Chapter Two: The Quarterback's Girlfriend
I curled Colby's long blonde hair. While she was reading my Seventeen Magazine.
"Ugh, why is Ryan Gosling so damn perfect?" She asked me while putting her hand under her chin.
I sighed. She seriously needs to settle on a real boyfriend. Sometimes I worry about my best friend.
Looking at magazine hotties is clearly not helping the situation at all. She needs a real person.
I then got the perfect idea. The team co-captain, Sean is single. His girlfriend cheated on him. And all he wants is a loyal girlfriend.
And Colby is a loyal person. Bingo. I'm going to hook them up. With the aid of my boyfriend of course.
Mason and him are best friends. So maybe if I can convince Mason to talk to Sean, then this whole thing can have a go.
My phone buzzed on my vanity which it was sitting on. And Colby handed me my phone.
"Hey babe." I said while putting the phone on speaker and placing it down on the vanity again.
Colby gave me a cheeky grin. I just rolled my eyes at her and gave her a slight shove.
She told me that she's completely jealous of our relationship.
She says that she wants our relationship. That we're a perfect couple. Like that one book that we read over the summer. At our annual book club.
I forgot the name of it. But it was a really great book.
"Hey beautiful, I was wondering if you're going to wear that football shirt I gave you?" He asked me.
I rolled my eyes at this question.
He's talking about how he gave me this shirt that he supposedly made. But I 100% am sure of it that his little sister Meghan made it.
It has too much sparkles on it for it to be made by a guy. So I just decided to keep my mouth shut on that one and just give him the benefit of the doubt.
His sister is fifteen years old. And she's a freshman at our high school. Deckerhill High School. Home of the Jaguars.
And also our biggest fangirl besides his parents and my dad. And my younger brother, Ryan who's a junior. But not so much my oldest one Frank. He's twenty-five and has a wife and two twin sons.
But yet he still won't let me date...
Other than my older brother, we have a fan group. So that's a good thing I guess.
"Of course! Now kick some ass and I'll see you after the game." I said unplugging the curling wand. Colby smiled at me then walked inside the bathroom and shut the door.
She hates going to public bathrooms. I don't know or want to know why. But that's all I know about the subject.
I heard the coach yelling in the background. He's already in the locker room?
This made me feel bad. We're going against a tuff team tonight. And this is the second game of the season.
And our senior year.....
"Okay I will beautiful. I love you and have a safe drive." He said sternly. This just made me giggle.
He's always concerned about my safety to the game. I even have to sit in the very front row of the bleachers just so he can see me.
Colby walked back in and then sat on my bed and started to text onto her iPhone 6 plus.
She's an only child. And both of her parents are lawyers. She also has a ferrari.
Rich kids...
"Love you too handsome. And I promise I will." I said cheerfully. He just chuckled.
I then hanged up. Then turned to face Colby who was smiling and shaking her head at me.
"The quarterback's girlfriend ladies and gentlemen." Colby mumbled. I sense a hint of jealousy in her tone.
But Colby isn't really the jealous type. Which is why she would make a good girlfriend.
Unlike me, I'm the jealous type.
I walked up to my closet, and threw on my football shirt that Meghan, I mean Mason made me.
It was a dark blue V-Neck shirt, with gold letters. Aka our school colors. And it said "Davis" on the back then his jersey number "24". The letters are in a sparkley gold.
Gotta love sparkles...
"I feel like I'm married. To Mason." I grumbled while Colby and I took our usual seats.
The team was warming up. So we're kind of early this time. Oh well, it's not like two high school loners have anything better to do.
I just don't get what Mason sees in me. He's seriously way more popular than I am.
Mason then saw us and waved at us. He then blew me a kiss and I caught it and put it on my heart.
He winked at me then started to throw the ball to Sean. I can catch Colby checking him out.
I nudged her shoulder while taking a sip of my water with a lime inside of it sitting on the bottom. From my Lilly Pulitzer tumbler that had my monogram on it.
Call me a white girl. I really don't give a shit.
"What? Sean is not my type. Anyways you and Mason WILL marry each other." Colby said with a smirk planted on her face.
This made me roll my eyes and scoff at her comment.
We aren't perfect. And we'll probably end up going to different colleges anyways.
It is senior year after all. And I applied to three colleges already. Mason is getting a football scholarship to two of the colleges.
But he's not really sure which one though. One of them is Louisiana State University. And the other one is Auburn.
"Come on, we probably wouldn't last long enough to have a wedding let alone get engaged." I said rolling my eyes. My stomach then rumbled and I sighed.
Food cannot be ignored. Besides the game starts in an hour so I have plenty of time.
I then grabbed my pink Vera Bradley wallet and took out a twenty. Then put my wallet back in my back pocket of my white shorts.
Colby handed me her twenty and then gave me a cheeky grin. This made me roll my eyes and take it.
"No but you guys would. You'll even have blonde children! Because you both have blonde hair!" She said waving her arms around.
I then stood up. Then chuckled and walked down the steps and then walked over to the concession stand.
Some of the student government members work in it. And get this, they all get 60% of whatever gets bought from there.
I should've joined. But I can't stand those annoying ass girls that think they're all that.
I fine with my yearbook club that I'm in. It's even a class. Which I have 7th period.
Also, I get a free yearbook. I mean who wouldn't want a free yearbook? It's a relief from my dad.
"Hey Peyton, the usual?" Nikki asks me while grabbing a bag of sour patch kids and Dr. Pepper.
She's validvictorian. And our class president. So she knows everyone especially me.
She knows me as Peyton and not just Mason Davis' lucky girl. Some of the girls on the Student Government hate me because I'm dating him.
Yeah, another reason why I'm not in Student Government. Nikki is one of the nice ones that don't really care about that.
"Yeah, and Colby wants a hot dog and coke." I said taking out Colby's twenty dollar bill.
And putting it with mine. Prices here are crazy. Which is why my dad doesn't come here.
She smiled at me and then grabbed a coke and a foiled up hot dog. Then handed it to me.
"$17.35." She said. I handed her my twenty. Then grabbed our food and went back to our spot.
The game then started and we all just sat there and watched. I was cheering for Mason the whole time.
When it was over, we won 28-24. It was a pretty close game. I then walked onto the field and Mason ran and wrapped his arms around my waist.
He gave me a long kiss on the lips. Then kissed my cheek. I sighed then patted his back.
Colby took a picture of Mason and I on my iPhone and it was of him wrapping his arms around my waist. And kissing me on my lips.
"Awh that's so cute!!" Colby squealed handing me back my phone. I chuckled then put it in my back pocket.
Mason and I walked off of the field hand and hand walking towards my car.
While we left Colby and Sean all alone and hoping that some chemistry will come between them.
We're such good friends