I looked around confused, but people just began to move methodically, going their separate ways. Maids materialized from nowhere and one of them collected the leash from the soldier who had it, gesturing for me to follow them. My confusion was growing but I had no choice but to follow along. They took me to a different section of the castle, not like I recognized anywhere in this place and walked me into a room and for a moment, I was distracted, stunned by the sheer beauty of the room.
The room looked grand, it was even prettier than the one I had back home. If this was how regular rooms looked like, I could only imagine how beautiful the ones reserved for guests were and even the ones for the Shifter Kings. I saw there was a bath already prepared and I stiffened. Was that for me?
Someone clapped her hands and I turned my gaze to her. "Undress her, quickly. We have no time to waste. We need to deliver her as soon as possible!" She announced in a stern voice and a group of maids immediately came to me, undoing the straps of my gown, undressing me.
"W-w-wait!" I stuttered, my panic rising. "What's going on!? Why are you doing this!?" I asked aloud but they just ignored me, focusing on getting the dress off me. When I saw I won't be getting a response from this people anytime soon, I pushed their hands away from my body and moved farther away from them. "I am not going to let you touch me until you tell me what the hell is going on!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, breathing heavily.
They all had a quizzical expression on their faces and one even broke into a chuckle, finding my behavior funny. My frown deepened and my resolve grew stronger. "Tell me what's going on or I won't let you lay a hand on me." I said, my voice threatening.
"You haven't figured it out already? You're here to serve the Shifter Kings. Now come here already, we really don't have time to waste!" The woman who spoke earlier snapped but I didn't move.
"No, I haven't figured it out at all. What is going on?" Despite the calmness in my voice, my body was trembling, and I could feel my heart pounding loudly in my chest.
"Well... If you insist, I will tell you. You, my dear child are about to become a toy for the Shifter Kings."
"A... What now?" I repeated, my brain short circuiting. The amusement in her eyes died down and her expression became even sterner. A low buzz began in my ears.
"In other words, they would be be using you for their sexual pleasure. It was the only reason you were ever purchased in the first place." She revealed. A shudder went through me and my knees felt weak. I suddenly wanted to pass out but I forced myself to stay present.
"That... That can't be true, right? This is a joke, right?" I sputtered, my voice weak, the room beginning to spin in my eyes. She rolled her eyes, finding my questions annoying.
"Why would we joke with something like this? If not, why else would a king like that even go out of his way to buy a slave? Anyway, that is what is going to happen. So, if you'll excuse us, we need to prepare you for your night with the kings." She snapped her fingers and the maids who had been standing by immediately swooped me. This time, they tore the clothes from my body till I was naked and dragged me to the bath. They helped me into the water and began to wash the dirt and grime off my body with practiced ease.
Despite the gentleness in their actions, the turmoil in my heart refused to cease. I looked up at the woman, hoping she could see the desperation in my eyes. "What's going to happen to me, please?! Say something, I don't like being kept in the dark." As I said it, my voice broke, tears filling up my eyes. I was so afraid.
A hint of pity flashed in her eyes but she blinked and it was gone. My lips began to tremble. "Please... I beg of you!" I cried out.
"Just say your last prayers girl. Because this will be your last night alive." She said instead and I felt my heart drop to the ground. I was expecting a lot of things, but definitely not that.
"What?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my shock evident. She let out a sigh as she hands washing my body slowed to a stop.
"No human girl who ever walked into the Shifter's kings residence ever made it out alive. Ever. We don't know what happens behind the closed doors but when we retrieve their bodies, it's never pretty." She confessed, her voice filled with pain and fear. I looked to the other maids and when I saw the same expression mirrored in their faces, my heart shriveled up, my mind going numb. That's it, there's no escaping it. My life is ruined.
They just continued with what they were doing and in a haze, I let them. My body was washed and cleaned, fragrant oils rubbed into my skin till it shone, my hair carefully brushed till my curls popped out and they let it fall freely over my shoulders. Make up was done for me and a white silk dress was brought for me to wear. It was short and see through, but they had a velvet robe on standby to make up for that. I stood in front of the full length mirror provided after they had finished with me. Even though I looked beautiful, there was no way for me to see it. I couldn't get the words they had just told me out of my head.
"She's ready, it's time for us to go now." The lady announced. She wore back my collar and gently pulled me with the leash. Like a puppet tried to a string, I numbly followed them, tears streaming from my eyes like rain as I silently sobbed. They led me through the maze like corridors, and finally came to a stop at a huge door that was decorated with ornate carvings.
"Remember, the second you walk in, you go on your knees and bow your head. You must not stare directly into their eyes." She warned and I nodded my head even if I didn't fully register what she just said. A sad smile crossed her expression and she reached to touch my cheeks. I flinched, my body still shaking.
"What is your name, young lady?" She asked, her voice uncharacteristically soft for the first time since I arrived here. I slowly turned to look at her.
"Lienna." I whispered, hiccuping. She nodded gently.
"It's a beautiful name. My name is Mara." She said. Her face twisted to one of grief. "May the heavens keep you safe in there." She prayed softly. Raising her hand, she knocked on the door, the loud rapping echoing in the hallway.
"She's here, your majesties." Mara announced, her voice loud.
"Let her in." Came the deep voice. Mara let out a shuddering breath, motioning for the soldier who had followed us to open up the door. He did and I was pushed in before it slammed shut behind me. I flinched, immediately looking back. Darkness surrounded me, I was so afraid of moving lest I bump into something.
Remembering the warning Mara gave me, I lowered myself to my knees and immediately bowed my head till my forehead hit the ground. "I'm here." I muttered shakily, my body trembling.
"Finally! Time to have some fun!" A voice bellowed, the entire room vibrating. I whimpered, more tears streaming from my eyes.
"Quiet down, Hermes." Another voice muttered, sounding bored. I immediately recognized who it was and the dread in my body multiplied. Daring to raise my head, I looked up and found two sets of eyes looking at me from a distance. One was glowing bright yellow, while the other was icy blue.
My heart skiddered to a stop, their presence immediately overwhelming me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, my body begining to shake.
By the heavens, I'm going to die tonight.