Ancient Story
I saw the readiness in his eyes and zeal to listen to the story I have to tell him, have told him lots of stories about the past but never have I told him how we got to the human world.
" Father, Rodrigo has started with me again, why does he say am weak", I asked my father back then in the '60s.
" Juan let me tell you something, belief in yourself, both of you are my son's, in you, I find a difference that's why you are special to me".
" Thanks, father".
He added saying, " Have told the elders, if something should happen to me, you should be the next Primus, the vampires will be safe in your hands and try to redeem Rodrigo no matter what he has done"
" I promise father".
"Now back to the reason I called you, we found a mystery door, I heard humans live there, but have told everyone if you want to feed, feed in a way that you won't end up killing them"
" Finally, let me tell cousin as well, I know she will be busy practicing some dark magic"., I replied excitedly.
"Nevertheless Juan you need to be extra careful around the witches quarter, not all of them are nice"
"Sure father".
"The mystery door got opened, and the atmosphere there was super great, we all wore our amulet made by the powerful witch to enable us to walk during the day. Everyone entered happy, some feed but kept the word of Primus not to kill".
" We decided to build a castle where the mystery door was, so anytime, we can all stay there, a sign of peace that we were all acceptable in the world, and we did our very first party, where the humans were invited along with their royals."
I stopped the story looking at Dimitro," Should I continue or not?" I asked him.
" Not at all-father, I love what am hearing"
I continued, saying, " During the ball, a beauty have never seen caught my attention and her name was Lina", I walked to where she sits and asked her for a dance, "May I have this dance".
She responded saying," Yes you may".
We danced to the soft tune playing when I complimented her beauty, ever since then we became close friends, she told me about her coronation to be crowned the next Queen and how she wanted me to be beside her and I agreed.
"Lina was the first woman I fell in love with, she was crowned Queen, I told her to wait in her chamber while I get a surprise for her ".
Entering a garden full of different flowers not far from the castle we build, I decided to take from it, "But know this, my son, not everyone will like you for been a vampire".
The owners of the garden hated me that she struck my arms with silver and she said, " Have provoked you monster, you think you can rule us by plotting with other monsters like you to kill our crown Queen, blinding her with your fake love, oh look at the evil eyes seems you want to feed on me".
She cut her self a little to bleed so I would be tempted, I couldn't cause I discipline myself then my actions cleared her doubt," Truly you are different from your kinds, take these she would love it and please protect her from other evil monsters that are not like you", she gave me a bouquet then I promise to always protect her kinds from anyone who goes against my father law and the Queen's law as well".
"The Queen told us we can stay for as long we want but provided we don't break the rules else we will be chased out, they possess the weapon that can harm us."
I went to her room as promised then I gave her the flowers, " Juan I love this types of flowers, as long flowers like this glow and remain this beautiful so would our love keep growing deeper, think of me always whenever you come across this and I would do same", She said to me.
" I will", " Oh no Juan, where you hit by my people, you need blood, here you go have mine", she stretches her hands for me to feed.
"No Lina, I can't do that".
" Stop being stubborn, I insist"
I fed on her blood till my body system became okay, then she reached for my lips to kiss me, then I reciprocate back the kiss," I love you Lina" I said to her when I unlocked from the kiss and she said the same words to me, I carried her bridal style to the bed and then.........."
My son interrupted me from the story saying, "Come on father, you don't have to go too detailed on that part, I already understood".
" Oh my bad, I shouldn't have gone too detailed", we started laughing.
"So can I continue", I asked
" Yea father but after that part".
"Sure". I helped her fought most battles that came and always returned to her with victory, many sorts for her throne but they ended up defeated and I made sure she had allies from other countries, she was address Queen of the World because of me always staying by her side when this was going on, I never knew in my world, my father life was at risk but yet he acted fine.
" Happy moments don't last forever you know, cases of some humans murdered by my kinds kept on increasing, the bite left on the neck proved it, many went missing, innocent children also as well but my Lina believed in me and trusted me that I couldn't order such to my kind since my father told me to act as the leader of my kinds in the human world.
She said to me," Juan you have helped me to win battles, we humans have lots of enemies, hating you for no reason, ready to carry out an evil strategy just to bring down your dignity, I believe some of your kinds are ruled by another who might be your enemy, you need to be more careful and I will be by your side till the truth is out, so I can prove to my subject you are not the monster they think you are."
Her words gave me hope, am happy she has trust in me, I walk in disguise, it seems most humans want us out of their world for good.
I decided to visit my father back in our world to tell him situations of things and I needed advice as well only to see the dagger of Tunt (made of different powerful elements alongside silver that can kill lycans and Vampires but only torment a hybrid) in his heart, I was too late.
My question was" Father who did this to you? He faded away.
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