Leighton High was not too far, but it wasn’t close either, so she started to walk at a fast pace until she was a few blocks away from the school, and she slowed down. She didn’t want to seem weird or even draw attention to herself so she cut the yard across to the parking lot and passed the side of the school building.
The school was big, an obviously rich kid school, and the cars in the parking lots for students just made Chloe want to roll her eyes. They seemed like they would be more expensive than what her mother made in a year as a doctor in a small hospital or her dad’s in a bank. They were the typical normal parents but she was proud of them and what they do.
Successfully, she was able to walk into the school without being looked at by anyone. She recognized the school groups, according to what they were doing. The tech groupies, the science nerds, the bad boys with the motorcycle, the bad girls' wannabes, the school prince and princess leagues, and the “woke” people. She shook her head at the way one of them was talking so rapidly about what to do if the principal doesn’t add a program to the day curriculum. That was really something.
Chloe adjusted the strap of her bag as she walked down the hall of the school corridor to find her locker. She had been given her schedule during the weekend and her locker had also been shown to her. She would need to change the combination but that would be later at lunch break. Right now, she just needed to get her books placed in it and get the textbook needed for the first period.
According to the person that showed her around when she came with her father on Saturday, assembly was only for special occasions, so she just had to go straight to the first period. She soon located the locker and she put in all of her books, took out the ones she needed, and then she started to head for the class, but that was when it happened.
The door of the front hall opened and two guys started to walk down it towards her with two girls in their arms like candies. Chloe had totally miscalled the school princess and princes or maybe she didn’t. These people were the school kings and queens, or so she could tell by the way the people parted for them, and smiled at them, greeting and giving them attention.
The first boy was a bit shorter than the second boy, and he had a dirty blonde hair, almost brown. He had a pair of blue eyes and he was handsome. The girl beside him was tall and dark, with a pretty nose and pretty eyes as well. She was wearing a pink short wrap dress and a pair of silver heels. Her toes were painted light pink, the same shade as her dress, and she had a brown hair color.
The second boy, OMG! He was tall like his companion, and he had a wide chest lean muscle thing going for him. The hair on his head was shining black, and he had grey eyes. He had Chace Crawford look going for him, only with the black hair difference. In fact, he looked like he was the one, if she didn’t know any better.
Like Chloe, he was wearing a midnight blue t-shirt, and a black pair of jeans, and carrying a black bag on one shoulder. The girl beside him was wearing a white dress with fake eyelashes. She had some freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose and her hair was almost white. She was also pretty, but not as pretty as the boy. Damn, he was hot as hell.
Chloe didn’t realize that she had her mouth open until she felt something enter into her mouth. Quickly she spat it out and saw that it was a small bug. She was still so engrossed in the bug that she didn’t realize the group had gone past her. When she looked up and saw that, she checked out the hot boy from behind. God, he looked so good from all angles.
With a sigh, she turned back to her locker then she realized that it was locked and she started to go to her class. As she got to the door, she paused and stared at the above sign to see if she was in the right place or had gotten it wrong.
“I’m right!” she muttered and open the door. Inside, a few number of students were there already, so she walked as fast and silently as she could to a seat she saw in the middle row. She hated sitting at the back and loved sitting at the front, but the front seats were occupied already, so she just sat there. As soon as she did, the student seemed to notice her then, giving her a weird look.
Normally, she would have gotten scared with her heart in her throat, but she couldn’t allow fear to rule her anymore. She had promised herself that much after what had happened at her former school. She decided that it was best to ignore them. She was sure they’ll all stop starting when the teacher starts to teach them. Her first period was Geometry anyway, so they would face their trigonometry when the teacher begin the class. That was the topic they were on because she had done her research.
She dropped her book, used the hood of her hoodie to converter hair, and then she put her face on her folded arms against the table.
Soon the teacher came in and while he was still telling everyone to settle down, she heard someone tap the seat she was sitting on with their leg and he said in a deep lower pitch voice.
“Get the fuck up from my seat, bitch.” She heard. The voice made her inside jump and she could feel butterflies in her lower belly. The voice was so sexy, with the way he spoke, she was sure his face would match his voice, but that didn’t mean anyone would call her a bitch and she would take it.
As she raised her head up to look at the person, she realized that it was the handsome boy from earlier. She tried her best not to open her mouth and with a trained expression, she looked at him from head to toe, then back up.
“Huh, excuse me?” she said, raising one of her brows up.