Yeri gulped as Joy threatened the girls. She dropped the shovels she had been holding, and walked to stand beside Joy, signalling her defeat. Wendy too just gave up and stood beside the other two. Irene having no option, admitted defeat and sat down along with the girls.
"Sad, huh?" Joy said, as she sat down. "We've gone crazy."
Irene scoffed, "I've always been crazy; psychotic even." She smiled at Joy, mockingly. "But you? You're the most horrendously crazy bitch I've seen."
Joy clenched her fists as Yeri looked at Joy and signalled her not to get angry. Joy looked away and sighed, before glaring at Irene. "Gun. Out. Now."
Irene smiled before placing the gun beside the flower planted above Seulgi's body. Then the four girls held out their fists.
On the first try, all four of them displayed 'rock'. Their hearts felt as if they were about to burst. On the second try, Yeri displayed the 'rock', while the rest had 'scissors' out, saving Yeri. She almost yelped.
The rest of the girls had been sweating out of nervousness, even if the weather was extremely cold. The ground was so cold, but their legs were heated up from the nervousness. "Rock, paper, scissors." Wendy said as she displayed 'scissors', along with Irene. It was Joy who displayed 'paper', and that determined her to be the next victim.
Wendy looked at Joy, with a open mouth, "Joy... We--We can s-stop." She said, but Joy disagreed.
Joy looked at Irene, and took the gun. She handed to Irene right away. "Kill me."
Yeri clutched Joy's upper arm, desperately looking into her best friend's eyes. "Joy. Don't do this. Please." Tears fell out of her eyes; she couldn't see her best friend dying. She had seen how Wendy looked when she killed her own best friend with her own hands. She couldn't see Joy killing herself, let alone someone else kill Joy.
Joy interwined her fingers with Yeri's, "It's alright, Yeri. I love you, okay?" She gave her a last smile before giving the gun over to Irene who looked at her with a shocked face. Yeri started crying and Wendy hugged her and the two girls closed their eyes.
Irene couldn't shoot Joy. No, she needed to stop it. "Joy," She whispered, when Joy came closer, "Please, let's stop now." But Joy wouldn't. She held Irene's hand and the two clutched the gun together. Irene's finger held the trigger alright, but she wouldn't pull it. She knew Joy would die.
"Joy! I won't do it." Irene said firmly, but Joy just smiled, before her finger overlapped Irene's on the trigger. The two girl's still didn't dare to look. "Joy," Irene exhasperated. "Joy, please! Joy, Joy, JOY!" She shouted but Joy had pulled the trigger. Wendy gasped as she smelt the gun powder and Yeri opened her eyes and would have almost screamed if Wendy hadn't held it back.
Irene dropped the gun and looked at Joy's dead figure. "I didn't..." She stuttered, as she starting crying, "I didn't do it!" She cried as Wendy looked at her with sympathy.
Yeri on the other hand, wouldn't believe it. "You motherfucking bitch," She escaped from Wendy's grip and attacked Irene, "You said you wouldn't do it!" She gripped Irene's hair as the two had a silent but physical war. Wendy quickly pulled Yeri off Irene. Yeri cried loudly as Irene cried just as much.
"Get in the car." Wendy ordered Irene. "Now! And bring the water. We have to clean this place."
As Irene brought the water, Yeri had calmed down somewhat, Wendy had started digging the ground beside Seulgi's. Yeri got up after five minutes, and even though her crying hadn't stopped, she helped dig. After the digging finished, they dumped Joy's body and washed the blood away into the hole with Joy and the remaining blood on the soil were shovelled and put in Joy's grave. No one would even suspect.
After the burial, and planting the flowers, the trio got into the car. Wendy and Yeri sat at the back as Irene drove. It was 13 minutes past 3 in the morning. They were mentally tired and dead.
As they came closer to home, Wendy spoke, "Let's stop here. It'll be hard, yes. But let's stop. Please. We will move on, please. No more deaths. Yeri, you stay with me tonight, and Irene unnie, you stay at your place. And hand over the gun, I have a feeling you might try to kill yourself. We'll go to work tomorrow and to school, and it'll be alright." She seemed so sane.
After a long silence, Yeri sniffed as she said in a broken tone, "Okay." And Irene said the same after a few minutes, handing the gun and remaining two bullets to Wendy. They reached their apartment in the next ten minutes and had separated ways.
But not for long.
Sunday passed, Monday passed, Tuesday passed, Wednesday passed, and so on. One week had gone away and it was Seulgi's & Joy's first week anniversary. And then, came Tuesday.
The past days were hell for all three. But mostly for Wendy. When she went to Medical school, she had to say that Seulgi's going through a rough patch so she'd miss school for a week or two. Every time she saw a dead body, she wanted to vomit. Everytime one of their pseudo-victims were cased as 'murdered', she'd wanted to die.
She went to Seulgi and Joy's grave at night slmost everyday. She'd water the plants. And cry. A lot. She hated her life, so much. But as the days past, she realised something: she didn't kill Seulgi.
Irene killed Seulgi. She suggested the game, had the gun. She did it. Irene did it. And infuriated her. She wanted to kill Irene.
And so she would.
Yeri on the other hand, didn't go to school for a week, as she hit a high fever and food poisoning. She talked to Wendy sometimes. But she and Irene were still on bad terms.
After her illness had washed over, on a Tuesday, she decided she wanted to visit Wendy. It was no harm, really; she lived four floors above her. When she knocked on Wendy's door, no one opened for the first ten minutes. That's when Yeri tried to see if the door was open, and she was right. It was open. But no one was home; she was sure off it.
"Wendy?" She said. The girl's really had forgotten the honour terms, but they didn't care. "You there?" But there was no response.
When she reached the dinning room, she saw two photo frames: one had a picture of her with Seulgi and the other with her family.
And a note. Yeri picked it up.
To: Mom
Hi, Mom. A letter's strange, right? Who would send a letter in this age, right? A text message would be better. But, you would see it faster and then call the cops, hence me writing this.
I'm sorry Mom, but I'm a bad daughter; I'm a murderer. Or at least, I will be. Over the past week, a lot of things happened, and a lot of people died. I died mentally. Seulgi was killed, Mom. This friend of her's killed her.
Yeri looked confused. Irene didn't kill Seulgi... That's when Yeri realised.
So Mom, I'm going to kill her friend and turn myself in. Don't fight for me. Please. I love you. So much.
--- Son Seungwan, your daughter.
Yeri dropped the note and tripped. She couldn't breath.
Wendy was going to kill Irene.