Seven weeks later
I was just about to head out of the castle doors when my father’s voice stopped me in my tracks, I turned around, bowed as he approached me sternly
“Aurelia, where do you think you’re going?”
“I was just heading out to the woods, my king, to pick some wildflowers, the ones I have in my room have wilted”
“Well, you won’t be going anywhere unattended from now on”
I looked to him in confusion, he’s never been bothered about me being unsupervised. Just then he nodded over to a young man to join us, he was dressed in the silver guards armor, with a sword tucked at his side. “This is Nathaniel, he will go wherever you go from now on”
“Can I ask why, your majesty?”
He glared at me arrogantly “You think, with the prince likely to show up at any moment, I’ll just let you wander off to god knows where and be seen mingling with the village men? I don’t want the prince getting the wrong idea, by thinking you have a certain reputation… the way you just flaunt yourself in front of them!”
I wanted to defend myself at his insults. Never have I ever flaunted myself at any man, or ever wanted to. I only ever showed them kindness, a basic human action that my father could never understand! But of course, I didn’t rebuff him, I just nodded in submission.
As he turned away, I glanced to the guard then made my way out of the heavy wooden doors, through the village path and towards the woods as the guard casually escorted me, keeping a few yards distance, he kept watch behind me.
I found the quiet, peaceful part of the woods, the place where no animals seemed to visit, and because of that, no one ever frequented here, it was left untredded, with Lavender, yarrow, Columbine and Oxy daisies. The Columbine were my favourite, I loved how the bright purple stood out from the long thick grass.
I set my basket down and started to pick the array of flowers, looking only for the freshest ones. I took my time, basking in the peace and freeness I felt here. No king, no rules, no negativity, just me and the ever-growing colossal trees… well and the new guard who’s as still as a statue!
I pressed my nose against the bud of each flower and breathed in heavily to allow the smell of earth and life fill deep into my lungs. I moved from one spot to the next as I noticed a few conkers lying in the grass. I added them to my basket for the village children, they loved to collect them and used them to play games with.
The trees started to sway, causing a slight chill brush through my dress, onto my skin, just then the guard cleared his throat and sauntered closer “princess, it’s time we headed back, it’s almost time for your evening meal”
I hadn’t realised I’d spent half of the day here, goes to who I was in no hurry to go back, and it still wasn’t long enough.
I begrudgingly got to my feet and walked past the guard and made my way back home, plodding as slowly as I could.
I knew the king would still be on edge for the prince’s arrival, all he’d do is constantly insult me and demand I ‘actually made myself more useful and be submissive’.
When we got back to the castle, I turned to the hallway leading to my room, instead of toward the dining hall “Nathaniel, please inform the king I’m very tired, so I’ll be going for a lie down instead”
“Yes, princess” he bowed lightly then turned on his heel. I sighed and made for my room, I’ll just sneak out later and gather myself some food from the pantry later.
I opened my eyes the next morning to see the sun peeking through my window, I laid still, trying to decide on what reason I had to get out of bed today, when Maude suddenly burst through my bedroom door
“Wake up... oooh wake up my lady, quick!”
I turned around in bed to face her, as she paces around my room, picking out a dress and readying a warm bath.
“Maude, what is it? You look completely flustered”
“Oooh the king is in a mood today!”
“What’s new?” I asked sarcastically
“This is no time for jokes, my child, the councilmen have returned, it seems the prince isn’t far behind”
“What?” I shot as I sat upright in dismay
“Yes! he’s on his way right now, you know what the king will do if you’re not ready for his arrival… oooh god only knows what he’ll do. Now come on, hop in the water, wash yourself down, then we’ll get you dressed and pin your hair!”
I dressed in a dark blue and ivory gown as Maude pinned back some of my curls with one of my mother’s blue diamond hair pins. She pinched my cheeks to bring colour to my face.
Grabbing my hand, she practically dragged me through the halls all the way to the throne room. When we got to the door, she kissed me on my cheek and looked at me with worry “please, don’t do anything to upset the king when the prince arrives, I just can’t bare what he would do you, if you did!”
I looked at her with tenderness as I squeezed her hand “I promise Maude, I’ll be on my best behaviour”
“That’s my girl” she smiled, then she hesitantly scantered off to continue with her chores. I took a deep breath then willing my feet to move, I joined my father as he paced back and forth in front of his throne, his face scrunched up in irritation.
Matthias then entered the room and hurriedly approached Edric “He’s here! he’s here now, my king”
Edric nodded then turned to me with a scowl on his face as stomped over to me and started shaking his finger, only inches away from my face. “You will please the prince, you understand? Don’t you dare fuck this up for me or you’ll be joining your mother!”
I cringed inwardly at his spite, but I smiled sweetly and stood with my posture straight and my chin slightly lifted.
The guards opened the doors and in walked four of the prince’s own guards, then walking in from behind them, he strolled in confidently and I gulped at the sight of him.
He was handsome for sure, his dark brown hair was tied at the nape of his neck and his facial hair was neatly trimmed. He was very well dressed, in a thick velvet ream jacket, brown fitted trousers, and his leather boots, with a sword in his sheath. He was dashing, unlike any other man I’d see before… not that I ever really looked.
“Welcome, prince of Ailingdale, we are so fortunate you have come” My father greeted him with arms open wide.
“Thank you, your majesty,” he replied as they shook hands. He smiled at Edric, then his eyes flashed to me, and his smile widened. He withdrew his hand from Edric and began to approach me. I felt nerves bubbling in my stomach as his bright blue eyes stayed on me “Are you the lovely princess Aurelia, I’ve heard so much about?” he asked me directly, but before I could even answer, my father intervened and towered over me
“Yes, this is my only daughter, Aurelia, she’s a beauty, is she not?”
“A true beauty indeed” he complimented as his mouth stayed parted and he took hold of my fingers and placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand.
I could only stand there in confusement, of what was happening to my entire body, the goosebumps that covered my skin, from his soft lips. I smiled and bowed my head “It’s nice to finally meet you prince of Ailingdale”
“Oh please, my dear, don’t be so formal with me, my name is Mallon. May I address you as Aurelia?”
“Of course… Mallon” I beamed, and he kept hold of my hand, our eyes locked on each other, completely forgetting we weren’t alone.
Edric abruptly flung his arm over Mallon’s shoulder and clasped it with his hand, dragging him away from me as our hands parted “Well, Mallon, you must be starved after your long journey, come, we will discuss a few matters and I’ll have the cooks whip us a feast fit for the gods” He chuckled like a typical braggart
Mallon just grinned apprehensively as he looked back to me, then allowed my father to lead him away.
As soon as they left the room, my mouth fell open in shock and I ran to find Maude. I felt so confused and now even more anxious, it was going to be even harder now, being ruled and commanded around like a slave by someone so handsome and charming!
I hurried through the halls until I found Maude in the washing room “Maude, there you are!”
She turned to me in surprise “My lady what are you doing down here, aren’t you supposed to be with the prince?”
“Yes, I just met him, but father dragged him away”
“Well, tell me my dear, what’s he like?”
I joined her, helping her to dry out the wet cloths “Well, he’s incredibly handsome”
“Really?” She gasped
“Yes, and he’s so expensively dresses, his kingdom must be wealthy for sure… and he’s very charming!”
“Oh, that’s wonderful, Oh I’m so pleased, perhaps he’s not what you’d thought him to be after all!”
My face fell and I suddenly felt anxious “Oh Maude” I sighed “What if he’s only charming to fool me, just to unite our lands? What if he’s just like father underneath and its all just a façade!”
She gently placed her arm on mine and looked at me with understanding “I know you’re scared my dear, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared for you, but all these doubts aren’t going to decide who he is, unfortunately only time will tell and if he is just like your father, then we’ll deal with it together, just like we always have done”
I nodded in agreement, trying to find comfort in her words
“Try not to fret my dear, If the king should notice you acting indifferent towards the prince, you know he won’t take it lightly, ok?”
“Yes, I know. I’ll keep up pretences for the king’s sake but….”
“But what, my dear?”
“You… you won’t ever leave me, will you?”
She smiled lovingly as she handed me another cloth “Never! And that’s a promise. You know sometimes I forget your not my own child”
“Really?” I asked with joy
“Yes, really, I do love you my dear”
“I love you too Maude”
I sat at the table for the feast as Edric and his guards bellowed with laughter, cupping their wine as if it was priceless treasures, Mallon moved from his seat and sat to my right as I quietly sipped on my wine.
“So, are your mealtimes always like this?” He asked in disbelief as he looked around the room, watching the men enjoy the women that surrounded them, dancing on their laps and pouring them more to drink.
“Not always, I suppose it depends on what mood the king is in. Why? Are you not accustomed to these types of dinners at home?”
“Uhh… no! I can’t say I have ever witnessed this sort of thing in my father’s castle. I thought things like this only happened in the local tavern”
“Oh, and you frequent there, do you?”
He chuckled as he shuffled closer “only on occasion, when friends of mine convince me to go with them”
“I see. Well, we have taverns like that here too, of course being a princess I’m not allowed to ever enter such a place”
“No, anyway a beautiful woman such as yourself doesn’t belong in a place like that”
“Well, I’m sure the king will happily show you where the taverns are, and in the meantime your welcome to join them in their entertainment tonight”
“Actually, I think I’ll pass, It’s not really my thing”
My stomach fluttered at his refusal to lust after the half naked women and I felt myself growing to like him even more, and it scared me, just as it had done before
“MALLON” my father called “COME AND JOIN US, THERE’S PLENTY OF FUN TO GO ROUND” he laughed, and I heard Mallon groan quietly under his breath
“Forgive me, your majesty, but I am incredibly exhausted from the journey, I think I’ll retire for the rest of the night, that way I can be ready for the day tomorrow”.
Edric nodded “Very well, Mallon, we shall talk more after you have rested”.
Mallon nodded and stood up from his seat, he leaned down so his face was mere inches away from mine, “Aurelia”
I jolted at his closeness, the warmth of his breath on my face “Yes, Mallon?”
“You know, your father talked a lot today, but nothing of it was about you. I’d love to spend some time with you tomorrow, just us, if that’s ok. I want to know more about you.”
I smiled kindly “Of course, we can go for a stroll, that way we can get further acquainted away from the bustle of the castle”.
“That sounds perfect” he beamed, and he took my hand and placed another soft kiss “goodnight beautiful Aurelia”
I nodded my head, feeling speechless and slightly giddy. He chuckled, softly took his hand away and left for his room.
I sat still with a million feelings bouncing through my head.
“AURELIA” Edric yelled, and I quickly turned my focus to him “YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ANGERED HIM!”
“No, my king, he just asked to spend some time together tomorrow, I suggested we could go for a stroll”.
His face remained stern, but he nodded in acceptance “you better be on your best behaviour!”
“Yes, my king. I will bid you goodnight now, I too am feeling rather tired”
He sucked at his teeth and motioned for me to leave “off with you!” then he turned his attention back to the woman that was pulling seductively at his shirt
I got up and left the hall before he decided he had more demands of me. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling with thoughts of the prince. Who was he really? And why so far has he been kind and charming? Perhaps tomorrow I’ll know more of what he’s really like. I scorned my feelings to stay hidden, I can’t fall for someone that turns out to be a tyrant. I can’t fall for someone that turns out to be just like my father.
The following morning after Mallon and I had finished our morning meal with the King, we set off on a footpath in the woods for some time to get further acquainted. We passed the pond that homed several beautiful swans and I led him down a trail next to the sparkling, flowing river.
“It is beautiful down here” he marvelled as we both took in the peaceful scenery
“These woods are my favourite place in the whole kingdom, I love how quiet it is here, away from everything and hardly anyone ever comes this way”
“Then how did you come to find it?”
I smiled in thought, reminiscing on happier days “My mother and Maude used to bring me here when I was little, we’d paddle our feet in the water and pick flowers”
He smiled warmly at me as he picked white blossom from a tree and handed it to me “You have fond memories of your mother?”
“Yes, many! She spent every waking day with me, and tucked me into bed every night”
“How old were you when she passed away?”
“I was eleven, one day she became really unwell, I sat with her every day, until one night she went to sleep and didn’t wake up”
“Aurelia, I am sorry… you must miss her terribly!”
“I do” I nodded “I was very much like her and not like my father, Maude always tells me how much I look like her. It’s hard when the one person that could understand you more than anyone else, isn’t there to guide you and help you”
“But you and your father… are you close?”
I scoffed “No, not at all… were very different”
“In what ways?”
“Well, for a start I’m a woman”
“Right! But I fail to see how that could cause you to not be close, you’re his daughter after all”
I looked at him in puzzlement “Umm, well, he’s a king! And I’m not a male heir”
“But you’re an heir nonetheless!”
Again, I felt confused over his lack to see the point I was trying to make “But kings only want male heirs, don’t they? And because of that, we have a very difficult relationship”
“Wait!” he stopped in his tracks as he turned to face me “Are you telling me, you don’t have a relationship with your father because you’re a woman and not a man?”
“That’s right… I can only assume our relationship would be completely different, if I was the son he always hoped for”
He shook his head in disbelief “Aurelia, you’re his daughter, his heir, it shouldn’t matter whether you are male or female”
“Umm, forgive me Mallon, but where did you learn that? All kings wish for sons at least as a firstborn”
“NO, Aurelia, not all kings!”
I turned away and kept walking down the footpath as he followed beside me “But, my father always said a male heir is needed to run a kingdom properly, as a female, I’m pretty useless”
“Your father told you this?”
I nodded “mmmhmm”
He blew out a sigh “Wow, forgive me Aurelia, but that was never what I was taught”
“But your father has all son’s, he has no cause to be disappointed”
He raised his brow as he clasped his hands together behind his back “Well, that’s not entirely true… before my first brother was born, my mother conceived a daughter”
My eyes shot to him as I listened intently
“One year later, my eldest brother Darius was born, then another year later, my brother William followed, then two years later I was born. When my sister turned six, she got sick with a fever, four days later, she died”
“Oh” I sighed heavily as I looked at him with sympathy “Mallon, I had no idea, my father only mentioned you and your brothers”
“It’s ok, most people have forgotten her, but both me and my family never have. My father and mother were beside themselves with grief, they mourned her for so long… we all did!... you see my father didn’t think of her as a useless female, he saw her as the future queen. He had high hopes for her. She was witty, excited all time, but she still knew how to keep herself graceful in front of others, my father had even started teaching her how to use a sword, they would practice together all of the time”
“Wow, sounds like he was very devoted to her”
I felt a wave of emotion at the pit of my stomach and my heart began to sink… so its not all kings and princesses. It’s just my father and me!
“Forgive me again Aurelia, I didn’t mean to upset you, I just don’t agree with what your father says, the way you clearly view yourself as little importance to your own kingdom and your people”
I felt confused, if what Mallon is telling me is true, then why does my father despise me so much? Is it because I remind him of mother so much? It’s not as if he ever speaks kindly of her, maybe my likeness to her is what he really hates.
“For what it’s worth, I love my people, whether I’m queen one day by my own right or not, I’ll always care for them”
“Yes, I can see a kindness in you already… I saw it when I first met you”
“Really?” I smiled giddily
“Really!... you know, I’d love to see the village one day, perhaps you could show me around?”
“Of course, although we better head back now, I know the king wants to see you today!”
“Yes, this morning he informed me, he wishes for me to join him and his guards in a spot of hunting… apparently you have a lot of deer!”
“Yes, many! But they hear even the tiniest of noises, so they’re not so easy to catch”.
He chuckled as we made our way back toward the castle, the king was already waiting for him at the steps, his intimidating broad shoulders rising with each breath he took. He smiled kindly at the prince and asked him to wait while he quickly excused himself, then glaring at me to follow.
Just inside the castle doors, out of sight he grabbed my arm roughly as he shoved me against the wall. “Tell me, what was said?” he demanded angrily
“Noth… nothing my king, he talked about his family!”
“His family? I don’t give a shit about his family! Tell me why he hasn’t proposed yet?”
“He… he only arrived yesterday, my king, maybe he needs time to settle, I… I just think he wants time to get to know me and… and you!”
He squeezed my arm tighter as I felt his fingers digging into my skin “I gave you one thing to do Aurelia… you better see to it that he does agree! You do not want to become completely useless to me!”
I nodded anxiously “Yes, my king!”
“MY KING” A voice called from behind Edric
He turned his gaze, and past him I could see Maude staring at him “The horses are ready for your hunt, you may all leave now!”
“Good!” he replied, he turned to me and gave me one last glare, before releasing his grip and heading out of the doors.
I sunk against the wall as Maude ran over to steady me. When she heard them, all leave on the horses, she took me back to my room and bathed the bruises Edric had left printed on my pale forearm.