I am woken up by a noise and I see that my cell phone is irritating me, my greatest desire is to throw it out the window, but I hold myself, it is better not, there are my contacts on Whatsapp. I laugh when I see the time, I decide to get up, I still feel sweaty and sex is still throbbing, I'm going crazy, thinking about this man.
I go into the bathroom, take a quick shower, wrap myself in the towel, go to my wardrobe and choose a long black ankle-length skirt with a white blouse, put on my black, I do a little jump, I do a light makeup, that doesn't smudge while I dance, I put my hair in a braid, and I'm ready. I grab my bag and put on some extra clothes. in case I have to go out for an appointment, I look around and see that I haven't forgotten anything, I notice that my room is all painted in baby blue, I think this color on my wall is beautiful, my bed is that double bed, box, king size, my wardrobe is huge, all black, a big TV, my radio, in short, it's one of the places I like to stay, besides my bedroom. I close the whole house, go to the back of the house, water my little garden and take the car, I leave, always the radio on Alpha FM, which was now playing Killing Me Softly by the Fugees.
As I listened to the song, I thought: Samantha, today let's be more careful and don't forget to call insurance and give that god's number. I arrive at school quickly, without incident. I go straight to the office and decide to call my car insurance, enter the phone number and, when it rings twice, the answering person responds:
— AutoLife Insurance, good morning, my name is Helen, how can I help?
— Helen, my name is Samantha Ferrari, I'd like you to cover a crash I was responsible for.
— Ms. Ferrari, I would have to know if you've already made a budget in the workshops so that we can make the payment.
— Not yet, as it happened yesterday, I still haven't had time to call the person to check the workshops — I lie, I completely forgot to check that —, but do you get in touch with the person who had the car crashed?
— No, you have to get in touch, did you file a report? the attendant asks.
— No, but is it mandatory? - I want to know.
— It depends on the insurance company, here, you don't need to, contact the person who was harmed and we'll send you a list of workshops that work with us. Anything else I can help you with?
— No, that's all, after I get in touch with the owner of the car, I'll come back and ask you to send him the email. Thanks for the info.
- You're welcome! Seguro Autovida thanks you for your call,” she replies.
I hang up the phone and go after the card the Greek god gave me, I see his name and phone number, dial, wait a bit, then I hear a female voice:
- Good Morning! Dr Damion Filip's office — the girl speaks, my first thought who is this girl?
— Good morning, my name is Samantha Ferrari, I could speak with Mr. Filip.
The girl takes a long time to answer, when I was going to ask if the call had been dropped, I heard her apologizing:
— Sorry for the delay, Mr. Filip will not be able to see you at this moment, as he is in audience. — It takes me by surprise, not so much, maybe he's a lawyer. Beautiful like that, he wouldn't be without a cause to defend. I laugh in thought, I'm so distracted that I don't hear her calling me: — Ms. Ferrari, how are you?
— Okay, yes, I'm sorry, I was distracted, could you write down my phone number and give it to him? Does it say that Samantha Ferrari called, please? - I speak.
“Okay, he knows who you are.
“I'm the woman who crashed into his car.
— You can, give me your number, ma'am — the girl asks, and I ask her name. — I'm sorry, my name is Isadora Santos, ma'am.
- No problem. Well, Mrs. Santos, I'm going to teach now, and if he could leave a message or get back in touch with me, I'd appreciate it.
We say goodbye, I hang up the phone, wanting to know exactly where he works, I'm really curious, I laugh about it. I go to other rooms, greet the teachers and their students and think that, thank God, things are going from strength to strength. I pass a room where I see chubby, skinny and special children taking ballet classes and I think: will I ever have a baby I can call my own? I greet the children and the teachers; for the children, I always hire two teachers, say goodbye, go to my room and see that the class has arrived.
- Good morning people!
— Good morning, teacher Samantha! – they answer in chorus, I laugh and so do they.
- All ready? — They nod in agreement, I go to the radio and get the music CD, again, tango, this time by Carlos Gardel, the song is called Por una cabeza.
The song is from the movie True Lies, to do the staging as the actors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, I call a student and do some steps with him, I tell them and I show him how to do it to the sound of music; when i finish. everyone claps their hands.
“To your seats, choose your partners and get started. — I thank my student and then I play the song again and this class goes on until the end, I thank him again and ask them to practice with the broom, I get laughs, and I say: — Seriously, guys, see you next week ! — I say goodbye.
I go to my office, look at the message box and see that he doesn't get back to me, I'm sad, I don't know why I should be sad, but I am. Do what? I go to one more class and so it goes until lunchtime, I get full of classes. When he takes a break, I run to see if there's a message, but he doesn't return, my heart starts to ache, I feel sad.
When it's time to close the school, Ana says goodbye with a question:
- Samantha, what happened? You look weird!
— Nothing, Anna! I'm just tired, we'll talk later.
After that, I get in the car on the way home, turn on the radio and play those sad songs, then I start to feel alone again. Why I'm like this, I don't know, we just exchanged a few words.
Lie! You wanted to meet him in another way!
Maybe he doesn't even remember me, he must be going through life as if nothing had happened, I mean, nothing really happened, except that I thought I also sensed that he was attracted to me. but then I remember that he must be interested in tall women. thin and with model body.
I get home, turn on the lights and do the same ritual, I drop my things in the living room, go to the kitchen to heat up something to eat, take a shower, put on my pajamas, a Mickey baby doll, and have dinner. After that I head to the bedroom as I hear the phone ringing.
— Hi, Ana, I'm fine, nothing happened! — I say, laughing, thinking she's my friend, but, to my total surprise, I hear:
— It's not Ana, but will I? “My God, that sexy voice from hell, I can't believe it's him. - Samantha, has there been a problem with you?
I couldn't believe it, I'm smiling like a fool.
“Good evening, Mr. Damion Filip. — I can't believe this connection, I wonder if I should pinch myself, better not.
"I see you haven't forgotten me..."