Chapter Three: Cramps Are Deadly and Painful
I groaned into my pillow then started to cry. Ryan runs in my room shirtless and with his jeans hanging low.
It looks like he was about to put on his belt. My brother plays Lacrosse so I'm used to him being shirtless.
"I'm not going to school today." I said sitting up and sniffling. Call me a drama queen, but every girl knows the struggle.
It feels like I want to stab myself just to end the pain. And the misery.
Ryan just sighed and rolled his eyes. Boys. They'll never understand. I then got a funny feeling in my stomach and rushed past my brother and then ran into the bathroom.
I started to puke into the toliet. Yeah, my period is so bad that I throw up. Gross I know.
Ryan then held my hair back. And he grumbled about how disgusting I look right now.
Then I felt his grip off of my hair. So I sat on my butt on the small white fluffy rug that's next to the bathtub.
"Hey bro it's Ryan. Peyton just threw up. Yeah alright... I'll tell her, later bro." He said hanging up his phone then helping me up.
I washed my hands into the sink then wiped them on a white towelette then my mouth.
I brushed my teeth with my light blue toothbrush.
I rinsed my mouth with the watermelon flavored mouthwash for kids.
Don't hate, this stuff is the bomb. And it makes my teeth look pearly white and fresh.
"Who did you call? What did this person say?" I asked him while walking out of the bathroom and sitting crisscross applesauce on my full size bed.
I then started to cry. This pain is impossible. Why is Mother Nature so damm cruel to us girls?
Ryan sighed and sat next to me, while rubbing my back. This made me close my eyes and take deep breaths.
I thank him for being a good little brother to me.
"I called Mason. I told him about your condition. He knew exactly what I was talking about when I said that you threw up." Ryan said giving me a small smile.
I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks. He swatted my hands away. Then stood up.
He looked at his watch and gasped. Then waved bye to me and walked out of my room.
I then got up, and walked across the hall back into the bathroom. And then used the toliet and put in a new fresh tampon.
When I got out, I heard the doorbell ring. I padded down my wooden stairs and went to the front door. Which was a double door.
When I opened it, Mason was holding a publix bag with a cheeky grin on his face.
I sighed and let him in. He shouldn't miss school just for me. He's got a C in one class already which breaks his straight A streak.
"You know, you should be in school. I'm fine." I said sitting down on my dark brown couch.
With my legs crossed. Then the pain went through me again, and I groaned putting a couch pillow on my lap.
Cramps are deadly and painful
Mason was rubbing my lower back. Which feels really good.
He knows that I throw up. So my assumption is that when Ryan told him that I'm throwing up, Mason got a pretty good idea that I am on my monthly present.
"Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I went to school knowing that my girlfriend is at home in pain." He said flashing a fake hurt expression.
I rolled my eyes at him. Then started to cry. This is seriously going to be the death of me.
Mason got out two red bags of Lindt Chocolate. He knows those are my favorite. And a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Then a box of Playtex Sport tampons.
He's just seriously too perfect to be mine..
Mason then kissed my lips. He loves watermelons so when he tasted my mouth, he shoved his tongue in my mouth.
We both pulled away panting. I covered my throw up breath really good. He smiled at me.
I sniffled and then snuggled into his side while he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Honestly, you're the best." I said rubbing my nose into his t-shirt. While he was rubbing the curve of my waist with his hand.
He kissed my cheek then reached over for the remote and turned on the TV and then handed me a bag of truffles. Which I gladly took from him.
I have the best boyfriend ever. And I love him to pieces.
"For you I am." He said while planting a kiss on my nose. This matter made me blush.
He just chuckled. Then we watched Dance Moms. This is my favorite show. But not Mason's.
Mason doesn't have to watch this show for me. He doesn't need to be put through this torture.
It's bad enough that he's missing school already.
"Babe, can we go take a nap?" I asked him. Making sure that I give him puppy dog eyes.
That's his weakness. Being given the puppy dog eyes.
He turned off the TV then stood up and picked me up bridal style. Which made me squeal.
Then he carried me upstairs and walked into my bedroom. He put me down on my bed.
I made myself comfortable in my covers while he took off his shirt and then crawled into bed with me.
I used him as my body pillow. My legs were wrapped around his lower abdomen. And my head on his shoulder.
He just laughed at my need for him. It soothes my cramps. Hell it soothes it a lot.
"You're very cute beautiful." He said while giving me a kiss. And I smiled at him.
Then snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes.
I felt his chin rest on top of my head. Which felt incredibly good. Shit I wouldn't mind staying like this my whole life.