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Chapter 3 You Can't Repay What You've Owed Me in This Life

The next second, Aria pounced at her. "Sophia Lawson, you shameless bitch! How dare you hit on my brother again! I'm gonna teach you a lesson on my sister-in-law's behalf."

Sophia slightly dodged, and Aria fell to the ground on her cheeks.

Sophia snorted and said with mockery. "Miss Riley, you deliberately hurt me before, but I didn't expect you to kneel to me to show your respect. Thank you, but I can't take it."

Her words angered Aria so much that her face was twisted in anger. "Bitch! I'm gonna kill you."

Sophia narrowed her eyes icily. When Aria came near, she lifted her foot to hook Aria's leg, and Aria fell to the ground again.



A woman trotted into the clothing store to Aria. "Are you all right?"

Aria had never been so humiliated in public before. Glaring at Sophia, who had a triumphant smile, she stood up with Emilia Lane's help.

She gazed at Sophia in a fury.

"I'm all right, Emilia. No worries. I didn't expect to meet this woman so unexpectedly. Emilia, she must have returned to Sealand to steal Drake from you."

Emilia turned around, looking Sophia in her eyes.

'No! Impossible! How could Sophia Lawson..."

Sophia didn't miss any changes in their expressions and mocked icily, "Emilia Lane, you didn't expect to see me again, did you?"

Emilia stiffened.

Aria's gaze swept between the two women and asked, "Emilia, what does she mean?"

Blood drained from Emilia's face. Sophia could tell she had hidden something from Aria and withdrew her gaze.

Then she snorted at Aria. "Aria Riley, you're wrong. I have an older brother, so I have no interest in stealing your brother from her. It's been three years, but why do you still like snatching things from others? What is your problem?"

Aria went ballistic. "Stop faking, Sophia Lawson! You should know what I mean. You are the one with the problems. Psycho!"

"Argh!" she let out a cry in pain.

Chloe approached Aria without being noticed. Dragging Aria's hair forcibly, Chloe chuckled. "Who's the psycho, Aria Riley?"

"I didn't mean you. What's up with you?"

Chloe snorted, "Sophia is my bestie. How dare you insult her! I've heard about you many times and want to teach you a lesson for a long time, bitch!"

She pulled Aria's hair even more forcibly.

Emilia walked to them worriedly, "Please let go of Aria, Sophia Lawson. It was my fault. Aria was innocent."

Aria yelled, "Stop begging her, Emilia. I'm OK. Argh!"

Chloe didn't do anything but dragged Aria's hair, and Aria couldn't bear the pain at all.

Sophia retorted in disdain, "Emilia Lane, you are still so hypocritical. Well, Aria Riley has been such a fool to trust you."

"Fool? I dare you to repeat it!" Aria almost hopped up in a fury.

Sophia answered leisurely, "Aria Riley is a simpleton, a retard."


"Let go of her!"

A man strode in, giving off a threatening aura.

Sophia cast a glance at him. It turned out to be Drake. She wondered if he entered to shelter his fiancee.

The next second, Emilia trotted to him and prompted, "Please help Aria, Drake!"

Drake stared at Chloe.

Chloe had to admit that his aura scared her, but she was with Sophia, so she ignored him fearlessly.

Then Drake looked over at Sophia.

Sophia swung toward Aria.

Aria squeezed the threat between her teeth, wishing to scratch Sophia. "Sophia Lawson, my brother has come. If you don't have a death wish..."

Before she finished her words, she was slapped across her face.

"Aria!" Emilia cried out as if Aria was her own sister.

Chloe thumbed up at Sophia. Just now, she had thought Sophia was frightened by Drake.

Aria was baffled. She muttered in disbelief, "How dare you slap me..."


She was slapped again.

"Aria Riley, you owed me. I'm paying you back. Let alone your brother, even if the president of our country backs you up today, I'll not be afraid."

"You'll never pay me back what you've owed me."

"Let's go, Chloe."

Chloe dragged Aria's hair again before letting her go.

When Aria wanted to shout behind the two, she noticed Drake's terrifying gaze, feeling aggrieved.

Sophia darted a glance at Drake and Emilia while bypassing them and approached Drake purposely. She put her hand on his shoulder and said ironically, "You bitchy couple hasn't married yet? Hurry up. You two better never harm other innocent girls or boys again!"

With those words, Sophia and Chloe walked away without looking back.

Aria was about to curse behind them, but Drake grabbed her arm to stop her, "Aria, enough is enough."

Aria looked at him pitifully, "Drake, do you know how viciously Sophia Lawson cursed us? She said I'm a psycho. She called you Emilia a bitchy couple. How could you let her leave?"

"She said you would never pay her back what you'd owed her. What did she mean?"

Aria subconsciously looked away and dared not look at him.

When she raised her head again, she asked, "Drake, didn't you come here to pick up a dress for Emilia for Grandpa's birthday banquet? Look. That red dress fits her..."

Drake walked over.

Emilia also exhaled breath in relief.


On the weekend, the birthday banquet of Drake's grandfather, Nathan Riley, the Old Riley, was held.

Many celebrities from all walks of life attended, sending their wishes to the Old Riley.

When Drake entered the hall with Emilia, who was in a red dress, they became the focus of attention. Drake was the heir of the Riley family. After returning to Sealand for three years, he expanded his family business and made his family more influential.

Although he was only 25, he had become a tycoon.

The Riley family wanted him to get married, and he had been dating Emilia for several years. Therefore, everyone's attention was attracted as soon as they appeared.

"Mr. Riley and Miss Lane are a perfect match."

"I agreed. You have been dating for five or six years, right, Mr. Riley? When will you hold the wedding?"

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