THE DOCTOR was inside her mother’s hospital suite when she arrived. Sapphire ran immediately to the bed.
“`Ma…” Her knees were too weak to stand, she sat by the edge of the bed and caressed the side of her mother’s head.
Sapphire knew how serious it was this time. There was an oxygen hose attached to her mother’s nose.
“Don’t worry too much, Sapphire. I am fine,” her mother said and smiled. She caught her hand and pressed it gently. “Danna just panicked when she saw me pale.”
She bit her lower lip and tried her best to hold back her tears. Of course, her mother would say that to prevent her from worrying too much. But how could she calm herself when she knew the real deal?
“Hija, I have something important to tell you,” the doctor said afterwards.
“Sure, Doc.” She patted her mother’s knuckles. “I’ll be back.”
Sapphire went out of the room to follow the doctor. She found Hapi in the corridor, his back leaning against the wall as he waits patiently. He gave her a nod and smiled.
She smiled back at him before turning her gaze to the doctor.
“Doc, how’s my mother?”
“Hija, your mother needs to undergo dialysis again,” the doctor informed her.
“But she’s scheduled to have her next dialysis three days from now.”
“The patient needs more dialysis sessions now. The water has already reached her lungs. That’s the reason why she was out of breath. She must have a strict liquid diet too. From one litter, we need to reduce it to eight hundred milliliters now.”
She heaved a sigh. “I understand, Doc.”
The doctor gave her a light tap on her arm and left.
Sapphire could only close her eyes and prayed that her mother’s condition would soon get better. She also asked the Lord for the courage to tell her grandfather that she needed additional funds for her mother’s medication. If only she could tell her grandpa that she lost her wallet. She felt her tears rolled forth her cheeks. For sure, Don Ignacio will scold her for being dumb. She already had that feeling that she failed her task to prove herself and worth to the family.
She opened her eyes slowly when she felt a thumb lightly brushing her cheek. Hapi’s calm and handsome face greeted Sapphire.
“Are you okay?” he asked as he tucked the loose strands of her hair behind her ear.
She heaved a deep and long sigh and then nodded.
“You should head back to the campus, Hapi. I know you are busy.”
“Give me your phone.” Hapi stretched out a hand to her.
“Never mind.” He fished out his phone from his pocket and handed it to her. “Just give me your number.”
Sapphire saved her number on his contacts and returned his phone.
Hapi’s thumbs moved on his phone’s screen. It looked like he was typing something. Then, he turned his gaze on her.
“I sent you a message so that you’ll have my number,” he said.
“Ah, okay…”
“I hope your mother will get well soon.” He beamed. “I’m… heading out now.”
“Hmm… `Bye.” She waved her hand.
Hapi took his steps backwards. He only turned his back when he already reached the stairs.
I won’t mind if I will be his slave for a month. He can even make it a year.
SAPPHIRE phoned her friend Claire. She was her only hope for now. Back then, whenever she needed money, that friend never failed her.
“`Sup, girl?” said Claire the moment she answered the call.
“Do you have extra money?”
“Then, can you lend me some?”
“Wait. You’re richer than me now. How come you’re asking me for money?”
“I’ll tell you when we meet. I need money to pay for my mother’s hospital bill, Claire,” she told her friend.
“I see. Tell me how much money you need, and I’ll bring it to you right away.”
“I’m heading now to the cashier to check the bill. I’ll call you again.”
She ended the call.
Sapphire knocked on the glass window of the cashier to get the clerk’s attention.
“Yes, Miss?” the clerk asked.
“I am here for patient Raquel Rosales’ bill.”
“Wait a second.” The clerk went to the computer, and after a few seconds, she returned to the window. “The bill has been settled, Miss.”
Her brows furrowed. “S-settled?”
“Who paid my mother’s bill?”
“A fine young man came here before you and paid the patient’s bill.” The clerk scratched her head. She handed her a piece of paper. “Here’s the receipt.”
She was not dreaming. The bill was indeed settled. And she has a clue who did that.
Sapphire stormed out of the hospital and went back to the campus. And because she did not have any penny in her pocket, she had to walk from the hospital to LDRU. But she did not care at all. She had to see Hapi right now.
She went straight to the jail booth when she arrived, but the one she was looking for wasn’t there. Maybe he was roaming around the campus, looking for offenders. On her way to Hapi’s department, she and Ruby crossed paths.
“Have you seen Hapi?” she asked nonchalantly.
Hapi said Ruby was his friend, so maybe her cousin has an idea where he was.
Ruby narrowed her eyes on her. “I left him at the SSG’s office. Why?”
“Thanks!” She lightly tapped her cousin’s arms and ran away.
The office’s door was slightly open when Sapphire got there. She had a glimpse of Hapi with some boys she was not familiar with. But she was sure they were not having a formal meeting because she could hear sounds of laughter from them. She slowly pushed the door. It made a creaking sound that caught everyone’s attention.
Now everyone in the room was looking at her. It made her cheeks burn.
“Oh, I thought you’re not coming back.” Hapi left his seat and approached her.
“I had to…” Sapphire swallowed hard. “We need to talk.”
“Whoa!” the boys said in unison.
“Is it her?” the boys asked in chorus afterwards.
Hapi just shook his head and smiled. He held her by the wrist and tugged her out of the office.
She felt small shots of electric current all over her body. Sapphire could only look at him with her mouth wide open.
“W-where are we going?” Sapphire asked the moment her sanity got back.
She noticed that Hapi was taking her to the back of the building.
“You’ll know when we get there,” he said.
“I came here to talk,” Sapphire emphasized the last word.
“Yeah, we’ll talk.” Hapi continued pulling her towards a forest.
Wait. Forest?
“But why are you taking me to the forest?”