“And you’ll risk your life to have sex?” he sounds sarcastic.
“I’ll risk my life to be in your bed, Sexy.” I don’t know where the courage came from but I am glad.
“You’re insane. You think life is a game? You think this is a joke?”
“I saw the guns, I saw you fight. You are a bad guy but I am still interested.” I try to convince him.
“You are crazy. Fucking crazy.” He whispered leaning in.
“What are you afraid of? You think I can’t handle you? I can satisfy you.” I am almost begging him. I am cold and desperate. Yet bold. He scoffs.
“You don’t have to pretend with me. I see the way you look at me and touch me. You want me too." I try to convince him.
“I look at you like a lost teenager who's insane."
"I am not insane, I'm… I'm…" I am speechless. I can't even understand what I feel anymore. He is right, I am lost.
"Speechless, aren't you? Do yourself a favor and stay away!" He warned. With that, he hit me hard with the bottom of his gun and I became unconscious.
The smell of disinfectants, the beeping of the heart monitor and the soft sobs of a woman welcomed me back to reality. I turned slowly to my side.
I didn’t recognize the ceiling and the curtains. I hope to find something helpful. She senses my movement and raises her head.
“Avery… you’re awake.” She says excitedly. I look around, trying to seat up.
“She’s awake. Doctor!” She raised her voice and I sat up and rested my back against the bed.
“What happened?” I asked her. My memory seemed to have faded.
“You went out with Leah yesterday and went missing,” she sobbed. “This morning we got a call that you were in the hospital and we came.” She said, in a moment, my memories came back.
Sexy! How did he do it? The last thing I remember is him hitting me. He spared my life again. Why?
I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating profusely. Cunt juice... from my cunt to my thighs. It was the dream again. The previous night we were together I didn't have the dream; why now?
I glanced up at the wall clock. Twelve minutes past one o'clock.
"You know you can just go look for him right? I mean, there's nothing to lose," the unreasonable voice in my head suggested.
"No, that's not a good idea!" The reasonable voice in my head objected,
"He clearly doesn't want me around him," I replied to the unreasonable voice, ignoring the other.
"But he won't kill you, the worse you get is a slap. Even at that, you get to see him and touch him." The unreasonable voice explained.
"That's fair enough…" I thought.
"Avery this is insane, don't think about it." The reasonable voice warned but I was out of bed already and grabbing my hoodie and joggers. In a few minutes I am climbing down the window of my room.
"See that was not hard, was it?" The unreasonable voice said. My hood is over my head, my hands dipped in my pocket.
I'm walking as fast as my legs allow me, not once did I turn back. After walking tirelessly for hours. I find myself in front of the warehouse. My heart began to beat faster than usual.
Suddenly it was not a good idea again.
"We are here already, you can't turn back."
I took a peep. It was still very early in the morning but the warehouse was busy. There was a truck filled with cargo, another being filled with big boxes. I can't imagine what was inside. But I had a feeling it would lead me to Sexy.
"You can do this." The unreasonable voice encouraged me. But I stood behind the flowers shaking nervously.
"Look, we can just go back and pretend none of this ever-" I was heading towards the truck being loaded before the reasonable voice would talk some sense into me.
"No, no, no, Avery! We can get caught." I hopped onto the back of the truck carefully. The men didn't see me. I crawled into one of the boxes. I touched something soft. I relaxed and slowly closed the box.
After a long time the truck began to move. Then the truck stopped after a short drive and the boxes were offloaded. I thought I'd meet him but instead the boxes were put inside another vehicle and the journey continued. It was so long, I fell asleep.
The boxes shook roughly. Well, the box I was in shook roughly and I hit my head several times against the box but I had to endure the pain. Soon the box dropped roughly on the ground.
"Are they complete?" A husky voice asked,
"Yes boss," I heard someone else reply.
"Boss?" I wondered to myself. How come his voice didn't sound like Sexy's voice? Was I in someone else's territory? Did I go to the wrong warehouse? I began to panic in the box. It became hard to breathe.
I have to escape.
"The ones with the marks are to be taken to the Big Boss." The man who called the boss said and it increased my fear. Who is the big boss? What if he is someone dangerous... Was my box marked?
The box was moving again and I needed no more confirmation, my box was marked. It was a long drive. Then the boxes were offloaded and the noise died after I heard a vehicle drive away. I waited another fifteen minutes before making a move.
I steadied myself in the box that has now become tight. Gently and noiselessly I opened it and placed my hands forward to take a peep at the environment.
The box made a creak sound as my weight settled on my hands. The box tumbled. I screamed as it fell in a crash.
The box broke. The content scattered. I am on the floor. My body ached. I open my eyes and groan as I sit up. I am tangled in lace underwear. A pair of fleshly masculine legs in front of me.
The movement was slow but not even the sun that shone bright behind him could stop me from meeting his fiery eyes.
It was him, Sexy.