For the longest she can remember it has always been the three of them. But that's the thing about death, it's instant, there was no time for goodbyes. A rainy night and a drunk driver rips the only family Marley has ever know away from her. Forcing her to know a family she's never even knew existed. An estranged mother and a brand new family is thrown at her in a whirl wind along with a life she didn't ask for. Change is always a struggle not to mention when you're grieving. Marley finds herself opening up to a boy who seems to be burdened with just as many problems as her, but his hurt has caused him to isolate himself, Marley can only take being pushed away by so many people before she just removes herself. Can either of them learn to love or was it doomed from the beginning?
She is the smallestHe is the biggestShe is withdrawn He is robustShe's a runtHe's a alpha
She is a mix of the most deadly predators, a werewolf was forbidden to be with a vampire. However, she still came to be. Once alone surviving off instinct, now thrown into a world of royalty and luxury. She is the hybrid luna.
All Avery's life she's been surrounded by guns, knives, blood and death. She didn't mind though she actually take part in the sadistic fun. But what happens when her dad makes one cruel decision?