hands around my body; caressing me just the way I like. I let out a moan of ecstasy when his tongue slipped into my mouth exploring every inch. I ran my fingers through his black curls, marveling in the way his silky hair felt under my fingertips.
I was lifted off the ground and pressed against the wall; my legs wrapped around his waist. He gripped my ass roughly then moved his hands up to my waist; pulling me closer. The wall supporting my weight as he held me there running his hands up and down my back; making love to my mouth.
Sage moaned; bringing me back to reality.
I wasn't supposed to be doing this. I didn't want this. I refuse to be used again.
I pushed against him to break the kiss, but he wasn't letting up. So I did the only logical thing I could.
I bit him...HARD.
Sage jumped back; the sudden movement made me drop to the floor. Thankfully; I caught myself before I fell on my butt.
"Argh!! You bit me?! What the hell Olivia!!" He yelled; holding his lip.
"You left me no choice!! I thought I told you to never come near me again!!" I yelled back. Tears welled up in my eyes; threatening to spill over.
I blinked them away. I refuse to let him see me cry again.
"I left you no choice?! You kissed me back Olivia!!"
"Yeah, well I wasn't thinking properly. You had no right-" I furiously wiped the tears from my eyes.
"I do have the right." He took a step towards me. I took one back.
I was pressed up against the wall again, with only a foot distance between us.
I refuse to let him win.
"You have no right over me Sage. Not after what you did to me." The tears were free falling now.
"I did it to protect you Livy-"
"STOP CALLING ME LIVY!!" Sage flinched.
The power in my voice was stronger than I had expected. I had never done anything like that before.
"You lost the right to call me Livy when you told me that I was just a good fuck and nothing more." He shook his head 'no'; taking slow steps towards me.
I slid to the side; out of his reach. I didn't want him to touch me. I needed to get my point across.
"When you looked me in my eyes and said that you were just using my body. When you treated me like I was a piece of shit. When you told me that no one would ever want a fat ass whale like me... that was the day that you lost every right to claim me as yours. – And I will never allow you to play me like that again. So you stay the fuck away from me Sage. I mean it." I walked to my room.
"Olivia!! Olivia, I'm sorry okay. I never meant a word I said to you. You have to believe me tenshi. I loved you then and I still love you now. I only said all of that to protect you!!" He rushed after me. {Angel}
I stopped in my tracks and turned to him.
"In what world, does a man tell the woman he loves that he only fucked her because he was bored and wanted to get laid Sage?" More tears fell.
"In our world. I was trying to protect you tenshi. I would do it all over again if it meant that you would live... Please don't cry tenshi." He tried to wipe my tears.
I smacked his hand away. "Don't touch me."
"Olivia, please!!" he begged.
"Okay. Let's say that I believe you... if you were protecting me; what were you protecting me from?" I turned around and walked to my room door.
I turned back around to look at Sage. He looked troubled.
'Did he not want to tell me?' I thought.
"I... can't tell you. I gave my word" He looked down in defeat.
I chuckled sadly. "That's bullshit." His head shot up.
"I'm not lying to you tenshi. I did say all of those things to protect you."
I scoffed, "Yes, you are. It's what you do Sage. You lie, and I believed every lie that you told me two years ago. But that is over now, I refuse to let you lie to me anymore." I opened my door and stepped inside.
"I'm not lying to you."
"Yeah, and I'm going to pretend like I believe that bullshit. Just leave me alone." I didn't give him a chance to answer. I slammed the door in his face.
I slid against the door; crying my heart out.
How was I going to be able to survive with him here? I don't know if I can survive him.
I was bound to fall in love again. Hell; I was still in love with him, that kiss proved it.
I cried for about five minutes, then decided to pull myself together. I cleaned up for dinner and made my way down to the huge dining room.
I went up to the buffet table and made my plate. My usual table by the window was being held by Jackie and Josh, per usual.
Once I sat down, I started to marvel at the dining room as I do every time. I couldn't help it. No matter how many times that I ate here in the past I could never get over the structure and design of the room.
The dining hall looked royal, with its golden accents, black and white marble floors and crystal chandler's. What made it all the more impressive were the high ceilings that had a mural of a war.
The painting looked like the fighting point of the war. It was easy to tell who was fighting against who. There was one side that had wolves with tribal printed fur, and then there were some with jet-black fur but different colored eyes.
On that side there was also what looked like fairies and dragons, there were even witches, warlocks and vampires. It was obvious that side was the good side. The background for it was a golden sky with white clouds and sun rays.
The other side had all of the enemies of the good side. Including Ogres and Trolls. The Chem dragons, pixies, dark witches, and the evil enchantresses were there too along with pale blue vampires. There were even some wolves on that side, they looked too clean and neat to be rogues though. I always wondered who, or what they were. I was always so entranced by the mural.
Sometimes when I'm stressed, I would sneak in here and spend the night looking up at the mural with a couple of blankets and pillows. Or; I'd just stare out the window. The forest on this side of the pack house always looked so beautiful and inviting. This dining room was one of my happy places.
"Olivia!!" Jackie yelled.
I jumped when she hit my shoulder.
"Ouch!! What was that for?" I whined; rubbing my arm.
"Uhhh, you weren't listening. You were staring at that stupid ceiling again." Jackie scolded.
"Honestly OJ, I don't get the fascination. It's just a picture of a fake prophecy. We all know it's just legend." Josh said, his mouth filled with food.
"Please don't talk with food in your mouth. What are you a pig?" I scolded.
Josh swallowed his food and smirked "No, but I am a dog." He growled playfully.
I rolled my eyes and Jackie giggled.
In the midst of our meal; there was an uneasy feeling in my gut. Something was about to go wrong; I could feel it.
'I have to warn the Alpha.' I thought.
Just as I was about to get up; I got a mind link that I'm sure the other pack members got too. "Rogues!!"
The Shadow Howlers Tribe/Pack was one of the few Tribes of wolves that weren't on the map in the wolf world, so how would anyone know where to attack?
It doesn't matter now though, because one thing was for certain.
We were under attack.