She stayed glued to the other side of the door the whole ride. Her head bowed, hands between her thighs and body tense. Martha got her right size perhaps maybe even too tight because her thighs looked like they could burst the dam jean. The top, however, was loosely fitted.
"We've arrived, sir." Vito reported from the driver's seat and Rocco opened my side of the door.
"Get down," I unbuttoned my suit jacket as I stepped down lifting my eyes to the bar right in front of me. I felt her by my side before I looked down at her small frame where she tried to hide.
We were already here. If she wanted to run, she should've done that a week ago.
We walked into the bar just in time to see the girls all lined up for their morning warm up and training session. In their line of business, flexibility was a daily lesson.
"When you said you were coming soon, I didn't think it was this soon," Veronica hurried over, smiling way too much. Luca was certain she had a big crush on me but as long as she wasn't saying it or being pushy about it, she could keep her job.
Her brows bounced when she noticed Camille who had tuck herself behind my back only peeping to look around. She was so close almost resting her head against my back.
"Can I take a look?" Veronica asked and I took one big step aside. She gasped, tensing and tried to go behind me again but Veronica grabbed her shoulder to hold her in place. "Stay. Now let me get a good look at you."
The little thing was shivering, fear in her eyes almost welling up to tears. Shit! She was making me look bad before the trainer.
Raising a concerned brow, she asked, "Does she not want to do this?"
"Well it's either this or lying in a hospital bed-" I heard her small gasp again but completely ignored the dramatic thing. "Bend her into shape and let me know the results by tonight."
"That sort of thing, huh?" she mumbled, twirling a lock of Camille's black hair around her fingers. Funny how I could feel it on mine. "Well, have you ever stripped before?"
She shook her head, sniffing as the tears rolled down her cheek.
"I don't know about this. She's not going to cooperate," Veronica frowned, stepping away from her. "I'm not about to babysit, sir."
I glared at her as tears spilled over her eyes and the dam erupts. She's uncontrollable in her tears and it's pissing me off faster than anything I've ever known.
"Oh God!" Veronica steps back, rubbing the back of her neck nervously as she winced. "I-I'm just gonna let you deal with this," she said as she backed away. "This is not my forte, sir. There's a uhm… an empty room round back or something." she finally walked away from it, returning to the girls who now shifted their flirty gaze from me to the crying mess, sneering and scoffing at her.
God! She was making a fool out of me and a bigger one of herself.
"I-I'm sorry, I just can't control myself," she sniffed through her tears, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. The action, though pretty, was getting annoying. Pretty? Enough of this.
Grabbing her arm, I whisked her towards one of the private rooms, ignoring her yelp and her struggle to get away.
This wasn't supposed to be so hard. I had my office to get back to and work to get done. I've been putting away a pile of work to stand guard by that street every night just waiting for to plant my men and my business in Dante's division.
How did I manage to attract and pull along this… this… "Wipe your fucking tears, Camille. I don't have time for this."
She looked shaken at my outburst but recovered quickly, wiping her tears and taking her time to breathe and stop her fucking tremble.
She trembled twice as hard when she came last night. Mouth ajar in small short squeals. I could tell her body was unfamiliar with this kind of pleasure. She was sure to get addicted to it, desire it more than once. Too bad for her, I barely got interested in sex except on special occasions and there was never going to be that special occasion between us ever again.
After she had wiped her eyes clean, I beckoned on her with my index, "Come here."
She hesitated before coming forward and kept an arms length between us, shaking in anticipation. Her eyes were getting wet again, lips trembling-- oh for fucks sake, not the tears!
"We talked about this, didn't we?" I inhaled deeply. "You had two options."
"I want none," she whispered.
"That's not how it works, okay?" I felt like I was talking to a six year old and she stared at me as her savior. Same eyes from last night that said she was relived to see me show up. She had no idea whether I would help or not so where did that confidence spawn from?
"Look, I don't have all day. Now you can either do this your way or you do it my way but the end result is I'm gonna get my money either way," she choked on her son again, biting her lips hard. I released them from her torture, they were too damn soft to not bleed soon.
Fuck! For someone who had a body this soft, she hadn't lived a soft life.
"But I have a job," she sniffed. I saw her struggle not to cry. She wasn't one to let her emotions run free and wild. "I have two jobs and I make-"
"What did I tell you about that? It's nothing. It's useless. Here's what you're gonna do, you'll stop crying like a child, go out there, take lessons and let's see what you're good at by the end of the day- stop shaking your head and listen."
She looked away clenching her jaw to control herself. "How long so I have to… do this for?"
I shrugged, "You tell me. If you're good and keep the men coming back well, we're looking at hundreds per night and even thousands if you're lucky. We're looking at three years and four months to pay off your debt."
Her jaw hung lose in disbelief.
"Organs are faster."
That shut her up real quick.
"Throw in a side hustle, you could sleep around with these men. There's another job or that. At most one year and you'll be free to get in more debts with your father."
Judging from how she wrinkled her nose, prostitution was out of it. I didn't get it. If she truly wanted to get out of this faster, she'd take the easy way out.
"And what about me?" this time when she looked in my eye again, she had finally come to terms with the truth. This was her reality for the time being. The next phase of her life. Crying wasn't going to do shit.
"What do you mean?"
"How much will go to me or do you take my whole pay?" in just one night, her face had gone pale and lost weight in her cheeks. Her lips no longer had that shiny glow thanks to her gloss. She was plain natural and still so fucking beautiful. These days when women all wore the same look, priding their beauty in the paintings of their faces, she looked pretty without any extension.
"If only that's what your father has to worry about right now." her face drained of colour and I saw he actively think, weigh her options before she gulped and nodded in agreement.
"Really? Why the sudden change of heart?" I smirked. "Well break a leg then."
"Wait!" she called when I turned to leave, holding my wrist. "Y-You're coming back right? You'll come back to pick me up… right?"
One again, she looked at me like a fucking savior. What difference did it make whether I returned for her or not? She was one toxic woman and she had no idea how she made her life so complicated all by herself.
"You should be wishing I don't return," I said but she tightened her old and lowered her eyes.
"I don't want to stay here…" she mumbled, saying nothing more than that.
"Clinging to your devil…" I shrugged her hand away and she looked up at me, hurt and worried as she waited on my assurance and confirmation but I walked out, leaving her to nothing but the storm of her own mind.
…Shame on you, Camille.