Trigger Warning; Physical abuse and mentions of abuse.
I opened the door and heard rustling, tensing in worry, I tried to look around when my wrist was grabbed and I was suddenly flung inside the dark room where I tumbled and almost lost my balance.
"What the heck is your problem?" The door slammed shut and I heard the keys. My father leaned against it like a CIA agent waiting to attack. He looked terrified and when he glanced at me, he glared.
"Do you have to be so sluggish? How many seconds does it take to open a door and walk in?" he fumed in a very angry whisper. "Don't be leaving the door open like that. It's not safe out there."
This wasn't about my safety. He was just hiding from his creditors. I steadied myself and let go of the rising anger.
The house smelled strongly of weed and it was turning my stomach. I hated the very act of smoking.
My thoughts replayed the man in the alley-- hypocrite.
"Where were you?" he got right into questioning, moving closer in his boxer briefs and torn singlet. Would it kill him to put on some pants?
"Can we raise the blinds? It's kinda dark-"
"No! what did I just tell you about leaving things open?" he yelled, again, in a whisper. He had been acting strange for a few days now and I couldn't pinpoint why, but I guess I'd act the same too if I had loan sharks on my tail every now and then.
Luckily, he was smart enough not to include this house in his forms. My heart went out to all the homes that had been wrecked because of him.
I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight. The whole house was a mess. He didn’t even pick up after himself. Wait, were those my clothes? Why were my things all over the place?
We lived in just one room and he couldn't manage the space well? What the fuck! Was that dried ketchup on the rug?
He suddenly snatched my bag and emptied it with an eager smile on his face. That was the only time he smiled and looked happy.
His smile soon froze when he didn't see what he was looking for. "Where is it? Where's the money you promised me?"
He lunged at me, grabbing my collar and slamming me against the wall. My head bumped hard against it and I groaned as wide eyes collided with mine.
"Where's the bloody money?" he barked in my face, his unwashed breath prickling my skin. "You've been spending my money on those boys on the street, haven't you?"
His money? I worked all day and all week trying to make ends meet. It was all my money. Completely unrelated but my mind wandered to him again. He looked like money. His suit could probably be worth four times my salary and even more. He looked well off. I couldn't even offer him anything besides my body-
My cheek stung from the loud smack and I snapped out of it, tears blurring my vision. This wasn't the first time he was hitting me but it sure hurt every damn time. In the past, I'd feel a piece of my heart break whenever he did this, but I had no more he could break so all that was left was just void.
"Where's my money?" he growled in my face.
Lowering my eyes to avoid the mess in front of me, I said, "I didn’t get paid today. It's tomorrow-"
"Your payment has never been delayed!" he screamed now, grabbing my hair. "Where are you hiding it?"
I groaned and struggled against his hold. My father wasn't a small man but he wasn't big either. Men were naturally stronger. "Let me go- agh!" he flung me across the room and my back hit the door.
"I know you're fucking around that's why you return so late," as he approached me, my heart shattered because he had that look in his eyes. The one that haunted my nightmares and made me dread each night with him, forcing me to keep my eyes open.
"At least do it for cash! With that body, men would drool over you. Put it to good use. Your mother was a whore, did I tell you?" he never failed to mention it. "I bet you are too."
My eyes dropped lower and my heart shook in horror at what was going on there. It was… it was…
"Eyeing it, I see," he chuckled with dark desires that made my legs weak. He cupped himself, "As your father, I'll teach you a few things to keep your clients coming back."
Bile rushed to my throat and my legs moved. I bolted out of the room with swift movements, heart drumming in my chest as I fled for my life. He screamed my name but I turned deaf ears, saving my lady parts first.
I ran without pause. Panting and gasping for air. I had no idea where I was going but my legs seemed to know best. I didn’t care where I ended up. Anywhere was better than that crapped up apartment with a man I called dad.
Minutes later, I leaned against the cold brick wall, gasping for breath with sweat dripping down my face. The cold wind blew strongly and I clutched my sides to stop the ache coming from my ribs.
It had been a while since he acted that way. He must be getting starved a lot. Why couldn’t he just go out and relieve himself like a grown man?
He could also masturbate when I'm away, that would help keep his urges under control. I straightened, throwing my head back to breathe with a hand on my waist. This time was scarier than the last.
I'd give him a few minutes to an hour then head back.
My legs still trembled from the chase. I knew he wouldn't follow me out. The last time, I locked myself in the bathroom and he banged on the door so hard by the time he ruined the lock, he was already too tired to take me.
I still haven't repaired the lock. He could be spying while I took a bathe-- fuck! I'd rather not think of that. I turned to look around my surroundings when my eyes collided with black ones.
A scream tore from my lips and I almost banged my head on the wall.
I should've known to never trust my legs ever since they've been wanting to spread for him. How did I end up here?
He took a drag from his cigar, stared daggers in my soul and puffed out a cloud of smoke. I tingled all over, wishing I was the cigar he kissed so lightly.
We simply stared at each other with no words exchanged, heavy and uncomfortable silence. I'd kill for some 'are you lost, baby girl?' right now but I knew my life wasn't some movie.
Another drag and he let the cigar fall then he stepped on it. Why was that so erotic and sexy?
He pushed himself off the wall, "Didn't you hear that good girls don't stay out late?"