I make sure that my parents as well as Simon and Hina leave the house before I jump into action. I grab my school bag and throw out all my school stuff. I grab all my worn-out clothes and stuff it into my bag as well as my only extra pair of shoes, which is a Nike with the soles missing. I run upstairs to the alpha’s office and begin searching for anything valuable or at least can be of use to me. I find some jewelry, loose cash and a map of the country with the surrounding packs mentioned on it. I decide to leave but stop when I see a picture of a flower which was the only picture in the office. I move the picture and come face to face with a safe that has a password. I search the office for some sign or signal as to what the password would be but stop when I can’t find anything. I sigh in annoyance and was about to leave when I see small writings on the picture, it was Simon’s birthday. I type in his birthday and immediately the safe door opens, inside is stacks upon stacks of cash, more specifically hundred-dollar bills. I grab a duffel bag from the cupboard and stuff all the money into it before rearranging everything back to its original position. I grab the duffel bag, my backpack and make a run for it out of the pack house, towards the pack boundary without looking back or stopping for even a second. I cross the pack boundary and feel the pack link brake as well as a weight lifting itself off my shoulders. I continue running until I reach No Man's Land, where I stop, take a short break, hunt and catch a bunny but I set it free, not having the heart to hurt such a cute and harmless animal. I decide to continue moving when suddenly I hear the howls of Simon and the rest of the pack, getting up quickly I start running away from the howls which sounded like they were coming towards me with a speed. Right now, I am labelled as a rouge, a wild wolf without a pack, a threat to all packs because rouges are notorious for causing problems for packs by killing pack members, stealing pups and invading packs. I am going to run to mutual lands which is where the humans reside and I am going to book a flight to New York and see what the future has in store for me. I continue running until I reach a big tree which seems tall enough for me to climb and stay hidden from any predators. I climb the tree, up to the highest branch which was covered by leaves, almost acting as a barrier between me and the prying eyes of anyone else. I decide to call it a night even though it was only seven because my feet hurt from running and my ass still throbbed uncomfortably from what I went through before. I close my eyes and next thing I know sun rays are burning my face like crazy. I open my eyes and see that it’s already morning, so I climb down the tree and went in search of something to eat because honestly my belly felt like it was eating itself up. I walk around searching for some kind of food and come across a stream with fishes in it. I drink some water, wash my face and then attempt to catch some fishes, falling countless times before I finally manage to catch two big red fish. I cut them up with a rock, clean them and then I roast them over a small fire. As soon as I roast the fish, I put out the fire so it doesn’t attract anyone. The fish tasted like heaven to me even though it had no salt nor seasonings, I think it had something to do with the fact that I was hungry as fuck. After my meal, I clean up myself and continue my journey to the human town but stop when I come across a bunny caught in a net. I cut the net open and immediately the bunny dashes into the bush but as soon as I turn around, there stood two big brown wolves watching me silently. When I step back, they growl at me in warning to stay put but I don’t listen and make a dash for but I am tackled by another wolf that came out of nowhere. The wolf presses on my wind pipe until I pass out but before I do, I vaguely hear one of the wolves, who were now in human form say that I was the Blue Moon Pack’s land and that I would pay for trespassing. Fuck! Blue Moon Pack is the most dangerous packs and most brutal when it comes to rouge wolves. I whimper out before darkness finally consumes me.