She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as the teacher asked her to come forward to introduce herself. It was really something she didn’t think would happen after the teacher had already ignored her for a while.
Behind her, the boy called Zach was staring at her weirdly, and it was causing her to sweat. She wasn’t even sure if his attention on her was the reason for her heart beating that wildly or if the tension from being in front of the class like this to introduce herself that caused it. Normally, she wasn’t usually shy if it was to come to solving something on the board, in fact, at that moment, her head was always raised high because she knew she was good at it, but, not so much with having this kind of attention.
She cleared her throat and said. “Huh, my name is Chloe Miller, and huh, I am now.” She said ad everyone laughed. She looked at Zach to see that he wasn’t laughing like the rest, but the expression on his face was worse, somehow. It was an intense look that seemed like he was looking inside of her instead of at her. She stared at him, in his eyed and she felt her face start to get hot, which meant that she might soon get red, so she looked away.
There was something about him that she couldn’t quite put her hand on, and it had nothing to do with being popular or anything of the such. He had this weird magnetic pull and even though she was trying her best to put up a mask that says “I don’t care for you because you’re popular and girls like you” she was still very much affected by him. But, Chloe's specialty was hiding behind masks, even when she was suffering at the hands of her former best friend turned enemy, she didn’t do it to anyone or show it on her face until what she did to her last that almost got them both expelled. Thankfully, the principal had let her off with a warning because she had never caused a day of trouble or been in any drama before that time.
Her father had chosen that time, the summer after it, to ask them all to move because of his work, and she was glad. Really glad, and here she was.
She walked back to her seat and sat down, then the teacher started the lesson on trigonometry. She focused on the board even though she had already solved all the questions under the topic. She loved listening attentively in class and that was something that had really helped her over the course of being a real student since she was homeschooled until she was five.
Chloe sighed and copied what was on the board. Behind her, she felt someone poke their pen at her, and there was only one possible person that could be doing that because he was sitting behind her. She decided that it was best to ignore him. She wouldn’t want to be in trouble on the first day of school or sent to detention.
“Hey, Chloe. I’m sure you can feel me poking you. It means I want your attention.” He whispered as he leaned into her.
God, she could feel something liquid pooled at the junction between her thigh. Was this even real? Feeling like this for someone she didn’t know until this morning? The feeling was also so confusing as hell, and she wondered why he was even trying to get her attention. He should be focused like she was. This class was a big deal for her anyway.
She ignored him and adjusted in her seat so that the place he was poking changed. He leaned in again and spoke, his breath hitting her neck and it caused her to shiver. Clenching her teeth, she tried to blow out her breath through them, and then she put up her shy face and turned to him.
Normally, Chloe would have just looked over her shoulder and asked him what he wanted with her clenched teeth, but this just wasn’t anyone. It was the boy that was making her heart race, getting her face got, and making her mouth water. He was really so handsome, and he looked like Chace Crawford in Gossip Girl. If she didn’t know better, she would have said that he was the one or related to him.
“What do you need?” she asked him, trying to avoid looking him in the eyes, so she looked around instead, and that was when she noticed two girls in the next row behind him glaring at her.
She felt herself flushed and she quickly looked away from them. What was their deal, anyway? She wished she was the lioness that she was in her thoughts in real life, but she wasn’t. She was just a cub.
“Are you dense, or purposefully trying to rile me? You're asking me what I need as if you can help me out with it.” Zach said and in confusion, she furrowed her brows in a frown. As she was still wondering what the heck he meant and what that was about, he said. “Fine, since you’re asking me what I need as if you can provide it, why don’t you meet me at the old building after school and get down on your knees in front of me, huh?” he said.
Still lost, with the frown still there, she said. “Get down on my knees? Why in God's name do I need to do that? What do I have to apologize for?” she asked, her voice low and shy.
She saw him frown, and he looked at her as if she had grown two heads, or that she was funny, then he said. “I mean, why don’t you give me a blowjob then.” He said. He lifted the corner of his mouth in a smirk, staring at her with a daring look.
She gasped and not intending to make any sound, she covered her mouth. What the fuck was that for? She wasn’t going to be caught having a conversation with him, much less, this kind of conversation. But it was too late. As she turned, the teacher called out her name.
“Miss Miller. Do you have something to share with the class?” he asked, and quickly she shook her head, but he wouldn’t stop there. Instead, he said. “Why don’t you come forward and solve this question.” He said.