She is the smallestHe is the biggestShe is withdrawn He is robustShe's a runtHe's a alpha
Chapter one
My legs ached and shook uncontrollably, My body felt locked up but I didn't dare move from my spot, he would kill me.
I was being punished, for what? I couldn't really tell you, I’ve been being punished for years now.
I was to wall sit, I always had this punishment. They would make me sit for hours on end sometimes a whole day. Like they had forgotten about me.
Tears rimmed my eyes as my knees shook with pain. This is more cruel than you think, I'm bare foot, raw rice digs into the soles of my feet. If I even slip up once I'm getting beat.
This is my life, the life a runt lives. I'm also the alphas only child, my mother passed away giving birth to me and ever since I've been beaten, starved, and deprived of my child hood. I'm sixteen now and nothings changed.
"Angel!" I heard a pack member call, I quickly jumped up almost falling. I went to the dining room where everyone was eating the food I cooked, it smelled and looked delicious.
"Y-yes." I answered Jennifer, she was the third in commands daughter and if you ask me a complete bitch.
"What is this?" She pushed a plate of chicken in my face.
"Chicken." My voice was quiet like always.
"We asked for steak for tonight’s dinner, dumbass." I shrieked as the plate of hot food came in contact with my face, the plate shattered as it hit the floor by my feet. Bits of stuck food burned painfully on my face as I swiped at it.
"Clean it up!" She barked quickly I got on my knees, my hands shook violently as I picked up the glass shards still trying to be as careful as ever. Dinner resumed around me as if nothing had even happened.
By the time I finished everyone was gone and in bed. I stayed behind and cleaned and did my chores for tomorrow like I did every night.
It was the break of dawn when I finished and I was exhausted, I have to start breakfast though. So I did.
I cooked,eggs, bacon, pancakes and made homemade parfaits. My hands throbbed from whipping the cream, because if I used the electric one it would wake everyone.
I put on a pot of coffee and was about ready to collapse from exhaustion when my alpha and father walked in, I backed away to my normal corner and kept my head down.
"I need the house spotless. I'm having another alpha over." He growled out not looking at me.
I nodded.
"Good." With that a plate of food and a mug of coffee he left and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I need to run.
I walked out the back door trying to make as little noise as possible I mean it is a house full of were wolves.
I went behind a big oak tree and stripped shifting into my small gray wolf. My wolf was the sized of a large husky dog and it was pitiful.
I took off into the trees, once solid items blurred. The wind in my fur felt good and relaxing, I stopped at my clearing. It was a beautiful clearing with a small pond and flowers sprouting from the ground, I laid in a bed of Daisy's and almost instantly I fell asleep.
Dreaming of my mother and all the things I’ve missed out on, all the things I will miss out on because of a small complication in my birth. The unfairness of it all used to make me angry, seeing the young wolves with their mothers only to come home to a father who can’t stand the sight of me.
Comments from original text:
“To be honest runts are my favorite werewolves! They’re so cute!”
-mintymittens (jun 2017)
“You go girl instead of cleaning the house she went outside. Hell yeah.”
-iaminundertale (dec 2016)
“Poor girl.”
-niquenique30 (sep. 2016)
“So far it an interesting intro, I think ‘I will be beaten’ sounds better.”
-Dawnie2014 (Dec. 2016)
“If she is his child she shouldn’t be treated like that. He must blame her for her mother’s death, which is ridiculous.”
-christina671 (Oct 2017)
“Girl! Stand up for yourself!”
-shadowthenobody (Jan 2021)
“It’s an intriguing start, I think you’ve got a great character here.”
-areli-detorril (mar 2016)
“It finished very quickly, but all in all very good and worth the ten minutes I spent reading.”
-emmonono (aug 2016)