Sapphire has been living her life working hard to survive. She never thought that one day she would wake up and everything will change in an instant. From living in the slumps, she gets to live in a mansion. It turns out that her mother's estranged family happens to be one of the richest in the country. And living up to that name won't be easy. Sapphire has a reputation to build and a grandfather to please. And fairytale life wouldn't be complete without a Prince Charming. And for Sapphire, that's none other than Hapi. However, fairytales also have evil sisters and wicked witches. Will Sapphire find her happy ever after?
Selen was born into a family of witches. But on the contrary, she has no interest in witchcraft, and all she ever wanted is to live a normal life. However, her grandma was so determined to find her a suitable husband so that she can save their bloodline. They moved to the city, and there, she met Sage Avelino—one of the most-sought actors of her generation, the man of her dreams. But an incident happened, and Sage doesn't want to talk to her anymore. How can she make her way to his heart if he is acting cold and aloof? Ah, maybe it’s the right time for a little woof and poof…