Chapter 2
—"Yes, I'm fine," I squirm in his arms; he sighs and, reluctantly, lets me go.
I turn my head and look longingly at my spilled coffee on the floor.
"I'm sorry," I blink a couple of times and look at him.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm sorry for spilling your coffee," he says, shaking his head towards where it's spilled.
"It's okay, Mr. Reyes. I... " I am interrupted.
"Why do you insist on calling me Mr.? How long have you been friends with my daughter?"
"Six or seven years, Mr... I mean, William. I almost can't remember."
"Will. Call me Will."
"Okay. Well, I have to go, Susan must be waiting for me." I couldn't help but notice the double meaning in his words, or is it just me hearing what I want to hear?
"Are you going home?" There was something strange in his tone when he asked that question, I would even say he sounded nervous.
"No. She is coming to mine."
"Oh, in that case, let's get you a new coffee and then Carlos can take you."
"I... That's not necessary, really."
"Come on, Carol. I don't like having to repeat myself." He was so close to me that I could feel his minty fresh breath on my face. And his scent... Oh God, he's killing me. His eyes looked at me expectantly, as if he wanted me to challenge him. I take a deep breath and nod.
"I accept the ride. But not the coffee, it wasn't your fault. Besides, it's already late."
"Okay." He turns on his heel, taking the pink box I was carrying.
"Are those for Susan?"
"Oh, no. Those were for me before she called me."
"Aren't they too many for you?"
"When you've had a bad day and you see that your life sucks, nothing is too much."
"That mouth." I stop suddenly behind him and watch him walk. Did he just scold me? "In any case, that won't solve the problem."
I walk quickly and catch up to him, walking by his side.
"No, I suppose not. But I'm craving something sweet and delicious."
I say the latter with a double meaning. Will realizes this, because he looks at me out of the corner of his eye. I feel the blood rising through my neck and stagnating in my cheeks; I lower my head to hide the blush on my face, hoping he didn't see it.
We walk one more block before stopping in front of the large building in front of us. Where you could read in black letters with silver borders.
Above the main entrance.
I see him pull out his phone and bring it to his ear as he walks away to talk. Soon he turns and sees me. The butterflies in my stomach, because of the hot look Will gives me as he checks me out, tell me to run; that my desire for him is not right.
I shift somewhat uneasily.
"Carlos is already coming with the car. Tell Susan to call me when she can."
I nod my head.
"Is something wrong?" I look at him dazed.
"Darn, he must think I'm weird."
"No, well, yes."
"Yes or no? You have to decide."
I roll my eyes to refocus on Will.
"The truth is, I was just fired. That's why I'm walking aimlessly down the street at two in the afternoon."
He looks at me intently, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
"I understand." He opens his mouth to say something else, but a horn interrupts us, making both of us turn in time; to see Carlos getting out of the car and walking to the front. He opens the back door and waits for me to go.
"Well, I think it's time for me to go," I look him up and down, all six and a half feet of him. The intense look he gives me makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. We walk to the car, when I'm about to get in, Will takes my hand, making my whole back tense up.
"If only he knew what his touch does to me."
"Everything will be solved."
"I believe that." As I get into the car, he hands me the box and locks the door. With a nod from him, I see Carlos head to the front and get in. Through the car window, I watch Will; standing on the sidewalk, hands in his pockets and his gaze fixed on me as we drive away. For a nanosecond, our gazes meet and, I swear, what I saw in those gray, tired eyes, was desire.
With a deep breath, I lean back in the seat all the way home. Letting my thoughts drift to how strange our encounter had been.
What was he doing, walking at that hour in the opposite direction of his office? But then, what did I know about him and his daily routine...