After my Wonderland reenactment was done and I was finally at the pack house, I stand outside for a few minutes to internally settle down. I enter the house and everything is silent until my sister comes downstairs naked along with Simon, who is only in his boxer shorts, hand in hand. Alexis whimpers out in pain as I bow my head in respect. "Baby don't you feel sorry for him because of how ugly and useless he is?" my sister asks Simon chuckling at the end. "I am but it doesn't mean he deserves any sympathy. He is a disgrace that just needs to die and disappear instead of people having to carry his useless weight" Simon says almost snarling at me. My chest begins to burn and my nose starts to bleed making me dizzy. I try to turn towards the door but I fall at their feet with no energy to move. Simon kicks me in the face, breaking my nose, making it bleed more. He then grabs my hair but stops when he takes in my new appearance. He slowly passes his hand through my hair and smiles to himself before touching my flower crown. He grabs my face and gasps when he notices my new eye color. Simon stares at me, gaze unwavering and eyes fixed. Hina who’s in the background the entire time, rushes to me and pushes me away from Simon. She hisses like a snake and kicks me in the face but gets pushed back and held against the wall in a choke hold by Simon who is snarling and growling in her face. “Don’t touch him unless I tell you to or else you will be punished” shouts Simon angrily. As soon as he releases Hina, she runs upstairs without looking back. He walks back to me and caresses my face gently. “If only you were not a disgraceful omega, I would have chosen you in a heartbeat” whispers Simon in my ear. He grabs me and drags me to the downstairs bathroom, where he bends me over the sink and fucks me with his fingers and then he forces me to give him head. I gag from how roughly he slams himself into my mouth as well as his impressive length which is like nine inches. Luckily, he doesn’t rape me but he does promise to do so at a later date. He leaves me in the bathroom with his cum all over me and my clothes are torn from how rough he was. I cry silently from the fear I feel because that is the first time, I have ever been sexually abused by anyone. I lie on the bathroom floor feeling more worthless than I thought I could have ever felt. Alexis tries to cheer me up but nothing can change the newly founded disgust I had for myself. I stand up and hobble my way to my room, leaving a trail of cum on the floor. I hop into my shower and scrub my skin raw, in an effort to remove the image of Simon violating me. I leave the bathroom with red skin and blood shot eyes from my crying earlier. I change into a holey pajama pants and a worn-out vest and then lie down on my tiny bed. I try to sleep but all that comes to mind is the sexual abuse I encountered earlier. Why am II still here when the pack clearly doesn’t want me. I am nothing more than dead weight, a burden and a disgrace to everyone who knows me. Fresh tears spring to my eyes from the resurfacing feeling of self-hate and disgust I had when I committed suicide. In that moment I remember the moon goddess’ words about my important future. I grab a tattered book and decide to do a bit of reading to get my mind off of everything but I am interrupted by the banging of the upstairs bed as well as loud, obnoxious moans made by Hina, almost like she wants me to hear her. I take my pillow made out of stuffed clothes and cover my head with it. I roll around and close my eyes, finally exhaustion catching up to me. As I was falling asleep, I faintly hear someone opening my door and walking it. It is my parents and they are talking about disposing me somewhere suited for a useless and unwanted omega. They go on to discuss about killing me but they decide not to, instead they are going to sell me so they can finally profit from me. They walk out of my room and immediately I am up and crying. The pain from their words is literally splitting my heart into pieces as well as causing Alexis physical pain. If I am not wanted then what’s the point of staying around? Maybe I am better off somewhere else or at least anywhere else but in this shitty pack. I finally make up my mind as to what I am going to do, I am running away from this pack as far as I can go and starting a new life as a human.