Irene grinned, "Yes, Joy." Under the table cloth, she brought out a gun with a silencer, and placed five bullets beside it. "We're going to play the notorious game called Russian Roulette and the person who survives can have our lover."
It was quiet for a whole minute or so, but then Wendy started laughing. Everyone looked at her and slowly, Joy started laughing too. Wendy had tears on her eyes, from laughing too hard. The others just stared at them, dumb-founded.
"Do you two think I'm joking?" Irene growled, clutching the table. None of the four answered and Irene snarled, "I'm not joking, you assholes."
"Really?" Joy spoke up, making Irene take a bullet and loading the firearm, and putting her hand on the trigger, then pointing it at Joy.
"I'm not joking." She said, she pulled the trigger, just beside Joy, making it hit the book shelf.
Yeri was shocked the most, even though she said nothing. She immediately started crying, and hugged herself, as a form of protection.
"We'll play," Seulgi whispered, "Just- just don't kill us. We'll kill ourselves if it happens. D-don't kill us." She held out her palm, to show Irene they were going to play.
Irene smiled, putting the gun down. "Okay," She looked at them, "let me bring you guys water and let's get ready. Don't try running away." The four girls looked down and unconsciously fixed their hair, and turned their phones off.
The five sat their, faces showing little to no emotion. It was 15 minutes past 4 in the morning. They were tired, they needed sleep and they needed a sane mindset. But that was something they lacked. It was all for one man, and now they have to die for him. Sad, but it's the choice they made.
"Let us get ready..." Irene said, her voice a little unsteady. Of course, she was scared too. "We'll first play rock, paper, scissors, and who ever loses, takes a bullet and puts it on the revolver, and hopes for the best." She smiled and held out her hand.
At the first go, Wendy and Joy won, and they squealed, as if they had another chance at life, which, technically, they did. But it got the other three very scared, and Irene, herself, was now more scared than ever.
Seulgi spoke, "Rock, paper, scissors!" And the remaining three girls chose one, and there hearts stopped. Seulgi and Yeri won.
Irene lost. "No." She whispered, "Not- not me." Her hands finds her hair.
Wendy looks down and smiled, thinking that Irene deserved it. But karma would come back to her, faster than she thought. When she looked up, she saw Irene putting a bullet in the revolver, and then spinning it. She slowly brought it up to the right side of her brain, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths.
Yeri closed her and closed her ears tightly. She didn't need this. No one need this, not even Irene, as crazy as she was. She started praying and she felt Joy gripping her arm for comfort. This was sick.
Irene felt the trigger on her index finger; she needed to pull it, and she'd be dead. Done for. She couldn't even say bye to the love of her life. She slowly started pressing the trigger. She didn't have the courage, and she was killing time. The others were getting impatient.
Specifically Wendy. She started at Irene and waited for her to bleed or die. Just for her to do something. Two minutes passed and the girls still didn't hear a noise. Wendy was done. "Pull it!" She screamed, startling everyone and Irene herself.
Irene unconsciously pulled the trigger when Wendy suddenly screamed, and her heart stopped.
But she was alive.
Minutes after she pulled the trigger and Seulgi gave a quiet scream, Irene was alive. When all the girls realised she was given another chance at living, they all broke out a sob, except for Wendy.
And Irene? Irene fainted.
When Irene woke up, she saw Yeri sitting beside her. "Oh, unnie. You're awake." She said, removing the wet towel from Irene's forehead.
"Where are the others?" Irene whispered.
"Seulgi and Wendy unnie both have been sitting beside the table for the past two hours you were asleep. It's 40 minutes past 6 in the morning. And Joy unnie just went to the bathroom because she felt sick."
"Oh..." Irene closed her eyes, "Yeri... Let's--"
Yeri didn't let Irene finish her words, as she clutched Irene's hand. "Unnie, please. Let's not continue this. Please, please, please."
Irene would agree, she honestly would.
But Wendy burst into the room before she could. "She's awake? Let's continue." Wendy said, in a hurry. Seulgi rushed right after and was speechless.
"Why?" Yeri asked, angrily. "There's no point."
Wendy smiled, "She started it and now we'll finish it."
"Even if you die?" Seulgi asked from behind.
"Even if I die." Wendy looked at Irene with dead eyes. She wouldn't let anyone forfeit at this point; no one was trustworthy, and she wasn't going to jail.
All the five girls sat around the table again. These time a little less scared, but scared, nonetheless. They held their hands out again, and this time, Irene got off first, leaving the four girls. In the next round, Joy and Yeri won and that left the two best friends. Wendy and Seulgi. Seulgi looked at Wendy with sad eyes, with desperate eyes.
"Rock," Wendy whispered, "Paper." She closed her eyes.
"Scissors." Seulgi ended and they both opened their eyes after a while. Seulgi had tears falling the second she opened her eyes. She'd lost. She was next.
She did the same thing as Irene did, and held the gun at her head, and pressed on the trigger for some time. After minutes she slammed the gun on the table, "I can't do it. Someone do it for me! I- I can't---"
"What the hell do you mean?" Joy said, confused and angry. "If you can't do it, choose someone for Christ's sake and end our suffering. Please."
Seulgi kept quiet. She was going to choose someone and that was it. It was the end. "W-Wendy. You do it."
Wendy was shocked, "What the fuck? No! I'm not doing it, Seulgi! What's gotten into you?"
Seulgi smiled sadly, "You do it. I only trust you, Wendy. And I'm really sorry for everything. Please do it." She said as she handed Wendy the gun.
Wendy looked at her shocked eyes, but Seulgi returned it with a smile, "Don't worry, Wendy. I'm dying for my wrong doings, not for that man who tore us apart."
Wendy sobbed she pointed the gun at Seulgi as she closed her eyes. It was heart wrenching. She pressed the trigger.
But was there a bang?
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