I woke up like every day, with Cristal jumping, always thinking my bed was a trampoline; seeing that she was about to pounce on me, I turned and caught her; when she saw that her little surprise didn't work, she laughed:
“Dad, it's not worth it.
- Yes it's worth it! Who told you to stay here? Thought about scaring daddy, huh? — Seeing that Cristal made a cute pout, I said to her: — Daughter, have you had coffee yet?
- Yes Dad.
“Then let's get out of bed, princess, because Daddy needs to change.
Seeing her still in my bed distracted, I picked her up by the arms, hugged her, smelling her baby smell, she kept kissing me on the face.
"Now go, my angel, get changed!" — I put her on the floor, saw her putting on Piu Piu's slippers, running out to change.
Cristal didn't always need help, but I was sure that Sabrina was already in the room to change her, I made my bed, it was my obligation to do that, I took a shower, put on my usual jacket, took my cell phone and my shoulder bag and went to fetch Cristal. that she was waiting for me downstairs.
I said good morning to Sabrina and had my coffee. We said goodbye to her and went to the car; I saw my driver and told him to take Cristal to school, I was already getting into my car when I saw my little girl running towards me. calling me:
— Daddy, Daddy.
I opened the car door for her and said:
"What's up, Cristal, did something happen?"
'No, Daddy! Call my friend from the school today and ask for the dance school number.
— You can, my daughter, I'll call her as soon as daddy gets home, today I'll be early.
I kiss her and go to my destination, turn on the radio, change the station and start playing country music. I like to listen. So, girls, you keep thinking that you only listen to Alpha FM, but I answer, I also like other stations, like Gazeta, which at this moment plays a song by Bruno and Marrone, with the song Agora.
The song ends and I see that I'm coming to the forum, I always walk along this street hoping that my goddess will appear, but since she never appears, I keep thinking that I'm going crazy because of a woman I barely know and who turned my head upside down .
I arrive at the forum and go straight to the parking lot to leave the car, go up in the elevator and find my secretary and say good morning to her, who replies:
"Good morning to you too!"
"I told you to call me Damion!"
“Okay, sen… Damion. - He says, already without grace.
What do I have on the agenda today?
At 10 am, there's a hearing, guard case; then, at 2:00 pm, if all goes well at the hearing, a meeting with your Dimitri.
“Not your Dimitri, Isadora,” I tell her.
"He told you not to call him sir either, go on."
— I already know what to call him that too... Well, after that you're free.
"Does this schedule have a time for me to have a cup of coffee or lunch, Miss Isadora?"
“Of course, Mr. Damion, it will come when the hearing is over,” she answers me with an air of laughter.
Only Dimitri and she treat me as an equal, many know me as a general. I say goodbye to her, go into my office and get the documents from today's first trial, the shared custody one. From my research, I realized that many couples separate and want full custody, but who suffers in this story is the child. In my case, Alanis didn't want to keep her daughter. I take everything and see Dimitri entering my room, I decide to provoke him:
— I knew that there is a certain red-haired secretary at my reception who should call me asking permission from certain people to enter my office.
I saw that he frowned and I refrained from laughing at the face he made.
— Hah, hah! Very funny, Damion.
"What's that, Dimitri, hit his head?" What bad mood is this? Can't you see I'm kidding?
“I'm sorry, Damion, but today my day didn't start well.
"What happened to make you like this?"
— My ex-girlfriend decided to call me, saying that she misses me, that's all I needed.
"What kind of girlfriend is this that you've never told me about?" We've been friends for a long time and you never told me anything about her.
— I never commented because, for me, it was in the past, but it seems that it decided to come back to haunt me.
- What does she want with you?
I show him the chair and I sit in mine too, I am amazed by the revelations, I look at the time and see that it is not yet time for the hearing, I am listening:
— The crazy woman says that she misses me and that she can't wait to see me, even though I say it's all over between us, she doesn't accept, wow... let's say... dating started when we were in college , her name is Adriana, we were in the same room, we became friends and that friendship.
We started going out, and from there it was a leap for dating, we stayed together for two years. "And why did you break up?"
“We were fine until a very beautiful student named Amanda came in, and she and I never we had nothing, but, in Adriana's mind, we did, just because Amanda had doubts about something. She came to ask me, then, my friend, jealousy started not only for her, but for anyone who came to talk to me, I had to put a stop to it, I talked to her, then she promised to stop, we continued, after a month, again, she started questioning me and then I finished everything, changed my cell number, but she found my cell number again.
- You didn't tell her to stay away, make up that you're dating. And another, how did she get her number again?
“I'll try that next time, good thing she doesn't know where I work, I hope.
I see it's time for us to go to the hearing and I warn you:
“Let's go to the hearing and then we'll talk about it. — I see that he nods and I finish getting my things, when I leave, I hear Isadora talking about me and I make a gesture saying to take the phone number.
Dimitri can't stop looking at her, she blushes.
"Do you want a bib?"
“Damn it, Damion, looking doesn't hurt.
"Not really looking, but looking like you're going to eat her..." I've barely finished speaking when I get an elbow in the waist. “Dmitri, that hurt like hell, man!
I massage the site of aggression.
"Geez, since when has Lord Filip been in pain?" - he ironizes.
—Come on, leave it alone, let's go because I won't be able to have breakfast, but I'll want to have lunch and then we have a meeting… on what subject?
“About another divorce from me, dear.
"Damn, people just want a divorce!"
Dimitri laughs, we get to the audience and I see it's time and I ask him:
- Ready?
- Yes.
And then I hear:
— Everyone stands because Judge Filip is going to enter the room.
I go in with Dimitri and I see everyone standing up, I tell them to sit down and ask the lawyer to start talking:
— Judge, my client wants full custody of the child, because the husband is never present — says the lawyer. — Then I give the floor to the child's father's lawyer:
— Sir, he couldn't always stay because he had to travel.
No sooner has he finished speaking than his ex-wife says:
“Bullshit, Judge, he does it to this day.
Then the two parties start to fight, at this time of thanks to God for the child not being present to hear these things and I scream:
- Order!
Everyone is silent, I ask to start over and so on; when I look at the clock, it's already 1 pm late and I give my verdict. After hearing both parts, I propose that the father visit the child every fortnight; on vacation, I give custody to the father, I see the mother scream and the father fight, I speak again and hammer to contain the screams:
“Order in here and case closed.
I leave there accompanied by my friend, we take the elevator and head to our restaurant, I call Isadora to let her know that I won't even go there, that we were going to have lunch, so she tells me:
“Damion, a girl called you.
— Isadora, you can pass me later. Did she say it was urgent?
"No, but she left her number, she's going to lunch and I'll give you the note later."
We say goodbye wishing a good lunch and hang up, arriving in the car, I hear Dimitri.
"You still haven't had the car fixed, Damion!"
“I didn't have time, I have to contact my goddess insurance.
- Goddess? Dude, you look like I'm in love.
“No, I'm not.
— My friend, looks like Cupid shot you, huh?!
— That nothing.
- No? Oh, okay then, give me her card number and I'll get in touch myself.
“Oh, but you won't even go near my goddess.
- No? Are you sure I can't get in touch with her? - tease me.
- Laugh, beast, I can't be in love with her in such a short time - I say as I park at the restaurant and we go to lunch.
During the meal, we went over today's case and enjoyed the atmosphere and held our meeting there. When we're done, we pay the bill and return to the forum. We say goodbye when we get to my room, Dimitri says goodbye.
Entering my office, I review a report on my desk; I lose track of time when I hear a knock on the door, I order in and ask Isadora if there's a problem.
“No, Damion, I just forgot to give you the note. You arrived and I ended up not delivering you when I saw it, it was now, when I was getting ready to go, that I remembered.
“I also forgot, Isa, what the name of the girl who called me was.
— Her name is Samantha Fer....
I look astonished and wonder if she would be my goddess, Isa looks at me strangely.
"Damion, are you all right?"
— Yes, Isa, you said Samantha Ferrari, is that right?
“Yeah, she called that time this morning, talking about the accident she had in your car.
Yes, that was it. And she left the number?
Yes, she did, I said that you were in an audience, and she said that you wouldn't be able to talk to her at that time either because she was going to teach.
“Oh, okay, I'll see if I can talk to her now, thanks, Isa.
I see Isa leave and I don't even I believe my goddess Aphrodite called me. I can't wait to hear her voice and see her again, I dial the number and see that it just calls, I try again, when I look, it was already past 5:30 pm. I decided that I would try again later, at home, I took my things, left my room and saw Isa leaving.
"Damion, were you able to speak to the girl?"
“No, she must be in class.
"Why didn't you call her cell?"
- Cell? She looked at me as if she were seeing a seven-headed beast.
“Yes, Damion, this number here is from her cell phone.
I hadn't seen it, the anxiety was so much that I couldn't wait to call.
— Sorry, Isa, I hadn't seen it.
“No problem, then you talk to her.
We take the same elevator with Dimitri and you can see that the atmosphere there is about to catch fire and, to relax, I say to Dimitri:
“Dmitri, my goddess called.
"Seriously, and you haven't called yet?"
— Of course I did, but I was just calling, I imagine I was teaching, Isa said she was going to teach.
Seeing Isa confused, Dimitri says:
- Your boss is hooked on Samantha.
"I see, it looks like you're in love."
I don't even care what they say and I think I can't wait to get home.
We get to the parking lot and Dimitri tells us:
"Damion, Isa said she taught, didn't she?"
People agree, and I get confused.
“Where are you going with this, Dimitri? I ask, confused.
- It would be too much of a coincidence if your Samantha is the owner of the dance school called Samantha.
"Is it, and how do you think that?"