The next thing I remember is finding myself in a cab on my way home. I don't know how I got inside.
"He didn't even tell me his name." I realize sadly. The driver didn't even spare me a glance. "He pushed me out, like I am nothing." I remember and rage filled my heart.
Who does he think he is? What is he hiding in that warehouse?
"Turn around and take me back!" I ordered urgently. The driver looked at me confused.
If Sexy is up to something, then I have to find out. That will give me leverage especially if it is illegal. I'll blackmail him into making love to me with the evidence I find against him.
"Stop right here," I said to the driver. He stopped the car and I hopped out. Sexy's car was still where I left it and there was no guard at the entrance.
I paid the driver and ran to the car discreetly. The boot was open. Gladly, I hopped in and closed it. There were guns of different kinds in the boot. I love this. I took pictures and quickly hid my phone.
“I leave Pablo in charge here till I come back.” There was a chorus, uniform reply to his delegation. “There should be no getting into trouble.” He added authoritatively.
“Yes boss.” The answer came. With that, the door closed. He is inside the car now. I can smell him from the boot.
“The villa.” He said once inside the car.
“Boss.” I heard another voice. The car began to move. Finally. I’ll soon be able to stretch my legs and confront Sexy. The car sped through the road and I got enough air, although the guns made me uncomfortable. After driving a few miles, the car screeched to a halt. I heard tires screeching around us.
“We’re surrounded, boss.” Was the only thing I heard before it began to rain bullets. My face turned pale.
My eyes widened with terror and my eyebrows arched. Lips tremble. Sweat broke out of every spore on my skin and in a few minutes I was soaked in perspiration. My nose flared and I began to breathe rapidly and shallowly. I cuddled myself shivering and not a sound was made in the car.
Were they dead? Would I die too? What if the attackers find me in the boot and kill me? Bullets kept hitting the car from different sides and all I did was shake like a leaf, sobbing silently. The bullets reduced after a short while and that was when I heard a slight movement in the car.
The next thing I heard was a slam of the door and boom! The boot was opened. Sexy. My face is smeared with tears. Clothes drenched. Pupils dilated. He is shocked for a second. The next thing he did was to push me off and take a rifle.
The boot slammed in my face. Then bullets began to fly. I hear screams of men and more bullets but I am sure he is standing still by the boot to keep me safe, while shooting.
The shooting stopped for a while and the car began to move again. As though nothing had happened. When the car finally stopped. I hear the now familiar voice announce our arrival to Sexy- as I have now named the man from the club.
“We’re home, boss.” He doesn’t say a word but the man leaves. I am relieved that I would be coming out of the boot. But I remained still. I didn’t hear the door of the car open. But the boot flung opened and Sexy dragged me out of the boot roughly and slammed me against another car.
"Ouch!" I groaned, sore from the long travel and the pain he just inflicted on me.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing following me around!” he gritted, slapping me hard across the face. Warm tears began to roll down my eyes. My cheek stings and I am too weak and afraid to touch the spot.
“I let you go and you come back snooping?” He slapped the same spot. I threw up in pain. My cheek must be red. He gathered my hair in his hand and tilted my head. I sob silently. His eyes are completely dark. His eyebrows arched. He is furious.
“I’m… sorry.” I stuttered weakly.
“You could have died, you fool!” his hand flew across my cheek again and I collapsed. “Fuck you!” he cursed. I sob weakly. In less than twelve hours, I’ve seen the man I so badly want to be with, turn evil and dangerous. Now I am at his mercy. At the mercy of a cruel stranger.
“I warned you. Now, you’ll pay.”
He grabbed my shirt roughly and dragged me into his house. We get to a room. He kicks the door open and throws me inside. He slams the door behind him and silence. I cry softly till I fall asleep.
I am forced to open my eyes when cold water splashes on my face. I opened them in time to see Sexy lift a bucketful of water and empty it on me. I gasp.
I am only in my underwear, no longer in the room he had dragged me to. I’m tied to a chair in a dark room with only one source of light. Which was faint.
“I’ll ask only once. You don’t want to make me repeat myself.” He is calm but his eyes are dangerously blue. “Why were you in my boot?”
“I wanted… to follow… you.” My teeth are gnashing and I am trembling as a subtle breeze blows in my direction.
“Who sent you?”
“No one. I wanted. To. See. You.”
“And these pictures?” he flashed my phone before my blurry eyes, it was the picture of his gun that I had taken in the boot. “Why do you have them?” his voice firm, his eyes piercing.
“To blackmail you…” he raises his eyebrows and I knew to survive, I would have to make a full confession. “-into having sex with me.” He is shocked and disappointed.
“Are you fucking with me?!” he doesn’t believe me. “Is sex all that matters to you?” he thundered.
“I am eighteen and still a virgin. Yes. It does.” We stare at each other.