Chapter 5:You are going to turn,Aria
Aria wanted to say something but her throat had gone bone dry. How on earth did she do that?
“I’ll get you for this,” Felicity said icily and then hurried away.
“What in God’s name did I just watch?” asked a surprise Zoe who was approaching Aria when she saw the incident play before her eyes.
Aria smoothened imaginary lines from her dress,trying to compose herself.
“You saw that?” She asked in a low voice.
“Fuck yes,you bet I did.How?”
“I was just.. maybe I just overreacted. I don’t like people touching my hair. But then her hand is not really broken or anything. She was just overreacting.”
"Aria, you can't just ignore what happened just now. You crushed her hand like it was a piece of paper. That's not normal," Zoe said,narrowing her eyes at her.
“I guess I am stronger than I seem..” Aria trailed off,a look of worry in her eyes that she tried very hard to keep under check.
A thousand things were running through her mind.
How was she able to do that?
The normal Aria wouldn’t even be able to hurt a fly.
Well she was not weak,she just wasn’t violent.
Zoe was not convinced but she decided to play it cool. She nodded in understanding before changing the subject. "Hey, do you want to come watch me at cheerleading practice?"
Aria smiled and agreed, and they made their way to the practice field. As they approached, Aria noticed Leo on the other side of the field, practicing basketball with some other guys. She tried to ignore him and took out her camera to capture the beautiful sunset.
Suddenly, a guy came out of nowhere and snatched her camera, running away with it and laughing. Aria's eyes widened in shock and anger, and without thinking, she sprinted after him.
The guy was fast, but Aria was faster. She caught up with him in a matter of seconds, tackled him to the ground, and pinned him down. The guy looked up at her in shock, realizing that he had underestimated her.
"How did you do that?" he asked, struggling to get free.
“I don’t like people touching my things. Give me back my damn camera,” she ignored his question.
The guy quickly handed it over, and Aria got up, brushing the dirt off her clothes. She turned around to see some kids watching her in amazement.
"That was incredible," Zoe said, her eyes wide with awe.
Aria just shrugged, feeling slightly embarrassed by the attention. Just then, the basketball coach approached them.
"Hey, you're pretty fast. Do you play basketball or run track?" he asked, looking at Aria.
Aria shook her head. "No, I'm not interested in sports."
The coach nodded, looking slightly disappointed. "Well, if you ever change your mind, let me know. You've got some serious talent."
Aria nodded but she knew she was never going to have any interest and change her mind over night.
She was not the sporty type.
After the practice was done, Zoe pulled Aria away to the bathroom demanding to talk to her about something.
Zoe and Aria entered the bathroom, the sound of the running water from the sink filling the silence between them. Zoe looked at Aria with concern and spoke up.
"Okay, spill it. What's going on with you?”
“What’s going on with me how?” Aria asked back.
“I saw what you did to Felicity's hand back there, and I know you're not like any other girl I've seen.I saw how fast you tackled that guy to the ground. Even how you could hear me when I was crying quietly the other day.”
Aria looked at her, her eyes wide with surprise. She didn't expect Zoe to have noticed her strength or speed.
“What are you talking about?” She darted her eyes away.
“Look,your secret is safe with me. All you gotta do is share. I promise, I won’t be telling anyone.”
Aria hesitated and then sighed deeply before speaking.
"I don't know what's happening to me," her voice shook slightly "My senses are heightened, and I have this strange cravings. My new found strength and speed is weird and I feel like something is changing inside of me."
Zoe looked at her for what seemed to be like forever before she finally spoke.”Aria…can I ask something crazy?”
“Anything crazier than what’s happening to me currently? Sure you can.”
“Do you believe in the supernatural?”
“Well I—- er… I didn’t use to,well not until that night.”
“What night?” Zoe asked with curious eyes.
Aria pulled off her jacket and pointed to her wound.”This wound I have been covering..well it was as a result of that night..”
Zoe looked at her with understanding. "I know what you're going through. I have werewolf blood, but I can't shift. It's in my family, but we're not a full-blooded pack. If you've been bitten, you might turn soon."
Aria's face paled, and she felt a wave of panic wash over her. "Bitten? What do you mean? Who could have bitten me?"
Zoe sighed and leaned against the sink. "It could have been anyone, really. A stray werewolf or a rogue. They could have been passing by and just saw you as an easy target. Or it could be someone who knows you and wants you to turn."
"And you say you have werewolf blood?" Aria asked incredulously. "You're joking, right?"
Zoe shook her head solemnly. "No, I'm not. My grandmother was a werewolf, and it's been passed down through the generations. But I can't shift, so it's not as strong in me as it is in you."
Aria's heart was pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was all so unbelievable, so surreal.
"And what about me?" Aria asked, her voice trembling. "What's happening to me?"