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Chapter 4

Hearing the excitement in his tone, Luke Jordan was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue, "Who? It can't be that Miss Collins, can it?"


"Who's she?"

There was silence.

Luke didn't say anything.

'No way, he won't even reveal her name?'

'Based on Osvaldo's disposition of treating women, it's rare to find a woman he likes.'

Luke uttered, "As long as you like her, no matter who she is, I will immediately go and invite her back to be your wife!"

'As long as this man likes it, he doesn't even discriminate against homosexuality anymore.'

Osvaldo let out a low laugh, "She's in my bed now."

Luke was speechless.

'So she's been brought home, no wonder he's so unlike himself.'

Being a man, he could understand.

Osvaldo spoke again.

"Give me the position of president of Olympus Group."

Luke was stunned, and when he reacted, his eyes lit up. "You've finally found your conscience and are giving me a holiday. I'll buy a ticket and get the hell out of here right now..."

However, cold word crushed his fluke, "You'll be the vice president."

Luke was speechless.

'What the hell kind of twist is this?'

"What do you need the position as president of Olympus Group for?"

Considering the status and temperament of Osvaldo, he would never ask about Olympus Group if there was nothing wrong.

It was the most boring job, apart from earning some money, it was hard work and unappealing.

The voice of Osvaldo was lowered, with a deep meaning, "It will help her."

There was something very strong and hateful in the eyes of his wife.

The most likely reason she would suddenly seek him out for marriage was that she was hurt badly and wanted revenge on those who had harmed her.

The only one in Creephia who could crush the the Riddle family and the Walson family was none other than Olympus Group.

Luke didn't know what to say.

It seemed that it could only be the wife he had just found that was so important to him.

Osvaldo frowned, his voice deep, "She has a bad reputation in Creephia. Take good care of her."

"Got it, if anyone dares to curse her a word at Olympus Group, I'll immediately tell him to get out of Creephia." No matter how the outside world gossiped about this woman, Luke absolutely would not doubt her character because she was the one who had won Osvaldo's favor.

Otherwise, he might not even know what would await him.

Thinking of what Selena had experienced, Osvaldo spoke coldly once again, his tone lightly authoritative, "In three months, I don't want to see the so-called Riddle family and Walson family in Creephia again!"


Putting down the phone, Osvaldo returned to his room silently.

Selena curled up, crouching on the pillow, her long black hair scattered all over her shoulders, her brows slightly furrowed as she slept quietly and peacefully.

Standing at the edge of the bed, Osvaldo leaned down, his fingers touching the bandage on her forehead, sliding down along her pale face and landing on her lips, rubbing them tenderly.

He leaned in close, and between breaths, he could clearly smell the girl's scent.

In her sleep, Selena seemed to notice something and subconsciously opened her eyes.

Osvaldo's fingers brushed through her black hair, gently patted, "It's okay, go to sleep."

Selena's long and slender eyelashes fluttered, she did not feel malice, but instead, a faint warmth that seemed to have been missing for centuries.

She rubbed against the pillow, and wrapped her arms around him like a baby. A touch of fondness from her towards him was inexplicable. And soon fell asleep again.

Osvaldo stared at her sleeping face, lowered his head and dropped a tender kiss on her brow, "No matter who you are, where you come from, what you have experienced, I will not leave you."


When Selena woke up the next morning, Rays of sunlight lit up the room.

She vaguely remembered being carried into her bedroom last night, so she wasn't surprised right now.

It was just surprising that she could sleep so soundly in the arms of a strange man, without even the slightest hint of wariness.

She tapped her forehead, unable to think straight, and tossed her mind aside for the moment.

She got out of bed, went into the cloakroom and, from the room of clothes, picked out a long blue dress of a very simple style, which, on her, was as beautiful and warm as her nature, with a faint quiet coolness.

She had her breakfast. After the doctor changed the medicine on the wound on her forehead, she put on her hat and was ready to go out.

At this moment, with his legs casually folded, Osvaldo sat on the sofa and kept gazing at her quietly.

It was only when she was ready to leave that he stood up, walked over, grabbed her slender wrist and handed her a copy of the equity transfer. His voice was gentle. "The bride-price."

Selena froze for a moment, then opened it and looked at it thoroughly.

It was a letter of transfer of shares in Olympus Group with all the formalities in place. Once signed, she could become the new president of Olympus Group.

This bride price, for any girl in Creephia, would be enough to drive her crazy.

Selena did not grow up in Creephia, and she spent more than twenty years studying,and had no money frenzy.

But since she had married Osvaldo, she did not refuse his bride price.

And, this man in front of her should have already investigated the previous Selena thoroughly to know that at this time, she was seriously short of money.

However, to casually give her Olympus Group as a bride price, this man seemed more powerful than she thought.

Selena raised her eyebrows and put it away, her dark eyes fell on the man and she smiled softly. "Thank you, but wait for me to prepare the dowry."

She winked playfully at him and turned to walk out the door.

Behind her, Osvaldo's eyes darkened for a moment as he watched the slender figure gradually walking away, saying a silent goodbye.


Selena returned to the Riddle family.

She had just entered the door, and saw Mrs. Riddle Molly, Leah’s mother sitting on the sofa and drinking tea.

She was dressed in a slim-fitting dress and despite being in her forties, she was still extremely posh and aristocratic.

She glanced at Selena, saw her dress and froze for a moment.There was a flash of disgust in her eyes, "Breakfast was left for you in the kitchen, from now on you will eat in the kitchen, and save the servants from cleaning up the table."

"Don't blame your stepmother for being cruel, you have smeared the Riddle family so much, there is no way to account for it to the Walson family, and it has pissed your father off. He wants to kick you out of the house, but you are after all the one I have watched grow up. I can't bear to see you become homeless, and I can't let your father be angry when he sees you, so you have to resign yourself to it."

"In the future, all of Lady Selena's meals will be arranged in the kitchen, do you hear me?"

The servants of the Riddle family were obsequious and answered respectfully to Mrs. Riddle, "Yes."

'Making Lady Selena squat in the kitchen to eat?'

'This is to raise her as a beast.'

Selena looked calm, her face neither angry nor pissed off. She even wore a faint warm smile, "No need, Mrs. Riddle, I'll move out today."

With those words, she took her steps upstairs.

Mrs. Riddle snapped, knocking her teacup viciously.

"Stop right there! You went upstairs by yourself when your elders were still downstairs. How can you be so rude? Are you even dumb in the head after all the scandalous things you've done?"

After saying this, she walked to Selena's side with a scowl and raised her hand in an attempt to hit Selena. Selena dodged, and Mrs. Riddle pounced in the air.

Mrs. Riddle's face twisted in anger when she looked up and was caught off guard by a pair of dark, cold eyes.

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