After a night of extremely hot sex, Trevor awoke to an empty bed. Groaning, he picked up his watch from the nightstand to see it was already noon.
Getting dressed in shorts and foregoing the shirt, he went downstairs and saw her in the small kitchen.
“I thought you’d run again,” he said with a smile, stalking to her and pulling her close. He dipped down to claim her mouth for a kiss and that heat stole over him again. He’d never been roused this way before. He was practically panting for the woman.
“Well,” she gasped as he ended the kiss, “good morning to you, too. Up for an excursion?”
“Like back to bed for some enthusiastic sex?”
She laughed. “No. You probably didn’t see much last night but we’re right in the middle of a rain forest. There are waterfalls and rivers and mountains and ferns taller than you are. I was heading out to see some petroglyphs today. I’ve packed a lunch for two if you want to come with me.”
How could he refuse her? Her face shiny with excitement, she stood there grinning.
No makeup, just cute shorts and a T-shirt with her hair up again.
“Okay, sounds interesting. I’ll grab a shirt and some shoes.” And some condoms.
And in minutes they’d gotten in the car and she was pointing out some of the scenic highlights. And she’d been correct, the Olympic National Park was amazing and lush.
The trees were gigantic and everything was so damned green and clean.
She pulled into a small parking lot.
“What? Is this it?”
“We need to rent a canoe. I called ahead when I arrived. It’s reserved. Come on and bring the cooler and my backpack, it’s got a blanket.”
He followed, happy to watch the sway of that luscious ass. She was just as efficient in renting the boat as she was in everything else. She’d charmed the geezer behind the counter so much he threw in ice-cream sandwiches as a bonus.
On the docks, Trevor watched her as she ate. That was another rarity, seeing a woman with a real appetite and a body with curves. She was fit but rounded. Her hips were sexy to hold on to. She seemed to do everything with relish.
“I haven’t had an ice-cream sandwich in years,” he laughed as they got into the canoe and he pushed off from shore.
“Ice cream is one of life’s greatest pleasures, Trev. You shouldn’t deny yourself the simple things.”
They were both quiet as they paddled. The muscles in her upper arms were tight and he got harder and harder as he watched her move in the sunlight.
“I brought you a hat, it’s in my backpack,” she called over her shoulder.
She was fucking psychic, there was no other explanation for her always anticipating just exactly what he needed. He slid the baseball cap on and immediately felt better. The sun was shining off the water and the temperature had risen several degrees since they’d left the cabin.
“Ah, here they are.” They brought the canoe up to a natural rock wall and looked at the ancient paintings there. “Amazing.” She took shots with her digital camera and they slowly paddled past to the shore.
“Come on then. Let’s find some shade and eat.”
They pulled the canoe onto shore near a shaded spot and laid everything out.
“First, I’m going to take a dip. I’m hotter than hell.” She peeled off her clothes to reveal a bikini underneath and his mouth dried up as she waded into the water and swam out a bit.
He wasn’t wearing a bathing suit but no one was around anyway so he got naked and followed her.
“FUCK! This water is cold,” he called as he swam to her.
Laughing, she turned her face up to the sun overhead. “It’s hot enough to be refreshing. You big baby.”
“I’ll show you,” he growled and pulled her to him, both treading water. She was cool and soft against him, eyes shining with amusement and just plain happiness.
“C’mere and smooch me.”
“Gladly,” she murmured, tipping her head so he could access her lips fully.
She tasted of sunshine and fresh water and sex. Damn it, he should not want her so badly but oh how he did.
He towed her to shore, her arms around his neck, upper body resting on his while he swam on his back.
“We don’t have towels.”
She laughed. “It’s ninety degrees, Trev. We’ll dry.” Looking down, her laughter caught in her throat. “I see you didn’t suffer any shrinkage.”
Laughter bubbled from him. “Not at all. Now come back to the blanket with me. I want to warm up by putting my cock inside you.”
This Trevor was damned attractive and dangerous to her peace of mind. Tess hadn’t seen him carefree before. She’d seen cocky amusement and jaded humor. Lots of sarcasm and even an edge of smug bitterness. But never carefree. Which was sad given that he provided entertainment for millions with his movies. This Trevor was someone she liked.
Tess pushed him back to the blanket and onto his back. She scrambled atop his body, straddling him. “You have such a gorgeous body. I know you know that, but you do.” Leaning down, she kissed a bead of water that had collected on the tip of his nose.
Kissing a trail down over his lips, she stopped to savor the dip in his chin before skimming up the line of his jaw and to the sweet hollow just behind it and below his ear.
His hands rested hot and easy against her thighs. Her skin was cool from the water but his was so warm and hard against hers. The contrast was delightful. When he moved to untie her top she stopped him.
“Let me do this. I want to taste you, give you pleasure.”
Grip tightening at the unexpected bloom of emotion in his chest, he swallowed past it. She gave him so much.
“Okay, bossy. Give it to me, then,” he said, putting his cocky grin in place to cover his emotions.
Scooting down his body, she kissed across his collarbone and stopped to lave the hollow of his throat.
His cock, already hard, nudged against her and she gasped at the contact. That was one place her flesh was hot.
“God, let me fuck you, Tess,” Trevor moaned.
“In due time, Trev. Be patient.”
She found her way to his nipple and scraped her teeth over it, bringing a jerk of his muscles and a gasp from his lips. The night before had been frenzied and she couldn’t remember details. It was more impressions of yearning, straining, arching, sweating, fucking. But this—this would be a memory she’d savor forever. If she couldn’t have him, she’d have her memories.
Her clit might be pierced but she was not a casual dating kind of woman. She felt things for Trevor Ryan, things she couldn’t afford to be alone in feeling. It was one thing to be protective of him as his PA. To make sure he ate well and took care of himself. But they’d passed that and she felt more than protective of him. Over the years she’d been telling herself it was just a crush but she’d come to realize the first few days at the cabin and especially after the night before that she loved him. So she’d take the next days and wring every last experience she could out of it. A summer romance beyond her previous imagining. But when she got on that plane back home, she had to put it all out of her mind.
Until then though…
Moving down again, she trailed her tongue over each rib and over the muscles of his abdomen. She swirled her tongue around his navel and looked up into his eyes before moving her body down that last bit and settling between his thighs.
His cock practically shoved into her mouth of its own accord, which was fine with her.
“Oh god, yeah. That’s the way,” Trevor said in a low, desire-rough voice. His hands slid over her shoulders and up into her hair, releasing it from the ponytail. Cool, wet curls fell over his skin.
She loved the way he felt in her mouth, against her tongue. Loved finding the places that made him gasp aloud, made his muscles tremble. The head of his cock was round and meaty and she loved the way it felt deep inside her pussy. In her mouth it was almost like a salty, tangy candy.
His balls lay in her palm and she squeezed softly, making him take his breath in sharply. In passion, not pain.
“Tess, you’re so good. Your mouth on me feels so damned hot. But if you don’t stop now I’m going to come.”
She pulled off him for a moment. “That’s the idea.”
Gripping her shoulders, he brought her up to his lips. “Later. Right now, I want to be inside you. I want you to ride me, Tess.”
Reaching out, he grabbed his pants and pulled one out and she laughed. “You must have been a Boy Scout when you were young. Always prepared.”
Rolling it on, she quickly untied the side of her bikini bottom and shoved it aside. She moved, positioning herself above him. He felt the inferno of her cunt just above the head of his cock. Catching her bottom lip between her teeth bewitched him for a moment until she slammed herself down onto him.
The shock of the intensity of the pleasure he felt at that moment made his vision swim. “Fuck!”
“Yeah.” She grinned and began to move.
He arched, seeking to fill her as deeply as he could. The curtain of her flesh parted each time she descended onto him and pulled back at him as she moved up until only the head of his cock remained inside.
She looked glorious there in the dappled sunshine sifting through the trees. He smelled the warm earth, the water from the lake, the moss. The water lap, lap, lapped at the shore and that seemed to echo off the wet sounds of their union. He smelled her skin, warmed by desire and sunshine and her honey. Oh god, the scent of her desire drove him insane with need. No one smelled like Tess. She was one of a kind. Fuck. He’d never have anything else this good. He knew it to the bottom of his soul.
Reaching down, he dragged some of her lube up to her clit and played around it and that damned sexy ring. He wasn’t entirely sure why the clit ring did him in to the extent it had. It wasn’t the only one he’d seen up close and personal but on her it worked like gasoline on an open fire.
Her cunt gripped at him as her climax settled into her body. He liked that he knew her body so well after such a short time of being intimate. But she was open. So deliriously, wonderfully open that she was a shining thing. Brilliant really. He watched the flush creep up her torso, saw her nipples darken and elongate. Her head lolled back, hands gripped his thighs as she arched.
A long sigh escaped her as orgasm claimed her. Coming with him embedded deep inside her was nearly too much to process. It felt so good as she squirmed, losing her rhythm in the delirium of pleasure. It went on and on. Dimly she knew he’d begun to thrust up into her. She felt his thigh muscles tighten and loosen against the inside of her own. His pelvic bone ground into hers, dragging out her orgasm.
She looked so fucking gorgeous up there above him, coming. Coming hard. Her face was a mask of concentration, muscles tight. Even as his own climax claimed him he watched her, falling.
* * * * *
They paddled back to the rental place quietly as the late afternoon sun played on the water. They’d shared a lunch, naked beneath the shade of the trees, and taken another swim before deciding to head back.
The intensity of what they’d had on that blanket sobered them both. A quiet kind of desperation filled Trevor as they drove back to the cabin.
That evening, after he’d showered, she’d cooked a simple meal and they cleaned up side by side in the very small kitchen. He liked the natural intimacy they’d developed. There was nothing taxing about Tess. She was straightforward and complicated in the right ways. He realized then that maybe he did know her better than he thought he did.
He’d just been blind to the full extent of what he’d been taking for granted.
“I have a surprise, Trev.”
He turned to catch the infectious smile on her face and mirrored it. “What? We’ve already done it on the table and here on the counter.”
Rolling her eyes, she opened the freezer and pulled out two popsicles. “Fifty Fifty bars! Or they call them creamsicles now, I guess. Anyway, I saw them at the little store and bought them for just such an occasion.” She grabbed his hand and tugged him out toward the lake.
They settled, feet dangling in the water, eating popsicles in the pink light of not quite night.
“I haven’t had a summer vacation this wonderful since I was a kid.”
She turned to him. “Yeah? Tell me.”
“Oh, well, we didn’t have a lot when I was growing up but my parents saved all year long to take one three-week vacation every summer. We’d go to Flathead Lake— you know I’m from Montana—and camp in my uncle’s pop-up camper. My sister and I would swim and run and play all day and if my dad was in a really good mood—or maybe when he just wanted to be alone with my mom—he’d let us sleep out under the stars in sleeping bags. Cindy, my sister, would ride herd on me during the school year to hoard my extra change so we’d have money to buy Big Sticks at the general store at the campground.”
“Yeah, I’m sure a popsicle can’t hold a candle to the week you took in the Bahamas three months ago,” she laughed, cocking her head.
“You know, it’s the other way around. This is better. I haven’t had an actual vacation that was this relaxing since Flathead Lake.”
The yearning in his voice touched her deeply and she scooted closer to him and put her head on his shoulder. The more he opened up, the more he gave her of his life, the deeper she fell.
* * * * *
“Let me take you to dinner tonight at the restaurant at the lodge. Our last date before we go home tomorrow.”
Tomorrow she’d leave and be out of his life forever. The knowledge sliced through her and she closed her eyes against it. “Okay, our last gasp before we go back to our real lives.”
“That sounds so final.”
She got up. “Let’s get changed then.”
They walked hand in hand down the path that led from the cabin to the main lodge. He loved the normalcy of that intimacy. He’d never experienced such depth of connection with anyone before. Tess never took, she only gave.
At the restaurant, once seated and order taken, he turned back to her and grabbed her hand. “Tess, you didn’t answer me. Your comment back there sounded so final.”
“Trev, I can’t work for you. You have to know that.”
“Why not? Why would I know such a dumb thing? Of course you can work for me!”
“Because I can’t…” she paused, taking a deep breath. She wasn’t one for subterfuge and after the next morning, she’d never see him again anyway. “I can’t go back to the way it was. Not after the last days.”
“I told you, I’ll be better. I see you now, Tess. I appreciate you. I need you. I won’t take you for granted, I swear.”
“Trevor, is this a relationship or a job you’re offering me?”
He let go of her hand and sat back in his chair and the hand in her lap fisted, nails digging into her palm to keep from begging. “I love you, Trevor. I didn’t mean to. Hell, I don’t even want to. But I do. And you want me to go back to buying you condoms in the middle of the night. I can’t.”
“There won’t be any of that. I’ll buy condoms for us.”
“You want me to work for you and you can fuck me but you don’t want a relationship? So what would that be? I’m confused as to what that makes me to you.”
“You’re a friend. A good friend. I need you, Tess.”
“For what? Are you going to take me to the openings and gala parties instead of Patrice and her ilk?” She really needed to shut up, this conversation would only end in pain. Hers. But out of some perverse impulse, she couldn’t stop the words.
“The studios like me to be seen out and about with the actresses I work with. It wouldn’t mean anything.” And even to him it sounded pathetic.
When their food came she picked at it, looking miserable. “So I’d handle your schedule, buy your presents, order your suits, be available when you’re done with your glamorous public life for a solid fucking? That’s your definition of good friend?”
“You make it sound dirty! Why are you doing that? You know it wouldn’t be that way.” His heart pounded in his chest, a cold sweat ran down his spine at the very thought of her not being in his life every day.
“It would make me feel dirty, Trev. Does how I feel matter at all to you? I told you I loved you and you offer to be my friend.” She snorted. “Look, let’s just have this short summer vacation fling, okay? Tomorrow we’ll go back to L.A. and you’ll go your way and I’ll go mine. Your new PA will learn what you mean by your blue suit in a while. And after a time the ache will ease and I’ll be able to see your face on the screen again and smile.”
“Tess, can’t we just try? You’re special to me. The way you make me feel is special. What do you want? Marriage? It’s been only been a few days.”
Flinching, she stood up and put her napkin down. “It’s been two years for me. If you’ll excuse me, I need to pack.” He started to get up but she put her hand on his shoulder. “I need to be alone for a while. Please.”
Sighing, he nodded. “I’ll have them box your food up and be back in half an hour.”
“Okay.” Turning, she left the restaurant, head held high. Until she got outside and the first sob tore through her gut. She ran back to the cabin and packed up as quickly as she could. She couldn’t stay there another night, sleeping in the curve of his body. She knew that her resolve wouldn’t be nearly as strong waking up warm and naked against him. He wasn’t hers and he had no intention of being so.
She wrote him a quick note and put one of his shirts to her face for a long moment. Then she left. Tossing her bag into the backseat, she started the car and drove away from the best four days she’d ever spent in her life.