Trigger Warning.
If you have a hard time reading SA, please skip this chapter.
Fear kept me rooted in place, even when my brain screamed at me to look away, run away, hide. The eyes began to move closer and as if struck with lightning, I scurried backwards, my heart pounding in my chest, cold sweat breaking out of my skin. I have never been so terrified in my entire life. Their presence was so dominating I found it hard to breath.
"Wow... She is a beauty." The loud voice commented, and I could their feel their gazes on me, completely assessing me. It made me whimper and I wrapped my hands around myself in a bid to protect myself. "Where did you find this one, Adonis?" He asked his partner.
"Where else?" The werewolf king replied, his voice easily recognizable due to how bored it sounded. "The slave market, of course."
Other than their glowing eyes, I couldn't see anything in the pitch black darkness. The same couldn't be said about my captors however, as they moved around with ease, not in the least perturbed. I could only attribute that to their heightened senses. One took a huge sniff of the air and paused.
"Human? You know those puny little things don't last in our hands, Adonis. Why do you keep purchasing them?" The one the werewolf king called Hermes remarked and my heart shriveled up. I didn't know when I began crying, curling myself into a ball. They were talking about me as if I wasn't there with them. Treating me like a mere object. Mara words resounded in my head and I trembled, so terrified of the life I was thrust into.
"Come here." One of them ordered and I froze, looking around in panic. They are asking me to come!? Come where? I can't even see them! Unable to do anything, I just stood there, my heart racing.
"Don't make us repeat ourselves." Came a low growl and I flinched. Standing on my trembling legs, I moved forward, unable to stop the tears from streaming from my eyes.
"Please..." I choked out, unable to understand why I was pleading. There was a moment of silence before one of them clicked his tongue.
"Why is she crying so much? Doesn't she know what she's here for?" One asked, genuinely curious.
"I don't understand either."
"Maybe the darkness is frightening her." He suggested. I heard a flurry of movements before seeing them light up candles, allow light to flood the entire room. I gasped, stumbling backwards as my eyes adjusted to the new light.
Bathed in the candle light, the Shifter Kings were much bigger than I expected them to be. They stood almost 8 feet tall, with huge bodies that looked like they had been sculpted by the gods themselves. The Werewolf King, had long dark hair cascading down his shoulders, but his partner who I could only assume was the WereTiger king had short blonde hair, which was wavy and looked like it had been roughened up multiple times.
They were incredibly handsome no doubt, but I wasn't in a position to admire them. Their gazes raked over me, and I watched as their eyes darkened with lust and desire, with Hermes licking his lips. "Wow, she really is a beautiful. Look at those breasts."
At the mention of my breasts, I tried to cover it up with my hands but a threatening growl emanating from one of them stopped that just in time. I dropped my hands to the sides, lowering my head as tears poured from my eyes, forming tiny puddles on the floor. This was beyond humiliating.
"Take off your clothes." The Werewolf King commanded and I stiffened, snapping my head to look at him. What did he just say!? At my hesitation he rolled his eyes and bared his teeth, evidently frustrated.
"Is she deaf?" Hermes commented, his tone scalding. I flinched like I had been whipped. With trembling hands, I stripped myself till I stood before them naked, the silk dress that I wore laying like a pool before my feet. A low whistle cut through the air, and I looked away, biting my lower lip to stop it from trembling, shame and anger mixing to become one.
"My cock is already hard from just watching her. She'll be a delight to mount." He commented and I squeezed my hands into fists. Adonis stood up from where he was seated, making his way towards me. Terrified, I kept taking steps back till my back hit the wall. No, not a wall. Panicking, I looked around and saw that Hermes wasn't where he sat as well. My eyes widened, a loud ringing in my ears. He's behind me!!
The Werewolf King was close enough now, his gaze boring down on me. I felt light headed but I still tried to speak. "Please, don't do this... I beg of you." I begged, my voice trembling as he encroached me, getting into my personal space and beyond.
"Do this to you?" He laughed, the sound an emotionless void that sent stabs to my soul. "You're ours now. You have no choice. We'll do as we please." He growled, burying his nose into my neck as he breathed me in. I let out a shuddering while, my heart filled with fear, dread twisting in my stomach.
"What is your name?" He asked, his voice cold and devoid of any emotions.
"L-lienna" I stuttered out, trepidation flooding my veins.
"Hmm... Pretty name," Hermes murmured, grabbing a hold of my waist, his fingers digging deep into my skin. I could feel his arousal through his clothes and my heart almost exploded in my chest. His other hand slid to my breast and he promptly squeezed them, a growl of pleasure escaping his lips. This time, I was too afraid to slap it off for fear of their wrath on me.
A devious grin appeared on Adonis face as he leaned closer. "We're going to enjoy ruining you Lienna. Look forward to it." He said.
My eyes widened in panic and I tried to run away but Hermes pinned me down, an amused chuckle escaping his lips. "No, no, no!!! Please!!" I screamed, still struggling. "I beg of you! Wait!" I yelled at the top of my lungs but it was of no use.
Adonis had begun to undress, his bare torso appearing in the pale candle light. I tried to scream again but absolutely nothing would make it past my mouth. I just felt terror. Hermes squeezed my breasts once more, nudging my backside with his arousal, his deep groans of lust making my head spin. This can't be happening!!
Please!!! That's all I can remember shouting before the horrors of the night began...