Sapphire has been living her life working hard to survive. She never thought that one day she would wake up and everythi...
TIRED and starving—Sapphire plopped down on the sofa as soon as she got home from her part-time job. Every day, she had to work hard to earn for her mother’s dialysis session by Saturday.
Sapphire works as a fast-food crew by morning, a house helper by afternoon, and a tutor every weekend. She also does online and direct-selling whenever she has the chance. Every penny that she earned goes to her mother’s medication, and a little percent of it was for their daily needs. Her life was really tough because she had to do all that alone at the young age of twenty.
She opened her bag and brought out the stir-fried noodles that she bought along her way home. It was the only decent meal that her money could afford at the moment. She left the sofa and strolled to the kitchen.
Sapphire was setting the table when her mother appeared. As usual, she was in her wheelchair because her body was too weak now to walk around the house.
“At last, you’re home,” her mother said in a cold tone.
“`Ma…” Sapphire crouched in front of her so that they could see each other’s faces at eye level. “I’m sorry if I always leave you to Sharlene…” She was referring to their neighbor, who happened to be an unregistered nurse. “You know that I am doing this for you…”
To her shock, her mother cried out loud.
“This is not what I planned for your future… What I want is for you to finish school.”
“Mama…” She cupped her mother’s hands. “I will find ways to continue my studies. But for now, my priority is to provide you comfort.”
“Sapphire, no matter what you do, I would end up dying—”
“Mama, please… stop saying that.” Sapphire tried hard to fight back her tears because she knew that her tears would only add to her mother’s agony. “You’re the only family that I have. If you leave me, how would I live?”
Her mother cupped her face.
“Now, I don’t really have a choice.”
Sapphire’s forehead creased. She didn’t know what her mother was talking about. What choice was she referring to?
THAT DAY, Raquel asked her daughter to bring her to a place where she could change the course of their lives—Empire Ville.
“`Ma, what are we doing here?” Sapphire asked as the taxi entered the exclusive subdivision.
The taxi pulled over in front of the guardhouse for checking. The driver opened the window to the backseat, and one of the guards peeked.
“Good morning, Madam. May I know where you are heading to?” the guard asked politely.
“We’re going to Don Ignacio Laurel’s residence.”
“Madam, I’m sorry. Don Ignacio Laurel does not accept any visitor outside his family—”
“Then call his mansion and tell him that his daughter Raquel would like to see him.”
Sapphire turned to her with mouth wide open.
“Mama, do you mean Don Ignacio Laurel of Royal Corporation?”
Raquel nodded slowly. She grabbed her daughter’s hand.
“Sapphire, I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you everything about me.” She heaved a sigh. “But it’s about time to let you know that I came from a wealthy family. But because I fell in love with your father, Papa disowned me…”
“Oh, God…” Sapphire let out a deep and long sigh. “We’re not on a television drama, right?”
Raquel shook her head.
Soon the guard let them pass the gates.
SAPPHIRE could not believe her eyes. She thought it was a dream that she was inside a mansion—her grandfather’s home. But the unwelcomed stares from the people in the living room made her realize that everything was real. And what a timing, they seemed to have a family gathering. Oh, well… they were family after all…
“Raquel… is that really you?” the oldest woman in the house asked.
So, this was the infamous Gloria Laurel, her grandmother. She still looked young at her old age. Sapphire had only seen her in the news, whether on television, in newspapers, or in an online article. The old woman was known for supporting a lot of charitable institutions.
Her grandmother was about to come to her mother, but Don Ignacio stopped her.
“Don’t come near her, Gloria. She’s not our daughter anymore,” Don Ignacio said in a cold voice.
Sapphire felt bad for her mother. It was a not-so-good reunion. Then, she was suddenly reminded of her father’s words whenever she would feel angry and chose not to talk with them. Her late father would always say that—a child might forget about his parent, but a parent will always remember his child. It seemed to her that it did not apply to Don Ignacio. He had already forgotten his estranged daughter.
She wanted to get her mother out of the mansion, but her feet won’t move. It felt like she was stuck in the ground.
“Forgive me, Papa.” Her mother started crying. “I won’t say that I regret my choice back then. Albert loved me, and he took care of our family. But I want to apologize because I neglect my responsibilities in this family…”
“You shouldn’t have wasted your time coming here, Raquel. “Your apology is too late. You have no place in this family anymore. With your current state, you can no longer serve my company. You’re good as dead.”
Sapphire could not believe what she heard. Don Ignacio was talking to his own daughter as if her mother was some kind of a slave. She could not take it any longer. She had to butt in.
“For your information, my mother isn’t like that.” She pressed her lips together.
Everyone’s gaze turned to her.
“Sapphire,” her mother scolded her. “He’s your grandfather. Talk to him politely.”
How could she respect someone who didn’t show them respect? Sapphire wanted to voice out her thoughts again, but she chose to keep it to herself.
“I understand very well that I no longer have a place here. But I didn’t come here to force myself into this family again. I came here because of my daughter.”
Her eyes widened. “M-mama!”
“Our Sapphire is a better version of me. She’s smart. I know she can carry your name very well.”
“Mama, what are you talking about?” She gripped her mother’s arm.
“Quiet, Sapphire. Let me handle this,” her mother said in a cold voice. “She’s your granddaughter, Papa. Take her in.”
Don Ignacio nodded slowly.
“You haven’t changed, Raquel. You really know how to make a great deal, and that’s what I like about you. Sadly, you failed me… Anyway, how can I be so sure that she won’t be like you?”
Sapphire clenched her hands until her fingernails dug on her palms. It kinda felt like her mother was selling her soul to the devil…